
Should I Get a Root Canal or Extraction?

Your tooth has been bothering you for a while. Perhaps you suffered an injury that caused your tooth to break or crack. Or, maybe you have an infection that feels painful in your mouth. Depending on the severity of your symptoms and the extent of damage done to your tooth, you may need to get it removed; or, you can invest in a root canal treatment to save your tooth and get rid of your pain. But, should you get a root canal or extraction?

How Do You Know: Root Canal or Extraction?

Your dentist may make recommendations depending on the nature of your pain and how your infection came to develop. From bad oral hygiene to pre-existing conditions, many factors can contribute to a pained tooth. Figuring out the cause – and finding the best solution – is a job that we take seriously at My Dentist Anaheim.

When to Choose a Root Canal

In order to determine when a root canal is the best solution for your toothache, it’s essential to understand what exactly this procedure entails.

A root canal is an endodontics procedure. During a root canal procedure, the dentist will remove the infected pulp inside the tooth. This is a way to wipe out the infection and the harmful bacteria that can cause further decay and rot in your mouth. By cleaning it out from the inside, the tooth itself can still be saved. But with the roots of the tooth wiped out, you will no longer have any feeling or sensation in that tooth.

The final step of a root canal procedure often includes the placement of a crown on the top of the tooth. This acts as a way to strengthen the tooth. Doing so makes it easier for you to chew and speak as you normally would.

When are Root Canals Necessary?

You may need a root canal if you have a tooth that is still in decently good condition despite the inner pulp being infected. While the pulp’s main purpose is to supply blood to the tooth, damaged or dead pulp is just a breeding ground for infection. The sooner you can bring this to your dentist’s attention, the sooner you can get the pulp removed and save your tooth.

This is the most common treatment for a damaged or infected tooth. In fact, the American Association of Endodontics reports that over 15 million root canal treatments are performed in America each year.

When to Get an Extraction

If the outside of your tooth is too damaged for repair, it may be necessary to get it removed altogether. There are many ways that a trusted dentist or endodontist can save your tooth, but in some cases, it is too difficult to save. When that happens, we may recommend extraction. We provide a safe and comfortable experience for tooth extraction in Anaheim.

There are many reasons why your tooth may be beyond repair. Perhaps it has too many cracks or chips, or the infection has spread too widely. For example, if your tooth has a crack that extends under the gumline, there is no way to save it. A large cavity can also be a diagnosis for extraction.

Tooth extractions are a fairly quick procedure that isn’t too painful. Your dentist will numb the area first, then will loosen and pull out your tooth. You may experience some bleeding for up to 24 hours after the procedure. In such a case, the dentist will encourage you to bite down on gauze until the bleeding stops.

Get the Right Procedure with the Right Dentist!

Ultimately, it is up to your dentist to decide whether a root canal or extraction is the best solution for your damaged tooth. Either way, you should not wait to get in touch with your professional dental team. As soon as you have damage or pain in your tooth, be sure to schedule a consultation to see what further action needs to be taken. The health of your entire mouth is at stake.

For more information or to make an appointment, contact us online today! You can also schedule a consultation by giving us a call at (714) 677-8575. We look forward to helping you!