Dental bonds and dental veneers are two of the most popular methods in dentistry to improve one’s smile. The two methods have the potential to add vivacity and sheen to sets of teeth that may have experienced damage or decay. So, can you replace dental bonding with veneers?

Of the two, dental veneers are the more costly and the more permanent. Some patients find themselves curious if they’re able to replace dental bonds with dental veneers. The good news is that this process is quite possible, and that dentists perform it quite frequently.

Can You Replace Dental Bonding with Veneers?

If you’re interested in whether or not this might be an option for you, take a look at this overview that describes this process.

What Are Dental Bonds?

In a dental bonding procedure, a dentist fixes teeth and restores structure to places that may have recently sustained damage using composite resin.

To return the patient’s teeth to their original shape, the dentist molds the composite resin to fit the patient’s teeth. The dentist uses a curing light to solidify the newly created shape after it has been established.

Dental bonding is an appealing alternative for individuals afraid of more involved procedures because it is a reasonably easy operation that is frequently finished in a single session. Dental bonding works well in conjunction with veneers and whitening procedures, among other dental makeover procedures intended to enhance a patient’s appearance.

What Are Veneers?

A dental veneer is one type of dental fixture. The natural teeth are covered by these veneers, which are often composed of porcelain, to enhance their appearance. Dental veneers can benefit a person’s teeth in the following ways:

Preventing teeth from cracking and chipping, improving the color of teeth, masking discolorations, raising confidence, and generally fortifying teeth. Your veneers should last up to ten years if they are placed and maintained correctly.

All things considered, many patients can benefit from the aesthetic advantages that premium veneers offer. These veneers may chip and break.

Veneers vs. Dental Bonds

There are several important differences between dental veneers and dental bonds. In general, dental veneers are considered a more economical but less permanent solution to improving one’s smile.

Dental bonds are a wonderful material for small to medium fillings or for temporarily reshaping the front teeth. These types of bonds are used frequently to improve small imperfections or spaces between the teeth after braces.

Veneers are more stain-resistant and are less likely to break. Porcelain varies in strength but is almost as strong as one’s natural teeth. Given this, these fixtures tend to last for much longer periods of time. Overall, it’s much easier to create lifelike replicas of natural-looking teeth with porcelain veneer.

Replacing Dental Bonds with Dental Veneers

Because veneers are more permanent and more natural-looking than bonds, it is requested fairly often that the latter be replaced by the former. Prior to installing any of the new veneers, the dentist will need to replace the old bonds. This is due to the fact that old dental bonds do not make a sturdy base for the installation of dental veneers.

Once the old bonds are replaced, then your dentist can begin the process of installing your veneers. Overall, this is considered a quick and easy installation process that can be completed in a fairly short amount of time.

How Often Should You Replace Dental Bonding

Under normal circumstances, dental bonding normally lasts from between 7-10 years. Much of this depends on how well you care for these fixtures. Typically, dental bonds will lose their original polish after approximately five years.

At seven years, they have a tendency to acquire stains and chips at their edges. By the 10-year mark, there tends to be heavy leakage under the plastic. This tends to ultimately cause the bonds to fail. In general, you should plan to replace your veneers after about 7 to 10 years.

The Benefits of Replacing Dental Bonds With Veneers

There are several different benefits to replacing dental bonding. The following are ones that are commonly reported:

The Best Dentist in Anaheim

My Dentist Anaheim is one of the premiere dentists in Southern California for those seeking to have dental bonding in Anaheim. If you would like to discuss the plausibility of having veneers installed, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Dental bridges are a nifty feature in modern dentistry that can replace single or multiple missing teeth in a patient. These fixtures have the potential to return a patient’s smile and appearance to normal after some type of damage has been done that impacts their appearance. Below, we look at how long do dental bridges last.

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

If you’re interested in receiving this type of dental work, then you’re likely interested in knowing just how long these bridges are prone to lasting. The good news is that if they’re well taken care of, these dental appendages have the potential to last for between 5 and 15 years if taken care of well.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is an artificial replacement for one or multiple teeth. These bridges imitate the appearance of a row of natural teeth. For this reason, they’re best suited to replacing either a single tooth or a row of consecutive teeth in the mouth.

The name dental bridge comes from the idea that these fixtures “bridge the gap” in one’s smile. These bridges are highly customizable, and it’s quite easy for a dentist to make a set that matches the general shape and shades of a patient’s natural teeth.

Dental bridges are composed of two different main components. These include:

Depending on the specifics of how many teeth you need to replace and the general shape of your mouth, your own dental bridge will contain a unique combination of these two elements.

