Typically, your dentist will try to save your natural teeth if it is possible to restore their health and function. However, in some cases the extraction is unavoidable. Teeth extraction is an invasive surgical procedure performed using anesthesia. Even though the procedure itself is usually not painful due to the medication, it is still somewhat strenuous. On top of that, some time after the procedure needs to be allowed for healing. In this article, we will walk you through the process of tooth extraction and aftercare and answer the question, “How many tooth extractions can you have in one visit?”

How Many Tooth Extractions Can You Have in One Visit?

Technically speaking, all the remaining teeth in your mouth can be extracted at once, and it is certainly done when necessary. However, in many cases there are factors that can limit the number of teeth that are safe to remove in one sitting.

Safety and Pain Tolerance

Pulling teeth without anesthesia can be quite painful, and not many people are ready to tolerate that kind of pain. Of course, nowadays, dentists give their patients injections that numb the area and prevent the patient from feeling any pain. However, only a certain amount of anesthetic can be given to a patient without cardiovascular and overall health risks. Among other factors, the amount of anesthetic that is safe to give a patient depends on a patient’s body weight and height. It is much safer for the patient to get only one part of the mouth numbed at a time. That is why, in many cases, it is recommended to extract a large number of teeth over multiple visits.

How Well Can a Patient Heal?

The ability to heal fast after the procedure of tooth extraction can depend on many factors. For example, the younger the patient is, the better the regeneration processes of the body are. Also, the condition of the immune system and the amount of blood thinners can influence how well and fast a patient will be able to heal. Sometimes, to avoid unnecessary complications, your dentist will recommend extracting no more than 3 teeth at a time and allow 2 to 4 weeks for healing before extracting more teeth.

Post-surgery Comfort

Even though a procedure is done using anesthetic and therefore not painful, a patient can experience pain, swelling, and discomfort for several days after the procedure. On top of that, it might be uncomfortable to eat normally while your mouth is healing. But you still need to eat properly in order to give your body the nutrition necessary for healing. These are the reasons why, in many cases, it is more comfortable for the patient to have teeth removed only on one side of the mouth. This way, there will be less pain and swelling to tolerate after the procedure, and it will be possible to chew food on the healthy side of the mouth. Of course, post-surgery pain can be remedied with over-the-counter painkillers, but you can not take more than recommended without health risks.

When Is It Recommended to Extract Several Teeth at Once?

In cases of severe tooth decay, abscesses, or if teeth are badly damaged due to a trauma, for example they are broken at a gum line, it can be not safe to keep the teeth in the mouth for a long period of time. Then in these situations your dentist might recommend extracting several teeth at once to avoid further complications. In standard cases, when there are no urgent issues to solve, several teeth are usually removed over several visits.

Aftercare Tips

To have your mouth heal properly and avoid complications, follow these tips:

If you need your teeth extracted or want to learn more about the procedure, make an appointment with one of the specialists at My Dentist Anaheim today. We always try to ensure that the surgery is as safe and comfortable for the patient as possible.

Nobody wants to find themselves in the middle of a dental emergency. However, if that time were to ever come, it is a good idea to know exactly where to go and who to call. You can get in touch with an emergency dental specialist right away to find out which emergency dentist treatments are available to you. Whether you have just suffered a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth, here are 7 tips for choosing your emergency dentist in a pinch.

7 Tips for Choosing Your Emergency Dentist

Look at Online Reviews

If you have time, do a quick scan of the web to find out what people are saying about your local emergency dental care services. Online reviews are honest testimonials from past or present clients who want to share their experiences with the rest of the world. This will let you know whether the dental office is perfect for you, or a place to be avoided.

Find a Location Near You

If your situation warrants immediate care, you might not have time to look for the very best option. It is a good idea to scout out the closest location to you so you know where you can go and get care within just a few minutes of your dental emergency. Somewhere close to your house or your job would be a convenient place to start looking.

Find a List of Services

The right emergency dentist will have the right kind of service for your needs. Depending on what happened, your situation may or may not classify as a dental emergency, so it’s good to find a list of available services to see if your needs match up. Emergency dentists will typically see patients right away for symptoms of bleeding gums, chipped or broken teeth, loose teeth, severe pain in the mouth or head, and sudden numbness in the mouth.

Find the Best Prices

Some urgent care practices will upcharge patients during an emergency due to the cost of providing immediate care. Although we want your dental health concerns to be addressed right away, it is also important that you are not breaking the bank to stop your bleeding gums. Make sure you are dealing with reasonable rates before going through with an emergency procedure.

Seek Out Experienced Practitioners

It is a good idea to find someone with a lot of experience dealing with a variety of dental health issues. It is especially imperative that a dentist has experience with emergency situations, as there are different types of pain and emotions going around during a heightened period of crisis. You want someone who knows exactly how to handle the situation while offering you the reassurance that you will be treated the right way.

