Having your child attend a dental office can be extremely challenging. However, kids do get cavities and other oral health issues that require treatment. Sedation dentistry helps to make kids’ visits to a dentist efficient and productive. Nitrous oxide is one of the most common methods employed in safe sedation dentistry. However, many parents are concerned with side effects of sedation and want to know: is nitrous oxide safe for kids? In this article we will answer this question.

Is Nitrous Oxide Safe for Kids?

Nitrous oxide has been used in dentistry for decades. It is a very well-researched and tested method of sedation, and it is very safe for children, too. It helps ensure that your child feels calm and comfortable during dental procedures, such as fillings, crowns, cleanings, or tooth extractions.

What Is Nitrous Oxide Sedation?

Nitrous oxide is also commonly called “a laughing gas.” This form of sedation is very mild, can be easily controlled, and is very safe. Nitrous oxide does not have negative effects on the heart, brain, kidneys, lungs, or liver. Additionally, it has no smell. Nitrous oxide is used in combination with oxygen in a 30% to 70% ratio and does not disrupt normal breathing. All these factors make nitrous oxide a very common, safe sedation dentistry method for children.

What Does the Procedure of Nitrous Oxide Sedation Look Like?

When you bring your child to the dental office, your dentist will explain to the child that they are going to fit a small mask over the child’s nose. The dentist will also tell your kid in child-friendly terms what they are going to feel and that the laughing gas will help them relax and be less anxious. When the mask is in place, your child can breathe as usual. The mask is small and soft and typically does not cause discomfort. However, the child should be able to breathe through their nose.

Nitrous oxide does not make a child feel too sleepy. Your kid will just be relaxed and comfortable. Nitrous oxide is called “laughing gas” because it can make a patient feel happy and get giggles. However, your child will still be able to understand the doctor’s instructions during the visit. Your child might feel a little heaviness in their arms and legs, but the coordination will still be normal.

Recovery After the Sedation

A few minutes after the mask is removed, the effects of sedation will fade. Therefore, there will be no need for recovery time. Your child will start feeling and moving normal almost right away, and will be able to return to the usual daily activities.

Does Nitrous Oxide Relieve Pain?

Nitrous Oxide does not significantly reduce the sensations of the patient. But it still reduces pain to some extent. On top of that, it makes the child feel less scared or anxious. If a more complex and invasive procedure is planned, your dentist will use local anesthetic for pain prevention in addition to nitrous oxide. In these cases, sedation will also make your child less scared about the anesthetic injection.

Why Use Sedation Dentistry for Children?

Children can be very anxious and fussy about dental visits. This is a normal and natural protective response to an invasive procedure. Some children can also be especially scared due to their previous unpleasant experience at a dental office. If a child can not sit still for a long period of time or cries during the procedure, it makes the visit unnecessarily stressful for them and more challenging for the dentist.

The goal is to ensure that the visit to the dental office is productive and the treatment is complete. Using the laughing gas for mild sedation will ensure that the visit is smooth and effective and your child’s oral health issues are resolved. On top of that, using nitrous oxide can help your child feel more positive about going to the dentist in the future and overcome dental anxiety.

Make an Appointment Today

If you have concerns about your child’s oral health, make an appointment with a dentist for the whole family at My Dentist Anaheim dental office. Our specialists will make sure that your child feels safe and comfortable during a dental procedure. Our experienced dentist can use nitrous oxide as a method of safe sedation if your kid feels anxious about the visit. We are looking forward to welcoming you and your child to our office.

Dental bonding is a common dental treatment. It is a versatile and minimally invasive treatment that addresses a number of dental issues. It can address misshapen teeth, gaps, discoloration, and more. While it is most commonly thought of as a cosmetic treatment, it can also be used for restorative purposes. There are a number of benefits to the treatment. You may wonder, when can kids have teeth bonding? Below, you will find more information on how early your child can receive the treatment.

When can kids have teeth bonding?

Dental bonding is a highly sought-after dental treatment. It is not only for adults as children can also benefit from the treatment option. Children as young as six years old can benefit from dental bonding. The age can differ from child to child as it depends on whether the tooth is a permanent tooth. Permanent teeth tend to erupt around age six. However, a skilled dentist can determine whether bonding is a good treatment option for your child.

Common Issues Treated With Dental Bonding

There are a number of oral health issues that can benefit from dental bonding. This includes children with issues with their permanent teeth. If your child suffers from one or more of the following issues, contact a dental professional.