The Types of Dental Bridges

Depending on your exact goals for your end results, your dentist will recommend one of the four primary types of dental bridges. These are as following:

Traditional dental bridge:

A traditional dental bridge is the most common type of dental bridge. It generally consists of dental crowns on both ends of the bridge with artificial teeth placed in between. The bridge is bonded through the crowns to your natural teeth on either side of the gap. The pontics fill the space between.

Maryland dental bridge:

A Maryland bridge utilizes metal wings rather than crowns to secure your bridge. A dentist then bonds the wings to the back of your mouth to secure your bridge. This type of dental bridge is mostly used to replace a patient’s front teeth.

Cantilever dental bridge:

This type of bridge is very similar to a traditional bridge. However, there’s only a crown on one end of this type of bridge, rather than on both ends. Dentists typically employ this type of bridge only when a patient has natural teeth on one side of the gap. Cantilever bridges aren’t quite as strong as traditional bridges.

Implant-supported bridge:

This type of dental bridge is also similar to a traditional dental bridge. However, in this type of bridge, the installation rests atop dental implants rather than natural teeth. Dental implants are small posts that are designed to replace missing teeth roots. Prior to attaching a bridge to dental implants, the latter must fully integrate with the architecture of the mouth through a process called integration. This can take quite a long time, with many cases taking up to 3 to 6 months to resolve.

There are several factors that can help determine which of the above bridges your dentist will choose for you. Some of these factors include the following:

Recovering from Dental Bridge Installation

Taking care of your dental bridge in order to maximize its lifespan is relatively simple. There are a number of practices you can enact in order to try and extend the lifespan of these bridges. Some of these include:

Following these steps should put you in a good position to preserve the lifespan of your dental bridges for the maximum amount of time possible.

The Dentist Anaheim Trusts

My dentist in Anaheim is well-regarded as one of the best places in Southern California to receive high-quality dental work. If you’re interested in receiving an inspection with relation to your eligibility for dental bridge work, contact us today in order to receive a consultation and start looking your best today.

Dental implants are a permanent solution to your missing or broken teeth, giving you a brand-new set of dentures that become an extension of your natural smile. Anyone who has gone through major dental damage or has multiple missing teeth is a likely candidate for dental implants. Not only do they last a lifetime, they are also guaranteed to give good results as the most successful restorative dentistry procedure in the world. Below, we have the top 5 ways to pay for dental implants.

Top 5 Ways to Pay for Dental Implants

Paying for your dental implants may not be as straightforward of a process, however. Depending on your budget, your insurance plan, and your immediate dental care needs, there are a few different ways for you to afford this treatment. Below, we will list the top 5 ways to pay for dental implants in Anaheim.

Dental Insurance

Every dental insurance plan is different, so it can be difficult to determine early on whether or not your policy will cover implants. The first step is to schedule a consultation with an oral surgeon who will conduct a thorough exam to diagnose your biggest dental problems. Your insurance may decide to cover some, all, or none of your treatment.

Apply for a Dental Grant

Dental grants are not commonly known, but they are emerging on the scene as an increasingly accessible option for patients in need of special funds. Dental grants can be given away to patients who meet different sets of requirements to become eligible. You might be able to find the best dental grants near you online, or you can get in touch with our Aneheim experts to see what grant options might be available to you.

Use Personal Savings

Saving money is usually a lot easier said than done, but if you have been fortunate enough to save up some extra money in an account, now is the perfect time to use it. Savings are typically reserved for medical procedures, emergencies, and any major life need. Dental implant surgery is an intensive procedure that involves the permanent application of new teeth, so it is important that you have the right budget set aside for it.

Start a Payment Plan

Some dentist’s offices will offer payment plans to help break up large sums into smaller monthly payments. Whether or not you have dental insurance, you may be able to qualify for a payment plan after speaking with your dental provider. Not every dental practice offers financing options, so it is important to do your research before you commit to your dental implants treatment.

Get a Loan

If you are struggling financially, it is not recommended for you to take out a personal or a home equity loan to pay for your dental implants. However, if your credit and lender allow for it, then taking out a loan for this major dental procedure is not a bad idea. You can speak with your bank, with a private lender, or with a third-party loan company about your options for funding a dental procedure. Your local dental team may also be able to help you out.

Your Dental Implants Procedure is Worth It!

