Dentures can give patients a new lease on the life of their teeth, as these dental fixtures can imitate the look and perform the functions of a natural set of teeth. This has made them one of the mainstays for your dentist since their inception. Below, we cover the denture diet.

The Denture Diet: 5 Foods to Avoid with Dentures

However, there are some foods to avoid if you want to keep your dentures in top shape, especially when you first receive these fixtures. These foods have the potential to interfere with the health of your dentures.

If you’ve recently had dentures installed or are just thinking about receiving this type of treatment, take a look at this guide to the kinds of foods to avoid in order to keep yours healthy.

What Are Dentures?

A complete set of artificial teeth that feel and look like genuine teeth is called a denture. A complete set of teeth is usually replaced with dentures. One may want to have all of their teeth replaced for a variety of reasons, such as illness, tooth decay, or pregnancy-related issues. Dentures come in a variety of forms to suit the requirements of various people as well as their dental health.

Dentures are durable and long-lasting when properly cared for. These days, dentures can be easily mistaken for real teeth by many due to their sophisticated appearance. To become used to wearing dentures without compromising them by eating the wrong foods, take a look at this list of substances to avoid. This will ensure that you’re able to keep your dentures for longer.

1. Steak

Steak has the potential to be very chewy and tough. This can spell trouble for your dentures, which have the potential to be damaged or even dislodged by excessive chewing. If you do choose to eat red meat, consider cutting your steak into chewy and bite-sized pieces in order to lessen the impact that this tough material has on your teeth.

2. Popcorn

Popcorn is another type of food that it pays to dodge if you have a new set of dentures. Part of this is due to the fact that the kernels of the popcorn have a tendency to dislodge and get trapped in one’s teeth. If a kernel gets trapped underneath your dentures, it has the potential to create extreme irritation in your mouth. Avoiding this food can prevent this problem.

3. Drinks that stain your teeth

There are a number of drinks that are quite popular that, unfortunately, have the potential to stain one’s teeth and dentures. Dentures are unfortunately not immune to staining even though they’re prosthetic. New dentures are, unfortunately, even more prone to this. In addition, caffeinated drinks have a tendency to cause dehydration. This can cause further problems due to the fact that saliva is a natural lubrication that prevents friction between your new dentures and your gums.

4. Nuts

Try to hold off on eating too many nuts for the first few months of wearing dentures. Nuts are hard foods that have the potential to cause damage to one’s dentures if they’re over eaten. In addition, dentists recommend that denture patients attempt to chew with both sides of the mouth. Most people have a tendency to subconsciously chew nuts in the back of their mouth, which can create an imbalance in their dentures.

5. Sticky Candy

Sticky candies are another type of food that can wreak havoc both on one’s natural teeth and on their dentures. Some examples of the types of candies to avoid include caramel, brittle, gummies, toffee and the like. Dentures are actually even more vulnerable to having these substances stick to them than one’s natural teeth. On the upside, dentures do not corrode from the effects of sugar like natural teeth do. Following this, you can replace sticky candies with candy that doesn’t tend to stick to one’s teeth.

Denture Friendly Foods

There are many types of foods that are considered denture-friendly. Especially in the initial stages of getting used to your new dentures, eating things like soft cereals, broths, vegetables, juice, and yogurt are good choices. On the sweeter side, chocolate, ice cream, and fruit offer patients many opportunities to satisfy their sweet tooth without damaging their dentures.

The Best Dentist in Anaheim

My Dentist Anaheim is here for whatever your needs might be with regards to keeping your dentures healthy. If you’re interested in having a conversation about an upcoming denture installation, contact our dentists in Anaheim today to schedule an appointment.

Dentures offer millions of people around the world a way to regain full oral functionality after suffering for years. Being fitted with the right dentures means being given a second chance to improve your dental health. Dentures don’t just look good, but they also feel good. They restore the ability to eat, smile, speak, and laugh naturally. Below we look at what causes denture pain.

What Causes Denture Pain – And How to Relieve It

While over 20 million Americans currently wear dentures, it’s essential to know how to care for them properly to ensure their longevity. Some patients struggle with long-term discomfort and pain that won’t go away no matter how long they’ve had their dental devices. Unfortunately, improper care or ill-fitting dentures can lead to unexpected inconveniences. Today, your Anaheim dentist is going to get to the bottom of what causes denture pain – and how to relieve it with the right set of personalized dentures.

