
Foods that Leave Teeth Discolored

Nothing is more satisfying than a slice of double chocolate cake or a sip of rich red wine after a long day. But there’s one thing about these delectable treats that will make you feel less-than-satisfied: they leave stains on your teeth. We have put together a list of top foods that leave teeth discolored for you.

Foods that Leave Teeth Discolored

Chocolate, wine, coffee, and even obscure ingredients like soy sauce will darken your teeth after you eat them. While there are many drinks and foods that leave teeth discolored, that doesn’t mean you have to stop eating them completely. As long as you are aware of foods that can stain your teeth as well as the proper oral hygiene habits to get rid of those stains quickly, you can maintain a diet with all of your favorite goodies. Here’s what your dentist in Anaheim wants you to know about foods and drinks that stain your teeth.


Sauces, especially sauces based in tomato, curry, or soy, can leave your teeth with some pretty dark stains. Tomatoes are acidic and colored with a deep red pigment, making them one of the biggest culprits of staining your teeth. Soy sauce and curry both are darkly-colored sauces that can linger on the surface of your teeth after you eat. If you just enjoyed a pasta-fueled meal or a full bowl of curry for dinner, make sure to brush your teeth immediately afterwards.

Sugary Drinks

You have probably been told before that soda pop is really bad for your teeth. This is because soda is packed with sugars and other processed ingredients that make it easy for bacteria to form on your teeth. Too much sugar is often a gateway to infection – not to mention, it can darkly stain your teeth! You may want to limit your amount of drinks containing too much sugar. Soda, coffee, wine, and even sports drinks can stain teeth because of the sugar and colorful dye put into it. Make sure to balance it out with plenty of water and brush your teeth throughout the day.

Beets & Berries

It isn’t only processed and sugar-filled foods that can leave your teeth with dark stains. Many natural products are to blame for tooth discoloration as well. Beets, while one of the healthiest foods on the planet, is also one of the most staining. Just touching a beet will leave you with red fingers, so imagine what it could do to your teeth! Blueberries are also very easy to bleed, as they release pigment just by being touched. Make sure to wash your hands and teeth after eating them!

How to Get Rid of Tooth Stains

If you enjoy any tooth-staining foods and drinks on a regular basis, you may be feeling overwhelmed and out of luck. But don’t worry, you are not doomed to a lifetime of yellowed teeth. Here are some things you can do to make sure your teeth don’t stay stained:
  • Brush your teeth after every meal. If you can clean your teeth off before the stains set in, you can avoid a lot of discoloration.
  • Chew gum with xylitol. Chewing gum with this ingredient can help clean away stains from the surface of your teeth.
  • Get your teeth whitened. Invest in a professional tooth whitening procedure, which is a quick and pain-free treatment that lifts stains from your teeth and gives you a pearly-white appearance.
While there are some over-the-counter tooth whitening solutions you can try, the best way to permanently get rid of stains on your teeth is to schedule an appointment for in-office teeth whitening.

Say Goodbye to Tooth Stains Today!

You can get rid of your stains by scheduling an appointment for teeth whitening in Anaheim today. At My Dentist Anaheim, we offer successful solutions for yellow or dark-colored stains on your teeth. Be careful of different food and drink items that can leave a dark mark on the surface of your smile, and take the next step to ensure those stains are lifted completely. Enjoy the bright white smile you deserve and visit us today to learn more about teeth whitening!