No matter your budget or the urgency of your needs, it is important to find a way to cover your dental implants treatment. The longer you go without taking care of your teeth, the worse your oral health will get; this, in turn, will lead to more expensive procedures. You can ask about our array of payment options when you visit our dentist for a personal consultation. If you are struggling with missing or broken teeth, you should not hesitate to address your needs. Dental implants can get you on the fast track to good overall health, extending both the quality and the length of your life.

Dental bonding is a common dental treatment. It is a versatile and minimally invasive treatment that addresses a number of dental issues. It can address misshapen teeth, gaps, discoloration, and more. While it is most commonly thought of as a cosmetic treatment, it can also be used for restorative purposes. There are a number of benefits to the treatment. You may wonder, when can kids have teeth bonding? Below, you will find more information on how early your child can receive the treatment.

When can kids have teeth bonding?

Dental bonding is a highly sought-after dental treatment. It is not only for adults as children can also benefit from the treatment option. Children as young as six years old can benefit from dental bonding. The age can differ from child to child as it depends on whether the tooth is a permanent tooth. Permanent teeth tend to erupt around age six. However, a skilled dentist can determine whether bonding is a good treatment option for your child.

Common Issues Treated With Dental Bonding

There are a number of oral health issues that can benefit from dental bonding. This includes children with issues with their permanent teeth. If your child suffers from one or more of the following issues, contact a dental professional.


Space between teeth can impact the appearance of one’s smile. Dental bonding can easily address gaps in your child’s teeth. Not only can this improve the appearance of your child’s smile, but it also offers a number of other benefits. Closing gaps can improve speech, digestion, and reduce the risk of decay.


Stains and discoloration are common and can be addressed with dental bonding. This is especially true for stains that do not respond to teeth whitening. Your child may experience insecurities about the look of their smile, which can impact their self-confidence. Talk with a dental bonding expert to determine if dental bonding is right for your child.

Tooth Decay:

Children experience high rates of tooth decay. Cavities can impact your child’s oral health. Dental bonding can be used to repair your child’s tooth. This can preserve their natural teeth to ensure their long-term oral health.


Accidents happen with kids due to their spunky and energetic nature. This can lead to chips, cracks, or fractures. Addressing these issues promptly can ensure your child’s teeth stay in shape. Dental bonding is an effective treatment option that can improve the appearance, function, and health of your child’s chipped or cracked tooth.

Cosmetic Issues:

If your child has irregularities with the size and shape of tier teeth, dental bonding can address these issues. As children get older they become more aware of their appearance. If they are insecure about their smile, it can impact their personal and academic life. Consult with your dentist about ways to address minor cosmetic dental issues.

Benefits of Dental Bonding For Children

Dental bonding offers a number of advantages for children. Consider the following if your child experiences any of the oral health issues above.

Veneers are a wonderful solution to restore the appearance of cracked or stained front teeth. Many patients feel like they’ve received a completely new set of teeth after one simple and pain-free treatment in our dental office. But while veneers are designed to be durable, they are not completely impervious to damage. Below we cover what to do if you cracked a veneer.

What to Do If You Cracked a Veneer

Just like your smile, proper maintenance is key to maintaining the health of your veneers. If you have suffered some damage that has caused your veneers to crack or break, there are a few things you can do. The first step is to contact our office right away and let us know what happened. Today, we will show you what to do if you cracked a veneer by mistake.

Step 1: Take Stock of the Damage

The severity of the veneer damage will determine whether you need urgent dental attention, or if you can wait until the next available dental appointment. Begin by identifying the extent of the damage, the number of affected veneers, and whether any fragments can be salvaged. To prevent accidental swallowing, remove any broken pieces from your mouth.

In some cases, there is a chance to save your veneer if it is not completely broken. However, broken veneers will need to be removed right away. A fractured veneer not only jeopardizes your oral health but can also create a breeding ground for bacteria, potentially compromising your overall well-being.

Step 2: Contact Your Dentist Right Away

It’s crucial to inform your dentist of any issues with your veneer as soon as you damage them. Even seemingly minor damage can raise concerns depending on where you have been injured and how severe your symptoms are. Reach out to your dentist immediately to schedule an appointment for evaluation and necessary action.

You may also be concerned about the condition of your natural teeth underneath the veneer when it gets damaged. While the likelihood of damage to your underlying teeth is minimal, it’s still a good idea to ask for a comprehensive assessment by your dentist. In the rare event that any new issues are present, rest assured that new veneers will serve as a protective layer for your natural teeth.