Find the Lowest Wait Times

Depending on the type of emergency dental office you are visiting, you may have a short wait in the lobby. If you are in dire need of care and don’t want to agonize in pain while waiting in the office, you should seek out an emergency location that can take you in right away. For the most part, no long wait times typically prove expected, but it can depend on the time of day.

Choose What’s Best for Your Comfort

Your comfort and well-being are more important than anything else, especially during a moment of a dental crisis. While finding the most affordable solution with the most experienced dentist is ideal, you also want to find someone who can vouch for your comfort and care throughout every step of the process. At the end of the day, choose the emergency dentist who you feel will care most for your needs.

My Dentist Anaheim offers a number of emergency dental treatments to patients suffering from excessive bleeding, severe tooth pain, broken teeth, or sudden numbness. Get in touch with us today to schedule a personal consultation and we will help you get the treatment you need right away.

Going to the dentist multiple times per year may seem like an annoying task. But avoiding it for too long can cause some major oral health issues that you might not be prepared to deal with. If problems with your teeth become too bad, you may even need to get them pulled. Let’s look at the top signs your tooth needs to be pulled.

Top Signs Your Tooth Needs to Be Pulled

It’s important that you visit your dentist in Anaheim regularly to avoid serious dental health issues that could lead to extraction. If worse comes to worst, you can trust in your dental experts. Here are the top signs your tooth needs to be pulled ASAP.

Irreversible Damage

Did you recently suffer a crack, break, or chip in your tooth due to a physical injury? In some cases, it may be broken beyond repair. Your tooth may also be dealing with cracks and breaks after an extended period of decay. When this occurs, your tooth is not able to be saved. In order to prevent the spread of decay and infection across the rest of your teeth, your dentist will need to pull out the affected tooth.


Your teeth may be growing too close together in your mouth. Sometimes your teeth may not grow into the right position, pushing too close to the neighboring teeth and causing a crowded area. Not only is this likely to cause a lot of discomfort in your mouth, but can also push down on you with increased pressure.

Overcrowded teeth may be preventing other teeth from erupting, which could cause more dental pain down the line. Extraction might be necessary to give that area of the mouth more space to work with.

Tooth Infection

The signs and symptoms of tooth infection are pretty obvious. Everybody knows that it’s time to call the dentist when you’re dealing with a toothache. But wait too long, and your mouth could really suffer. Tooth infections spread decay and disease around your teeth, quickly causing destruction.

If a tooth infection advances, it could move into your bloodstream through your gums and infect your entire body. Extraction is the only solution to an infection that has grown too large for just a cavity filling.

Loose Teeth

If you are an adult and your teeth have suddenly become loose, you may be suffering from gum disease. What starts as gingivitis can progress into an irreversible disease that affects the gums, teeth, and mouth. One side effect of gum disease is that your gums recede, causing your teeth to become loose. If they cannot be otherwise saved, they might have to be removed. If your teeth have become loose due to damage or disease, consult with your dentist about tooth extraction.

Impacted Teeth

Similar to overcrowding, impacted teeth occur when there is not enough space in part of the jawbone for molars to emerge. This can cause a lot of pain in the jaw and the mouth, and it is even known to lead to migraines when left untreated. One popular solution to help the third molars erupt is to remove some of the teeth that have already come in, freeing up that space for those that have not yet grown.

Get Help with Tooth Extraction ASAP

If you have been dealing with injury, infection, or decay for quite some time, it is imperative that you visit your local dentist. The sooner you visit a dental professional, the easier it can be to prevent major oral health issues. Give us a call to discuss the best options for tooth extraction in Anaheim and make an appointment with your local dentist before it’s too late!

Kids are prone to dental injuries and accidents as their teeth continue to grow. Old teeth fall out and permanent teeth come in as part of the natural process of development. But just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it feels good. Accidents can still happen! When permanent teeth fall out, that is grounds for a dental emergency at school. This can happen at school during recess or a sports game.

What Happens When You Have a Dental Injury at School?

So, what happens when you have a dental injury at school? How can you give your child the best of care? It is important that you tend to your child right away after a dental injury. Depending on what part of the mouth is injured and the severity of the damage, urgent dental care might be needed. Below, you’ll find some steps you can take to help your child’s school injury before taking them to your local Anaheim dentist.

Find Immediate Solutions

Your child’s school should be able to respond immediately to your child’s tooth injury. If they hurt their gums, they may be offered some ice to reduce swelling and pain while they wait for you to pick them up. When permanent teeth are damaged, it could be grounds for a bigger emergency. The school nurse will likely help your child rinse with warm water to clean out the mouth. If the tooth is broken, chipped, or knocked out, it is important to try to salvage the tooth. Your child might have to hold an ice pack or some gauze in their mouth to stop the bleeding. You can schedule an emergency dental appointment with your local Anaheim dentist as soon as you hear about your child’s injury.

