
Do Dental Crowns Need Replacing?

Anyone who has had dental crowns before might be wondering if they are built to last forever. Have you ever had a crown fall out due to unexpected damage or injury? Do you have new dental issues that are keeping you from being able to properly bite or chew your food? If so, you may need new or replacement dental crowns. So do dental crowns need replacing?

Do Dental Crowns Need Replacing?

With the right kind of care and good oral hygiene, your dental crowns can last many years without needing a replacement. See what your local cosmetic dentist in Anaheim can do for you when you have a dental crown in need of replacing.

How Long Should Dental Crowns Last?

Your dental crowns are built to last many years. Especially when properly installed and you maintain daily oral hygiene. Depending on the materials they’re made of, dental crowns can last almost two decades before they begin to fall apart. Natural wear and tear happen to crowns just as they happen to your natural teeth. But keeping your mouth healthy can prolong the life of your crowns even further.

Signs of Dental Crown Damage

It can sometimes be difficult to tell when your dental crown is on its way out. Aside from the obvious signs of your crown breaking and falling apart, there are more subtle ways for dentists to tell whether your crown needs replacing:
  • Difficulty chewing or biting down completely
  • Visible cracks in the crown
  • Pain radiating from dental crowns
  • The feeling of gums stretching away from the crown or the tooth
  • Loosening of the crown
  • Discomfort or soreness that doesn’t go away with time
It is hard to notice certain signs of dental crown damage. Still, it proves important to give yourself a visual and physical check-in to ensure that you do not show any of the above signs. If you are, it is important to get your dental crowns replaced as quickly as possible. Get in touch with your dentist in Anaheim for the next steps.

The Best Way to Replace Your Dental Crowns

Whether your crown is badly damaged or just a little cracked, it really should be replaced either way. When you visit My Dentist Anaheim for a scheduled appointment, or dental experts can help you find the best option for replacing broken or damaged crowns.

Crown replacement is more than possible. And the dentist will need to make new molds of your mouth to ensure that the crown fits you perfectly. As a large cap placed on the top of your tooth, the dental crown can even out your bite and protect your tooth from harm.

Dental Crown Alternatives

In some cases, it might be better for you to invest in a different type of restorative dentistry procedure. Depending on how much of your natural tooth can be saved, you may be a good candidate for onlays or inlays. These devices work similarly to crowns but cover less of the tooth’s surface area. Resin and composite materials can work to better protect your teeth in as little as two office visits.

Find the Best Restorative Dentistry Solutions Today

At My Dentist Anaheim, we are committed to helping patients receive the best of knowledge and care. It’s important to stay informed about the way your dental crowns work and monitor them for signs that they may need replacing.

Looking for the best restorative dentistry options in your area? Learn more about dental crowns in Anaheim when you sign up for a personal consultation with our friendly dental staff today. Don’t let wear and tear take the best parts of your tooth away: get proper protection to keep your teeth healthy and clean for many years to come!