Step 3: Establish a Regular Maintenance Routine

Despite being made of durable porcelain, veneers can accumulate debris and sustain injuries as easily as your natural teeth. Without enamel, veneers do not have a defensive shield against food particles and bits of bacteria. Just as you brush your teeth daily, veneers also require consistent care for the same reasons.

As you work to get your teeth in a comfortable and healthy position while assessing the status of your veneers, you might want to take note of any symptoms you are feeling. You might experience sensations of exposure or sensitivity, even with veneers still in place. Let the dentist know if you are going through any of the following:

While you wait for your dental appointment, you can try using some first-aid remedies that should be available at home, such as a saline wash and some cotton gauze to stop any signs of bleeding. Your dentist can give you specialized dental wax to protect your tooth from vulnerability as it heals from this injury.

Get the Best Care for Veneers Today

Schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as you notice that you have damaged your veneers. You shouldn’t wait because neglecting to repair your damaged veneers could spell out some serious damage to your overall oral health. It is better to be safe than sorry, so even the most minuscule damage to your porcelain laminate veneers should be checked out right away. Get in touch with your Anaheim dentist to learn more.

Dental bonding can be a simple procedure that can solve many dental problems. Dental bonding is primarily about protecting the tooth, although it can also be used to protect the enamel against the elements. Also, dental bonding uses an extra layer of composite resin to protect the enamel from extreme temperatures, thus eliminating severe sensitivity. The composite resin will bond to the enamel, protecting it from any potential discomfort or harm. Let’s see how dental bonding helps sensitive teeth.

How Dental Bonding Helps Sensitive Teeth

Our dentist in Anaheim can offer a variety of solutions as a cosmetic dentist such as bonding, veneers, and crowns. Depending on the level of sensitivity that you are experiencing, dental bonding may be the best solution to save the overall integrity of your health while keeping you as comfortable as possible. Still, keep reading to learn more about how dental bonding helps sensitive teeth by strengthening them from the outside.

What is Dental Bonding?

If you are looking for a quick way to repair chips, cracks, or other damage to your smile, then you will likely be satisfied with dental bonding. This is recommended for minor cracks or chips. Still, dental bonding is one the most painless and simple procedures available. To bond the resin to your tooth, your dentist will use a tooth-colored resin and a special light. This procedure is non-invasive and painless. This allows for fast restorations that do not affect the natural beauty and health of your smile.

How Dental Bonding Strengthens Your Teeth

Bonding can be completed in just one visit. Crowns and veneers can take longer to prepare, so it may be necessary to return for a second visit, depending on how many teeth you want to treat. Multiple teeth can be bonded in one visit. These are just some of the many reasons patients return to us time and time again for the best non-invasive cosmetic treatments.

Dental bonding has many other benefits, aside from its durability:

Dental bonding can replace other cosmetic procedures such as crowns, veneers, and amalgam fillings. Still, to maximize your results, these additional procedures can be combined with dental bonding.

The Best Treatments for Broken and Sensitive Teeth

There are many options available depending on how severe your tooth sensitivity is. You may be able to save your tooth with smaller fractures or cracks, but more significant breaks will require you to have a root canal or extraction.

Dental bonding can be used to treat small cracks or chips. Also, this involves applying a strong adhesive on the affected area. The glue is then dried using a dental light. Thankfully, this ensures that dental bonding is completely painless throughout the duration of the procedure.

In more severe cases of decay or infection, root canals are required to mend larger fractures or broken teeth. This is a procedure that kills the nerve and removes infected areas. This procedure can save your natural tooth. Tooth extractions can be performed for unsalvageable teeth as a last resort. An extraction may be necessary for severe injuries that could lead to permanent tooth loss.

Get the Best Dental Treatments Today!

My Dentist Anaheim offers the best in preventive and treatment dentistry. You should contact your dentist immediately if you notice a dental injury. Even the smallest tooth cracks can cause serious problems for your oral health. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our cosmetic treatments such as crowns and dental bonding in Anaheim, which are designed to protect your sensitive teeth while adding extra support for your overall dental health. You can start improving your smile with a quick and painless in-office procedure like dental bonding today!

As a common favorite in the cosmetic dentistry business, dental veneers are easy and affordable. A lot of patients invest in dental veneers to help them cover some unsightly chips, cracks, breaks, or stains on the front of their teeth. This is something that happens a lot, which is why we have an easy fix for that. When you seek out veneers in Anaheim, you are bound to get the best quality and price. Let’s look at some dental veneers pros and cons.

Dental Veneers Pros and Cons

Below, we will cover some of the major dental veneers pros and cons to help you determine if this is the right kind of treatment for you. If you are in the market for a cosmetic dentistry makeover, this may be the right opportunity for you!