Space between teeth can impact the appearance of one’s smile. Dental bonding can easily address gaps in your child’s teeth. Not only can this improve the appearance of your child’s smile, but it also offers a number of other benefits. Closing gaps can improve speech, digestion, and reduce the risk of decay.


Stains and discoloration are common and can be addressed with dental bonding. This is especially true for stains that do not respond to teeth whitening. Your child may experience insecurities about the look of their smile, which can impact their self-confidence. Talk with a dental bonding expert to determine if dental bonding is right for your child.

Tooth Decay:

Children experience high rates of tooth decay. Cavities can impact your child’s oral health. Dental bonding can be used to repair your child’s tooth. This can preserve their natural teeth to ensure their long-term oral health.


Accidents happen with kids due to their spunky and energetic nature. This can lead to chips, cracks, or fractures. Addressing these issues promptly can ensure your child’s teeth stay in shape. Dental bonding is an effective treatment option that can improve the appearance, function, and health of your child’s chipped or cracked tooth.

Cosmetic Issues:

If your child has irregularities with the size and shape of tier teeth, dental bonding can address these issues. As children get older they become more aware of their appearance. If they are insecure about their smile, it can impact their personal and academic life. Consult with your dentist about ways to address minor cosmetic dental issues.

Benefits of Dental Bonding For Children

Dental bonding offers a number of advantages for children. Consider the following if your child experiences any of the oral health issues above.

Unfortunately, cavities are among the most common dental ailments in children between the ages of 6 and 12. Despite how healthy your child’s diet might be, there is still a chance that tooth decay will occur. There are plenty of ways though to prevent tooth decay in children. At My Dentist Anaheim, Dr. Tarun Patel and our friendly experts have plenty of treatments and preventative measures that can help your little one stay on the right track to good oral health. Many different things can cause tooth decay, but the earlier it is caught, the sooner it can be taken care of.

Cut Down on Sugar

The number one advice that any dentist will give you to prevent tooth decay in children and adults is to cut down on your sugar intake. You may be feeding your child a healthy and nutritious diet, but sugar is in almost everything. This is especially true for fruit juices and other flavored drinks that your child might enjoy. And according to the University of Michigan, almost every kind of juice on the market has plenty of added sugars.

But why does sugar cause tooth decay?

When you eat sugar, the sugar molecules get left behind on your teeth. These molecules combine with bacteria and other substances that form in the mouth, causing a layer of plaque to build upon the teeth. This plaque can harden on the surface of your teeth, causing decay and spreading through your mouth if left untreated.

Encourage a Daily Oral Health Routine

Your kids should start getting into the habit of brushing and flossing every day, just like you were always taught when growing up. You can also lead by example, making sure to brush and floss your own teeth every day, so your kids get used to the sight of this daily process. You should start encouraging daily brushing of your child’s teeth from as early as the day when they grow their first baby teeth. As your children’s teeth start to come in, use this time as a learning process for both of you to form healthy daily habits.

Don’t Let Lids and Straws Linger in the Mouth

Research shows that young children who fall asleep with the sippy cup in their mouths are more likely to develop tooth decay at an early age because of the prolonged contact with sugary substances. When feeding your baby with formula bottles, make sure to remove it from the baby’s mouth as soon your child finishes. Don’t let it linger. Cut down on the number of times throughout the day that you give your child a cup of juice to sip on. These sugary substances can sure make a difference in the health of your child’s teeth!

The Best Way to Prevent Tooth Decay

You can protect your child’s teeth against the dangers of decay and infection through a quick and easy dental sealant in Anaheim. The dentist will apply a clear coating on top of your child’s teeth, which will act as a shield to prevent bacteria from getting into the roots and pulp of each tooth. There are so many nooks and crannies within molars and teeth, and it’s so easy for bad bacteria to slip through. But with dental sealants, there is no possible way for particles to get through. Dental sealants can last up to a decade. If you are concerned about the health of your child’s teeth or want to invest in their healthy future, this is a simple and painless procedure that you and your child will benefit from.

Get Rid of Tooth Decay Today!

Teach your child about the importance of daily oral hygiene. By brushing and flossing each day, your child is greatly reducing the risk of tooth decay. The longer tooth decay exists, the more it will impact your child’s oral health. If left untreated, decay can turn into cavities, infection, and more serious conditions throughout the body. Prevent decay by getting dental sealants today. Your child won’t feel a thing, and you can be happy that both you and your loved ones are free from the risk of tooth decay!
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