Why Do My Dentures Hurt Me?

Ideally, well-fitted dentures should not cause pain. They should provide a snug, comfortable fit that feels like a gentle suction on the gums. If your dentures continue to feel uncomfortable after several weeks of adjustment, it may indicate an issue that is most easily solved at your trusted dentist’s office.

Bent Dentures

Unfortunately, one of the more common issues that can happen with partial dentures is that they can bend or warp. Whether they got bent out of shape after a fall or an injury, attempting to reshape them on your own is not recommended. Instead, get in touch with your dentist and let them know that you need a denture readjustment ASAP.

Chips and Cracks

Another issue to watch for is damage. Just like natural teeth, dentures can chip or crack, making them uncomfortable to wear. If you notice cracks or chips, contact your dentist promptly. Jagged edges can cause irritation and may lead to more significant repair needs over time. In other words, the pain will just keep getting worse if you don’t let your dentist know how you are feeling.

Relieving Denture Pain and Discomfort

Adjusting to dentures can feel strange initially, but your mouth will adapt over time. Your remaining teeth, gums, and bone structures will conform to this new shape in your mouth, and eventually, it will feel so normal that you may not notice it. But to achieve this level of comfort, you need to take proper care of every part of your mouth. Here are some tips to ensure your dentures remain comfortable:

Dentures may change in your mouth over time due to a combination of factors including lifestyle habits and risks. If your dentures become loose, uncomfortable, or damaged, get in touch with a denture specialist who can make the necessary adjustments right away.

Get the Best Dentures in Anaheim Today!

At My Dentist Anaheim, we offer durable dentures that can restore your smile and oral health. Our dentures are made to look and feel like natural teeth after a short adjustment period. Whether you’ve lost a few teeth or require a full set of dentures, our restorative dentistry specialists can create a customized treatment plan to suit your needs.

Don’t let denture discomfort diminish your quality of life! Contact us today to explore the benefits of our top-notch denture treatments in Anaheim. Whether you’re considering dentures, implants, or another restorative dentistry option, we’ve got the ticket to your dental freedom when you give us a call.

Daily oral hygiene habits are essential for preventing the spread of decay in your mouth. Without taking care of your teeth, you run the risk of letting bacteria turn into harmful plaque and tartar, leading to eventual disease and infection. When this happens, one of the only ways to save your teeth is to get a root canal procedure. Patients of all ages and walks of life might be viable for a root canal treatment if they are at risk of losing their teeth to disease. But what is the most common age for a root canal?

What Is the Most Common Age for a Root Canal?

Below, your Anaheim dentists will answer a big question: What is the most common age for a root canal? Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a root canal and sign up for a personalized treatment as soon as today.

Typical Root Canal Treatment Age

If a patient is in need of a root canal, they can likely receive one regardless of their age. Anyone can become susceptible to a tooth infection, although temporary baby teeth may be treated differently than an adult’s mouth. For that reason, the typical age of root canal patients can be anywhere from 12 to 70.

Daily oral hygiene, diet, and exercise routines will also play a huge role in determining how likely it is that you will develop tooth decay. By visiting your trusted dentist regularly, as well as investing in treatments when you need them, you can keep serious infections at bay. But even if you maintain your oral health, you may still struggle with a specific infection that still warrants a root canal procedure if you want to save your tooth.

Tooth Infection Symptoms

It is a good idea to get in touch with your dentist at the first sign of infection and decay. But what do those symptoms feel like on a daily basis? Contact our pros if you feel one or more of the following conditions:

The longer you go without tending to your negative symptoms, the more you risk developing a serious infection. In many cases, a root canal or tooth extraction will need to be performed in order to preserve your health.

Why You Might Need a Root Canal

A toothache may just be a toothache, but it is important to reach out to your dentists when you experience one just to make sure that it isn’t significant of a larger problem. If your dentist does recommend a root canal for you, you can familiarize yourself with the procedure before you visit the office for your appointment.