Pro: Easy Treatment

Dental veneers are some of the quickest and most painless dental treatment options in the world, making them all the more appealing. Veneers can typically be applied in a single office visit but will take no more than two office visits to complete. During the procedure, a thin layer of composite and porcelain material is placed over the front of your tooth and then adhered to with dental bonding.

Pro: Mimic Your Natural Teeth

Most of the time, it is nearly impossible to tell whether someone has gotten veneers or not. This is because your dentist will take impressions of your real teeth and send them to a lab in order for custom veneers to be made. They are made to look exactly like your natural teeth, mimicking the shape and color. Therefore, when they are applied over the front of your existing teeth, they already look like they fit in. Not to mention, they typically don’t stain as real teeth do either!

Pro: Long-Lasting Results

Most types of dental veneers can last more than ten years. But of course, that can vary depending on how well you take care of your teeth. It’s important that you still invest in daily oral hygiene habits, as your real teeth are still there under your veneers and need to be well maintained. If you develop a cavity or an infection, this may not only ruin the veneers but the tooth as well.

Con: Possible Reconstruction Needed

For some patients, the veneers need to be “prepped” before they can be applied directly to your tooth. This might mean removing a thin layer of enamel from the front of your teeth, or it could mean filing your teeth in order to reshape them. This is not always a necessity for the dental veneer procedure, so it’s important to reach out to your dentist about your specific cosmetic dentistry options.

Con: Veneers are Irreversible

Once your veneer is applied, it will remain there for life. Most dental patients consider this to be a pro. But some may consider this to be a con in the event that their teeth get damaged again. And the reconstruction of your natural tooth may be a possible necessity in order to put your veneers on. So this leads to another permanent change. It’s important to have a discussion with your dental expert. Then you can ensure veneers are the right type of treatment for your oral health needs.

Learn More About Dental Veneers Today!

If your teeth are discolored, chipped, or broken, this might be the perfect type of treatment for you. Visit our center of top-notch cosmetic dentistry in Orange County and get in touch with our dental experts to learn more about the process of applying dental veneers. You can schedule a personal consultation to have a one-on-one meeting with our dentist regarding your specific needs. Contact us today to see how easy it is to totally transform your smile!

Missing or misaligned teeth don’t just look bad, they also open the floodgates for infection in your mouth. Quality replacement options from your trusted cosmetic dentistry in Orange County are key to a beautiful, healthy smile that will last you through your years. Your dentist will help you determine the difference between dental implants vs bridges: what’s best for you?

Dental Implants vs Bridges: What’s Best for You?

The appearance and functionality of your smile can be affected by losing teeth. This can also affect your self-confidence. These problems are often addressed by dental professionals using dental implants and bridges as the two most popular treatment options today. We will be discussing the differences between these two restorative treatments to help you decide which one is best.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most popular dental procedure. They provide a permanent solution for missing teeth. Your Beverly Hills specialist will place artificial teeth in your jawbone. They will make your mouth look and feel natural.

After the healing period, it will be difficult to distinguish between real teeth and those that are part of your dental implants. These implants can receive treatment the same way as regular teeth. You can brush and floss them as you would regular teeth. Keep in touch with your specialist dentist if you have any questions.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge procedure might prove beneficial if you have multiple missing teeth. There are many types of dental bridges available, depending on how large your gap is and how many missing teeth you have.

Implant-supported dental bridges are permanent procedures in which your dentist will attach false teeth to your mouth and secure them by attaching the ends to your existing teeth. These implants must be attached to the roots of your teeth to ensure they remain in place. Another popular type of implant is the tooth-supported bridge, which is an implant that is placed on top of your existing teeth. This procedure doesn’t require that the bridges be attached to the roots of your teeth.

Are Dental Bridges Worth the Cost?

Dental bridges replace your missing teeth and restore your ability to properly chew and speak. Your remaining teeth are not affected by shifting, which can lead to bite problems. A dental bridge can also reduce the chance of bone loss and maintain your facial structure. In most cases, you will find that dental bridges are worth the cost, and they may even be covered by your insurance provider, depending on how badly you need this procedure done.

What is Restorative Dentistry Treatment Like?

A dental bridge is a shorter procedure than the dental implant process. This involves creating a functional and structural link between an artificial implant’s surface and the living bone in your body. It can be more difficult, however, as it requires permanent modification of the surrounding teeth to support the bridge. Implants require surgery and may also necessitate more than one visit to your dentist’s office. However, the results are permanent and you don’t have to worry about any follow-up appointments over time.

