Woman with a headaches but not from tooth extraction.

Do Tooth Extractions Cause Headaches?

Tooth extractions may sound like a scary thing, but they may be a necessary procedure for your overall dental health. Extractions at My Dentist Anaheim are always a safe and pain-free procedure that helps to get rid of a diseased or injured tooth. If part of the tooth can be saved, your dentist may prefer to do a root canal instead. When there is no possible way to salvage your tooth, an extraction will be performed. So, do tooth extractions cause headaches? Do Tooth Extractions Cause Headaches? What are some of the benefits and risks of tooth extractions? Do tooth extractions cause headaches, prolonged pain, or other uncomfortable symptoms? These … Read more

Dentist looking for cavities

How Do Dentists Find Cavities?

Nearly 100% of Americans will have at least one cavity before reaching adulthood. This common sign of infection can be removed and treated as quickly as it appears, as long as patients seek professional dental care right away. But how are your local experts so good at locating cavities right away? How do dentists find cavities in the first place? How Do Dentists Find Cavities? From x-rays to full tooth inspections, our helpers at My Anaheim Dentist know how to quickly locate and get rid of cavities in the mouth. Keep reading to learn more about cavities, how they are identified, and how they are treated. Cavities, Explained What exactly … Read more

Illustration of yellow tooth being pulled.

Top Signs Your Tooth Needs to Be Pulled

Going to the dentist multiple times per year may seem like an annoying task. But avoiding it for too long can cause some major oral health issues that you might not be prepared to deal with. If problems with your teeth become too bad, you may even need to get them pulled. Let’s look at the top signs your tooth needs to be pulled. Top Signs Your Tooth Needs to Be Pulled It’s important that you visit your dentist in Anaheim regularly to avoid serious dental health issues that could lead to extraction. If worse comes to worst, you can trust in your dental experts. Here are the top signs … Read more

Young woman at the dentist feeling anxiety.

Coping with Dental Anxiety

Are you terrified at the thought of going to the dentist? If so, then you are like 15% of all people who visit the dentist. Being afraid of the dentist can keep you from scheduling much-needed appointments for your oral health. Instead of letting fear stop you from ever seeing the dentist, learn how to navigate coping with dental anxiety instead. Coping with Dental Anxiety Your friendly dentist in Anaheim can help you find the best coping methods and strategies to keep you feeling comfortable during your dental visits. The dentist’s office is a place where you can do what’s best for your teeth and mouth, and there is nothing … Read more

What to do if you break your implants/

What to Do If You Break Your Implants

Dental implants are one of the most popular and successful restorative dentistry procedures on the planet. When you invest in dental implants, you are committing to a permanent solution that can restore full health and functionality to your mouth. These devices are built to last a lifetime, but you should know what to do if you break your implants in case an accident occurs. What to Do If You Break Your Implants Visit your dentist in Anaheim at the first sign that something is wrong with your implants. Below, you can take a look at some of the biggest reasons why implants might break and what steps you should take … Read more

Does alcohol stain teeth?

Does Alcohol Stain Teeth?

There are lots of foods and drinks that can cause discoloration on your teeth. While most of the time this can be brushed away, those lingering spots will start to stain. What about some of those darker-colored drinks? Does alcohol stain teeth as bad as tobacco or tea leaves? The answer is yes, but it also depends on your oral health. Alcohol and sugary drinks will stain your teeth more and more over time. This can be treated with fast and effective teeth whitening in Anaheim procedures. Keep reading to learn about the drastic effects alcohol can have on your oral health. Why Teeth Get Stained In order to figure … Read more

Do I need to fix a broken tooth

Do I Need to Fix a Broken Tooth

Are you a sports athlete who has had a contact injury? Did you slip and fall in an accident and hurt your mouth? If so, you have probably experienced a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth. Depending on the nature of the injury, this breakage may or may not cause pain. This causes patients to wonder whether it is cause for emergency at all. So, do I need to fix a broken tooth? Do I Need to Fix a Broken Tooth? Those who may be asking themselves, “Do I need to fix a broken tooth?” should know that it is always important to seek dental care for an injury. Whether or … Read more

Dental injury at school.

What Happens When You Have a Dental Injury at School?

Kids are prone to dental injuries and accidents as their teeth continue to grow. Old teeth fall out and permanent teeth come in as part of the natural process of development. But just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it feels good. Accidents can still happen! When permanent teeth fall out, that is grounds for a dental emergency at school. This can happen at school during recess or a sports game. What Happens When You Have a Dental Injury at School? So, what happens when you have a dental injury at school? How can you give your child the best of care? It is important that you tend to your child … Read more

Beets and berries: foods that leave teeth discolored.

Foods that Leave Teeth Discolored

Nothing is more satisfying than a slice of double chocolate cake or a sip of rich red wine after a long day. But there’s one thing about these delectable treats that will make you feel less-than-satisfied: they leave stains on your teeth. We have put together a list of top foods that leave teeth discolored for you. Foods that Leave Teeth Discolored Chocolate, wine, coffee, and even obscure ingredients like soy sauce will darken your teeth after you eat them. While there are many drinks and foods that leave teeth discolored, that doesn’t mean you have to stop eating them completely. As long as you are aware of foods that … Read more

Is an inlay different from a filling?

Is an Inlay Different from a Filling?

Tooth decay is caused by a buildup of bacteria on the teeth. When left untreated, the decay goes deeper into your tooth, forming a cavity. The sooner you can visit your local restorative dentist Anaheim experts, the better chance you will have at avoiding an infection. But based on the decay you already have, you may need a variety of treatment options. But is an inlay different from a filling? Is an Inlay Different from a Filling? Two popular restorative treatment options include a dental filling and an inlay. But is an inlay different from a filling when it comes to dealing with tooth decay? You may want to invest … Read more