Image of a black woman mid dental cleaning as the featured image for "How Often Should You Undergo Professional Dental Cleaning?"

How Often Should You Undergo Professional Dental Cleaning?

Professional dental cleaning and consultation are essential parts of an effective preventative dentistry routine, which allows one to maintain good oral health and avoid expensive treatments. But how often should you undergo professional dental cleaning? Please read our article to learn important information about this procedure.   How Often Should You Undergo Professional Dental Cleaning? Dentists recommend having a professional dental cleaning every six months or at least every 12 months. Often, even a comprehensive at-home oral hygiene routine is not enough to effectively remove all the food residue and plaque. This is especially true if the teeth are slanted or overcrowded. Even people who have perfectly aligned teeth still … Read more

concept image for article on how long dental fillings last

How Long Do Fillings Last?

No matter if you’re a child or an adult, you will feel what it is like to have a cavity. Most likely, you will get a filling when you go to the dentist. You will have to face the terrifying sound of the drill and get a Novacaine shot to numb one part of your mouth. After this unpleasant experience, you will feel no pain and your teeth will return to normal. Now, how long do fillings last? How Long Do Fillings Last? Fillings sometimes need to be replaced. This makes patients wonder, how long do fillings last? Although they can last for a while, eventually you will need to … Read more

featured image for dental implants vs bridges and smiles

Dental Implants vs Bridges: What’s Best for You?

Missing or misaligned teeth don’t just look bad, they also open the floodgates for infection in your mouth. Quality replacement options from your trusted cosmetic dentistry in Orange County are key to a beautiful, healthy smile that will last you through your years. Your dentist will help you determine the difference between dental implants vs bridges: what’s best for you? Dental Implants vs Bridges: What’s Best for You? The appearance and functionality of your smile can be affected by losing teeth. This can also affect your self-confidence. These problems are often addressed by dental professionals using dental implants and bridges as the two most popular treatment options today. We will … Read more

Man talking to dentist on mistakes to avoid when getting dental implants

Mistakes to Avoid When Getting Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most popular restorative dentistry procedure in the world for a lot of reasons, offering a boon of benefits to dental and physical health. They are also a highly successful procedure with results that patients are almost always satisfied by. But still, there is a lot that can go wrong when patients are ill-informed. Mistakes to Avoid When Getting Dental Implants There are so many advantages of dental implants that our dentist in Anaheim is excited to tell you about. But you must also know which mistakes to avoid when getting dental implants for the first time. This could help you avoid future dental issues that could … Read more

woman wondering if dental crowns get cavities

Do Dental Crowns Get Cavities?

Protective ceramic crowns are the best option for weakening, cracked, or discolored teeth. They can be customized to fit the natural tooth’s form and color. They typically look better than any other type of dental crowns and are more resistant to staining. These caps protect the tooth against future decay or damage and support weaker tooth structures. Do Dental Crowns Get Cavities? This begs the question, “Do dental crowns get cavities?” Once you have placed a protective shell over your real tooth, is the tooth underneath still susceptible to infection and decay? There are a few important pieces of information you should know about when you pursue dental crowns in … Read more

Smiling older woman living with dentures

Tips for Living with Dentures

It can be difficult to adjust to dentures. You may find that your eating habits, smile, and sleeping patterns are different from what you used to. Dentures can be an advanced treatment option that will allow you to eat and function independently the way you want. It can take some time to get used to the sensation. Let’s look at some tips for living with dentures. Tips for Living with Dentures At the office of your local dentist in Anaheim, we want you to feel as comfortable as possible with your new dentures. In no time, your dentures will feel just like natural teeth. There are many ways to eat … Read more

Older man trying to keep dental implants clean

How to Keep Dental Implants Clean

Dental implants are one of the most invasive restorative dentistry procedures that can help you bring back a major amount of functionality to your mouth. While dental implants are built to last, there is a lot you can do to keep them clean and ensure they don’t run into any complications in the future. How to Keep Dental Implants Clean A dental implants specialist can do this life-changing procedure, and the majority of the healing is done in a short period of time. However, there are a couple of dental implants aftercare tips that you need to know before you can fully recover. Beyond that, you should continue to learn … Read more

Do dental crowns need replacing

Do Dental Crowns Need Replacing?

Anyone who has had dental crowns before might be wondering if they are built to last forever. Have you ever had a crown fall out due to unexpected damage or injury? Do you have new dental issues that are keeping you from being able to properly bite or chew your food? If so, you may need new or replacement dental crowns. So do dental crowns need replacing? Do Dental Crowns Need Replacing? With the right kind of care and good oral hygiene, your dental crowns can last many years without needing a replacement. See what your local cosmetic dentist in Anaheim can do for you when you have a dental … Read more

concept image showing what exactly a tooth's pulp is

What Exactly is the Tooth’s Pulp?

Have you ever wondered what a tooth looks like on the inside? If you were to cut a tooth in half, you would probably be surprised to find that it is more hollow than you think. Under the hard layers of enamel and dentin lies the pulp, which is arguably the most important part of the tooth. But what exactly is the tooth’s pulp? What Exactly is the Tooth’s Pulp? But what exactly is the tooth’s pulp? What makes it such an essential part of your overall dental health? Your local dentist in Anaheim knows that this is one of the biggest questions that patients like you may have when … Read more

Woman having sedation dentistry that is safe.

How Sedation Dentistry is Safe

Are you prone to anxiety, especially when it comes to the dentist? You are not alone; dental anxiety is not an uncommon trait amongst patients. Those who have a fear of the dentist may find it hard to commit to scheduled appointments, which could result in the neglect of some very important oral health needs. Let’s look at how sedation dentistry is safe. How Sedation Dentistry is Safe Are oral stress and anxiety typical when the fear keeps you from taking care of your oral health? Our expert dental professionals at My Dentist Anaheim can help you understand dental anxiety and how sedation dentistry is safe as a viable way … Read more