What’s Better: Bridges or Implants?

Bridges are more durable than dental implants when compared to dental bridges. A bridge or an implant will last longer. Implants provide greater protection, lasting a lifetime. Bridges are a long-lasting option too, as they have a life expectancy of about 10 years. Both options are good for your jaw health, helping to maintain bone strength and shape. This positively impacts your face’s appearance and oral health as you age. Implants are more natural than bridges and mimic the feel and function of real teeth. It is up to you and your dentist to determine which option is best.

Get Excellent Restorative Dentistry Services Today

If you are looking for more information about dental implants or dental bridges in Anaheim, get in touch with our knowledgeable staff today. We’ll offer you information about your treatment options and help you set up a personal consultation with our dentist. Reach out to us at any time to learn more!

Protective ceramic crowns are the best option for weakening, cracked, or discolored teeth. They can be customized to fit the natural tooth’s form and color. They typically look better than any other type of dental crowns and are more resistant to staining. These caps protect the tooth against future decay or damage and support weaker tooth structures.

Do Dental Crowns Get Cavities?

This begs the question, “Do dental crowns get cavities?” Once you have placed a protective shell over your real tooth, is the tooth underneath still susceptible to infection and decay? There are a few important pieces of information you should know about when you pursue dental crowns in Anaheim. Our dental experts highlight all the important information below!

Evidence of Cavities in Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can be made from porcelain, porcelain fused with metal, or gold. A dental crown is a durable covering that protects vulnerable teeth from infection and breakage. Many patients seeking crowns or other forms of tooth restoration are still unsure if cavities can still be developed after the crown is installed.

What is the answer? The answer is: This is usually caused by poor hygiene, such as improper brushing and flossing. Plaque and bacteria can form even more easily if these conditions are not addressed. Cavities can also be caused by crowns. This is usually due to plaque formation around the crown and tooth’s gum line.

Preventing Cavities Under Your Crown

You can work to prevent cavities from forming in your mouth even when you’re wearing a crown. It is a good idea to continue a good daily oral health regimen, especially since you can’t see the natural tooth living under the crown. Keeping your dental health up to date is what is always most important. Follow these quick tips for keeping your crowns clean and preventing a dental health issue down the line:

Always Brush After Eating

Cleanse a ceramic crown properly with a toothbrush and toothpaste after each meal to prevent cavities around and underneath it. Tooth decay can still cause damage to the natural tooth. Ensure you floss at least once a day to ensure bacteria doesn’t reach the crown.

Remove Sources of Bacteria

A crown can not get decay but the root of the tooth is susceptible to bacteria. Tooth decay can be caused by bacteria becoming colonies in the mouth if it isn’t cleaned properly or frequently enough. Plaque forms when acid in the mouth digests carbohydrates, leftover food debris, and forms a thin film.

This acid can eat through the enamel and cause small cavities. You can prevent cavities by removing bacteria from the food source. The only way to prevent cavities is to clean your mouth after each meal and eat calcium-rich, high-protein foods.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Patients will still require regular dental visits even if they have a crown. A dentist will recommend that patients have regular X-rays. If there is any decay, it can be quickly diagnosed and treated to minimize damage. Many times, it is possible to fill small cracks beneath ceramic crowns without putting any strain on the crown.

Cavities prevention is a daily process that requires care and attention. However, it doesn’t have to be something you do alone. Your dentist has the tools (X-rays and dental imaging) to detect minor issues early. Regular check-ups can be a great way of fighting tooth decay. Crowns and other tooth restorations like veneers or dental bridges are excellent ways to add strength, functionality, and beauty to your teeth when they are properly maintained.

Get the Best Care for Your Dental Crowns Today

My Dentist Anaheim is your best spot for all types of cosmetic dentistry near Orange County. From crowns and bridges to cavity control, it is important that you visit your cosmetic dentist for an approved procedure ASAP. The longer you wait to assess your dental issues, the harder it will be to invest in dental health for your future. Contact us now for a personal consultation!

There are lots of foods and drinks that can cause discoloration on your teeth. While most of the time this can be brushed away, those lingering spots will start to stain. What about some of those darker-colored drinks? Does alcohol stain teeth as bad as tobacco or tea leaves? The answer is yes, but it also depends on your oral health. Alcohol and sugary drinks will stain your teeth more and more over time. This can be treated with fast and effective teeth whitening in Anaheim procedures. Keep reading to learn about the drastic effects alcohol can have on your oral health.

