
Causes of Severe Tooth Pain

A toothache is one of the worst things to deal with. The worse the tooth infection, the more painful the toothache is. Sometimes, a toothache isn’t a big deal. Other times, it can be a sign that something serious is going on, depending on the causes of severe tooth pain.

Causes of Severe Tooth Pain

How can you determine the biggest causes of severe tooth pain, and what is the best way to seek treatment for it? In most cases, severe tooth pain requires a visit to your local emergency dentist Anaheim office for immediate care. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest causes of severe tooth pain.


The longer a cavity goes unchecked, the worse the infection can spread throughout your mouth. The buildup of plaque and tartar can quickly tear down your enamel, which is the protective layer on the surface of your tooth. Once that goes away, it leaves the roots and nerves of your teeth exposed to infection. Sharp and severe pain is usually indicative of a cavity, and it should be treated ASAP.


An abscess is probably one of the worst types of tooth pain you can experience. An abscess is formed in the pulp of the teeth after a severe infection has spread through. This is typically classified as more than just tooth pain. According to the ADA, an abscess causes swelling and throbbing pain in the mouth. It can even put a bad taste on your tongue even if you haven’t eaten anything. This is a serious toothache, and it is important to visit your nearby emergency dentist to reverse this problem quickly. Within a few days of treatment, your mouth should feel restored back to normal and the pain gone.


The enamel on your teeth is what protects your teeth against hot temperatures and pain. If you try to eat something cold or hot and it really hurts your teeth, it is possible that your enamel has worn away. Certain foods and other substances can wear the enamel away too quickly. Acids from fruit or tomatoes can burn away enamel. A buildup of minerals formed from plaque or tartar can end up destroying your enamel, causing subsequent cavities and infections. Severe tooth pain from enamel loss can feel like extreme sensitivity from hot or cold, as well as pain that radiates deeper into your tooth.

Loose Fillings or Crowns

Old dental work tends to come loose. Biting down on something hard can cause a loose filling to come out or a crown to get broken. This often causes severe tooth pain that may need to be addressed by an emergency dentist. It is not rare for a filling to crack or fall out, causing pain to come back to the previously treated tooth. Next time you visit your dentist, it is important to discuss new treatment options to ensure your dental work stays intact for longer.

Broken, Cracked, or Missing Teeth

If you recently suffered physical trauma to the mouth, you may be experiencing a lot of tooth pain. Depending on the type of damage you have sustained, the injury may have made its way down to the nerves of your teeth. You might be a good candidate for a dental crown or inlay, which can hide cracks and breaks in the teeth. Still, an emergency dentist should address any instances of tooth pain.

Find Your Emergency Dentist ASAP

Toothaches are often an indication that a larger issue is at play. Whether you have mild or severe tooth pain, it’s important to find an emergency dentist as quickly as you can. At My Dentist Anaheim, we offer emergency dental services and restorative treatments to help repair any damage or trauma you may be experiencing. We aim to restore your mouth back to perfect health and get rid of those toothaches ASAP. Get in touch with our friendly staff members and schedule a consultation today!