Inlays and Onlays

At Dr. Patlel’s dental office, we strongly believe in creating your best smile that’s both beautiful and functional. Our office provides Inlays and Onlays to help achieve these goals for patients. For teeth that need more than a filling but not damaged to the point of needing a dental crown, This conservative treatment is the perfect middle ground.
Stock image of golden color onlays

What Are Inlays and Onlays

Think of Inlays and Onlays as partial crowns. These restorations are custom shaped porcelain that bonds to the top of your tooth. Onlays are placed at the peaks of a tooth on one or more cusps. When the porcelain is bonded the valleys or grooves, they’re inlays.

How Are They Applied?

Dr. Patel has a masterful skill in applying Inlays and Onlays. First, our dentist preps your tooth. Then we take a model of your mouth for the Inlay or Onlay. The next step is fabricating the restoration. Once completed, Dr. Patel will bond it to your tooth. It is resulting in a very durable tooth restoration.

Am I A Candidate For Inlays and Onlays?

Good patient candidates for this restoration fall into a unique middle ground. One needs to have more tooth damage than what a regular filling can help with. While not having enough damage to require a dental crown. For treatment eligibility, you need a sufficient tooth structure for supporting the restoration. Our office wants to preserve as much tooth structure for long term dental health. To achieve long-lasting results, it’s essential to practice good oral hygiene daily.

Is The Treatment Painful?

As a conservative treatment, getting inlays or onlays is usually pain-free. Most patients report feeling the pressure as the tooth is being prepped. Dr. Patel uses local anesthetic to help prevent any pain sensations during treatment. Our dental office wants everyone to be comfortable during and after their treatments.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover The Procedure?

The answer is that it depends on your insurance coverage. Some dental insurances flat out won’t cover inlays and onlays. While other insurances might cover either a small or vast percentage of treatment, call our dental office today, and we will be more than happy to see what your coverage is.

Inlays and Onlays are challenging to do correctly and more reliant on the skill of the dentist. So if your teeth need restorations, Dr. Patel is the Anaheim dentist to see. Our office philosophy is to balance aesthetics with functionality. We want your smile not only to look amazing but work fantastic for you as well.