Why Teeth Get Stained

In order to figure out whether alcohol can severely stain your teeth, it is important to understand what is responsible for tooth stains in the first place. The biggest causes of tooth stains include:
  • Tobacco
  • Tomatoes
  • Berries
  • Tea
  • Wine
  • Soy sauce
  • Soda
What do all of these things have in common? Darker colors. Sugars, dyes, and deep pigmentations all contribute to tooth stains. Other causes of discoloration on the teeth may include physical trauma and adverse reaction to medications.

Does Alcohol Stain Teeth?

Alcohol is not just bad for your teeth because of its tendency to cause discoloration. It also adds high amounts of sugar to your teeth, which could cause an excessive buildup of bacteria. In fact, those who drink alcohol have higher plaque levels than those who drink it less. An increased buildup of plaque alongside severe staining makes alcohol one of the biggest culprits of tooth discoloration. But why exactly do the teeth stain the way that they do?

Chromagen Discoloration

Chromagens are chemicals inside of colored beverages that make them the color that they are. When you drink beverages of different colors, these chromagens stick onto the surface of your teeth. When they are not brushed or scraped off right away, they tend to leave a stain on your enamel. Mixing alcohol with other dark-colored drinks, like sodas and juices, makes a recipe for even deeper discoloration. Not to mention, all of that extra sugar could build up plaque and lead to a fast-growing infection.

How to Reverse the Effects of Discoloration

If you have been enjoying your favorite cocktail for a while and you haven’t realized the effect alcohol may have on your teeth, don’t worry! There are still plenty of treatment solutions available. At My Anaheim Dentist, you can learn more about our thorough teeth whitening options for a clean and beautiful mouth.

How Tooth Whitening Works

Our procedure is simple, pain-free, and effective. We will use a whitening bleach on the surface of your teeth, which will then be applied with a light. The procedure takes no more than 30 minutes and guarantees great results for years to come. This is an innovative way to lift the stains right off of your teeth so you can restore your pearly whites back to their former glory. It is not always apparent how much the food and drinks we consume can stain our teeth, but a tooth whitening procedure can put into perspective the importance of a good daily oral hygiene routine.

Lift the Stains from Your Teeth ASAP!

There are many different types of foods and drinks that can discolor your teeth over time, but alcohol is one of the biggest offenders. If you drink regularly, it is important to keep an eye on your oral health to prevent a buildup of plaque, discoloration, and even infection. If you are looking to learn more about how teeth whitening can restore your mouth to good health, schedule an appointment with our top Anaheim dentist today!
Nothing is more satisfying than a slice of double chocolate cake or a sip of rich red wine after a long day. But there’s one thing about these delectable treats that will make you feel less-than-satisfied: they leave stains on your teeth. We have put together a list of top foods that leave teeth discolored for you.

Foods that Leave Teeth Discolored

Chocolate, wine, coffee, and even obscure ingredients like soy sauce will darken your teeth after you eat them. While there are many drinks and foods that leave teeth discolored, that doesn’t mean you have to stop eating them completely. As long as you are aware of foods that can stain your teeth as well as the proper oral hygiene habits to get rid of those stains quickly, you can maintain a diet with all of your favorite goodies. Here’s what your dentist in Anaheim wants you to know about foods and drinks that stain your teeth.


Sauces, especially sauces based in tomato, curry, or soy, can leave your teeth with some pretty dark stains. Tomatoes are acidic and colored with a deep red pigment, making them one of the biggest culprits of staining your teeth. Soy sauce and curry both are darkly-colored sauces that can linger on the surface of your teeth after you eat. If you just enjoyed a pasta-fueled meal or a full bowl of curry for dinner, make sure to brush your teeth immediately afterwards.

Sugary Drinks

You have probably been told before that soda pop is really bad for your teeth. This is because soda is packed with sugars and other processed ingredients that make it easy for bacteria to form on your teeth. Too much sugar is often a gateway to infection – not to mention, it can darkly stain your teeth! You may want to limit your amount of drinks containing too much sugar. Soda, coffee, wine, and even sports drinks can stain teeth because of the sugar and colorful dye put into it. Make sure to balance it out with plenty of water and brush your teeth throughout the day.

Beets & Berries

It isn’t only processed and sugar-filled foods that can leave your teeth with dark stains. Many natural products are to blame for tooth discoloration as well. Beets, while one of the healthiest foods on the planet, is also one of the most staining. Just touching a beet will leave you with red fingers, so imagine what it could do to your teeth! Blueberries are also very easy to bleed, as they release pigment just by being touched. Make sure to wash your hands and teeth after eating them!