Seek Trauma Care

A dental injury at school can be a very traumatic experience, regardless of the nature or severity of the damage. If your child has gone through a physical accident, it is important to get a full assessment of the situation. Was the affected tooth a baby or adult tooth? Are the gums hurt? It’s important to understand what qualifies as a traumatic dental injury:
  • Broken, chipped, or missing tooth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Cracked teeth and gums
  • Dislodged teeth
  • Excessive blood from teeth
You should take your child to the nearest emergency dentist or urgent care if they have any of the above symptoms. The best course of action is to make an appointment with an endodontist.

Get the Right Treatment

An emergency dentist is specialized in treating immediate dental trauma through a variety of treatments. Depending on the type of injury your child is facing, your child may need something as simple as a filling or as severe as a tooth extraction. Either way, the best way to ensure your child’s health and safety is to take them to the dental specialist right away. Emergency dentists can replace fillings, perform root canals, repair dental devices, replace lost fillings, get rid of abscesses, and deep-clean the teeth. You will never be charged more for an emergency dental visit than a regular dental visit, especially not after your child has just been through a traumatic injury.

Find Proper Emergency Dental Care!

Unfortunately, children get injured a lot. Dealing with developing teeth on the schoolyard can lead to a lot of dental trauma. While school staff members should be equipped to provide immediate assistance in a dental emergency, it is important that you make an appointment for your child to see an emergency specialist ASAP. Stay in touch with our emergency dentist in Anaheim so you know where to go in case your child is faced with a dental injury.
A toothache is one of the worst things to deal with. The worse the tooth infection, the more painful the toothache is. Sometimes, a toothache isn’t a big deal. Other times, it can be a sign that something serious is going on, depending on the causes of severe tooth pain.

Causes of Severe Tooth Pain

How can you determine the biggest causes of severe tooth pain, and what is the best way to seek treatment for it? In most cases, severe tooth pain requires a visit to your local emergency dentist Anaheim office for immediate care. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest causes of severe tooth pain.


The longer a cavity goes unchecked, the worse the infection can spread throughout your mouth. The buildup of plaque and tartar can quickly tear down your enamel, which is the protective layer on the surface of your tooth. Once that goes away, it leaves the roots and nerves of your teeth exposed to infection. Sharp and severe pain is usually indicative of a cavity, and it should be treated ASAP.


An abscess is probably one of the worst types of tooth pain you can experience. An abscess is formed in the pulp of the teeth after a severe infection has spread through. This is typically classified as more than just tooth pain. According to the ADA, an abscess causes swelling and throbbing pain in the mouth. It can even put a bad taste on your tongue even if you haven’t eaten anything. This is a serious toothache, and it is important to visit your nearby emergency dentist to reverse this problem quickly. Within a few days of treatment, your mouth should feel restored back to normal and the pain gone.


The enamel on your teeth is what protects your teeth against hot temperatures and pain. If you try to eat something cold or hot and it really hurts your teeth, it is possible that your enamel has worn away. Certain foods and other substances can wear the enamel away too quickly. Acids from fruit or tomatoes can burn away enamel. A buildup of minerals formed from plaque or tartar can end up destroying your enamel, causing subsequent cavities and infections. Severe tooth pain from enamel loss can feel like extreme sensitivity from hot or cold, as well as pain that radiates deeper into your tooth.

Loose Fillings or Crowns

Old dental work tends to come loose. Biting down on something hard can cause a loose filling to come out or a crown to get broken. This often causes severe tooth pain that may need to be addressed by an emergency dentist. It is not rare for a filling to crack or fall out, causing pain to come back to the previously treated tooth. Next time you visit your dentist, it is important to discuss new treatment options to ensure your dental work stays intact for longer.

Broken, Cracked, or Missing Teeth

If you recently suffered physical trauma to the mouth, you may be experiencing a lot of tooth pain. Depending on the type of damage you have sustained, the injury may have made its way down to the nerves of your teeth. You might be a good candidate for a dental crown or inlay, which can hide cracks and breaks in the teeth. Still, an emergency dentist should address any instances of tooth pain.

Find Your Emergency Dentist ASAP

Toothaches are often an indication that a larger issue is at play. Whether you have mild or severe tooth pain, it’s important to find an emergency dentist as quickly as you can. At My Dentist Anaheim, we offer emergency dental services and restorative treatments to help repair any damage or trauma you may be experiencing. We aim to restore your mouth back to perfect health and get rid of those toothaches ASAP. Get in touch with our friendly staff members and schedule a consultation today!
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