How to Get Rid of Tooth Stains

If you enjoy any tooth-staining foods and drinks on a regular basis, you may be feeling overwhelmed and out of luck. But don’t worry, you are not doomed to a lifetime of yellowed teeth. Here are some things you can do to make sure your teeth don’t stay stained:
  1. Brush your teeth after every meal. If you can clean your teeth off before the stains set in, you can avoid a lot of discoloration.
  2. Chew gum with xylitol. Chewing gum with this ingredient can help clean away stains from the surface of your teeth.
  3. Get your teeth whitened. Invest in a professional tooth whitening procedure, which is a quick and pain-free treatment that lifts stains from your teeth and gives you a pearly-white appearance.
While there are some over-the-counter tooth whitening solutions you can try, the best way to permanently get rid of stains on your teeth is to schedule an appointment for in-office teeth whitening.

Say Goodbye to Tooth Stains Today!

You can get rid of your stains by scheduling an appointment for teeth whitening in Anaheim today. At My Dentist Anaheim, we offer successful solutions for yellow or dark-colored stains on your teeth. Be careful of different food and drink items that can leave a dark mark on the surface of your smile, and take the next step to ensure those stains are lifted completely. Enjoy the bright white smile you deserve and visit us today to learn more about teeth whitening!
Every day, you use your teeth as often as you use your hands, even if you don’t realize it. Everything you eat and drink, every time you talk or chew, you are using your teeth. It’s only natural that your teeth deal with some wear and tear after a while. Foods that stain teeth may be more common than you realize. There are a lot o different foods and drinks that can cause your teeth to become discolored. Stained teeth are often yellow or gray in color, and this discoloration worsens over time if you do not seek proper treatment. Fortunately, your stained teeth can be treated by your cosmetic dentistry Anaheim specialists with a quick and simple solution. When your teeth are stained, you might feel discouraged about your smile. It’s important to be aware of which foods can cause such deep discoloration so you know what to avoid. An in-house tooth whitening procedure can restore your pearly whites to the right color!

Foods that Stain Teeth

There are many foods that stain teeth that may be hiding in your diet.

Fruit Juice

A glass of fruit juice with breakfast can be really refreshing. But beware of the darker-colored fruit juices such as cranberry or grape juice, as the pigments can stick to your teeth. Not to mention many fruit juices contain too much sugar!

Soy Sauce

It’s hard to resist a bowl of rice with some delicious soy sauce poured on top. While you don’t have to say goodbye to it forever, you might want to keep in mind the fact that soy sauce can easily stain your teeth. The dark color and thickness of the sauce make it hard to get off, even after you’ve given your teeth a thorough brushing.


If you’ve ever picked up a handful of blueberries, then you are well aware of how easy it is for them to stain. Your hands will be coated with the color of the berries as its outer layer rubs off on you! You might have also noticed that the stain is hard to clean. Well, the same thing happens with your teeth! Berries are a great source of iron and antioxidants, but make sure you brush immediately after eating them, or else they will surely stain.

Tomato Sauces

Anything with a tomato base is bound to stain your teeth. This is because tomatoes are very acidic, and they come with a deep red pigment. They’ll stain just about anything they touch, especially if they have been cut open or mixed with other things. Make sure you are equipped with a whitening toothpaste before scheduling your next spaghetti night!


It’s hard surviving the morning without a hot cup of joe, and nothing should stop you from enjoying that coffee every day. Just be aware that coffee, tea, and wine can stain teeth easily. Make sure you know how to whiten your teeth and prevent staining before you indulge in another cup.

Removing Teeth Stains

It’s possible to get rid of most stains on your teeth, restoring them back to a bright and clear color. The easiest and most affordable way to get rid of that discoloration is with in-office teeth whitening. During the procedure, a cosmetic whitening specialist will apply a mild chemical to the surface of your teeth. It will then be put under a light, which will help clean and lift the stains. This is a completely safe and pain-free procedure that is highly recommended for just about any patient. You can invest in a tooth whitening procedure no matter how many stains you have or how severe they are. You can get stains from the food you eat, but your teeth stain as you age as well, and there are a valid number of reasons why would want to have your teeth whitened.

Restore Your Pearly Whites Today!

Some of the most common everyday foods and drinks can cause our teeth to become discolored. It’s easy to remove stains with an in-office whitening procedure, which can help you restore your smile and your confidence. Get in touch with our specialists at My Dentist Anaheim to schedule your next appointment!
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