Many people fear that root canals are painful and excruciating experiences. Root canals are actually very manageable, and the dentist provides topical anesthesia so you do not feel any pain during the procedure. While you are in the chair, the dentist will make a small hole in the bottom of your tooth to scoop out the nerve pulp. When the nerve pulp gets infected, it must be removed to prevent infection from spreading to your bloodstream. This deadens your tooth, but it saves it from having to be completely pulled out of your mouth. If you do not move forward with a root canal, the only possible option may be extraction.

Prevent Future Decay with a Root Canal Today

No matter your symptoms, you can rely on your trusted comprehensive dentist in Anaheim to provide the perfect treatment to suit your needs. Sign up with us tody or give us a call to learn more about your root canal options. We look forward to treating your smile!

Dentures are a popular option for restorative dentistry. They allow you to regain the normal function of your mouth using removable teeth that can be cleaned and set aside when you don’t need them. A set of partial or complete dentures can be beneficial for those with missing or removed teeth due to age. They allow you to live your life to its fullest and protect against future dental damage. Let’s see how dentures improve health and appearance.

How Dentures Improve Health and Appearance

There are a variety of methods that show how dentures improve health and appearance, which is one of the many reasons why dentures are one of the most popular treatments for cosmetic dentistry in Orange County. Dentures have many benefits that can greatly improve the function and appearance of your mouth. Let’s take a look at a few of them below.

Dentures are Custom-Made

Dentures are more than just a container that fits everyone. Restorative dentistry makes sure that every pair of dentures you receive is custom-made to fit your teeth. They will feel great in your mouth and be comfortable.

Easy to Take Care Of, Easy to Clean

Dentures need to be kept moist in order to keep their shape and fit well in your mouth. Your saliva naturally moistens the dentures as though they were real teeth. They still require moisture when they are taken out. You will be shown by your dentist how to soak dentures overnight. To ensure that your dentures last a long time, it is important to follow the correct storage instructions.

Dentures Prevent You From Unnecessary Dental Visits

The right set of dentures will help you avoid having to visit the dentist as often as possible. It can be frustrating to have to make appointments for emergency dentistry when you have problems with your mouth or pain. Functional procedures can be offered by dentists while providing long-term solutions for your mouth that keep you away from unnecessary pain or discomfort.

Dentures Can Be Brushed and Flossed

Dentures must be cleaned daily. They must be cleaned daily in the same way you brush your natural teeth after eating. Plaque and food can accumulate on denture material. Still, this can cause damage to the whole device, leading to costly repairs.

Brush your dentures with a soft brush and a denture cleaning product every day to keep them in top shape.

Dentures Give You More Freedom

Dentures give you the ability to use your mouth as normal. Still, if you’ve ever had to deal with missing, broken, or decayed teeth, you know how frustrating and difficult it can be to not be able to use a portion of your mouth for eating or chewing. You will feel like new with dentures. These prosthetic teeth can be used to restore your smile and replace missing teeth.

Visit Your Dental Experts for Customized Denture Treatments Today!

You should consult your dentist about your oral health. Missing teeth can lead to gum disease, cavities, and other health issues. To find out if your dentures are suitable for you, you can make an appointment with Dr. Tarun Patel at My Dentist Anaheim. It’s important that you can eat, chew, smile, and breathe like you used to, and you shouldn’t be held back from these things by pain and discomfort.

Our custom dentures in Anaheim can be fitted perfectly to your mouth, offering you a second chance at stellar oral health. You’re more likely to develop serious dental problems if it is too late to get dental care, so acting fast is important. To prevent future dental problems and maintain your healthy teeth, get transformative dentistry by contacting our expert care team now!

If you are missing one or more teeth, your dentist might present several viable options to you. One of the most common and popular treatments, dental bridges, acts as a restorative treatment to help you gain full functionality back in your mouth. So how many teeth can dental bridges replace?

How Many Teeth Can Dental Bridges Replace?

But how many teeth can dental bridges replace? Are they viable options for just one missing tooth? Can they be attached to implants? Dental bridges might be the perfect solution if you want to replace a row of teeth, but might not be suitable for just one single replacement. Keep reading to learn more about the treatment options available to you at your local office of cosmetic dentistry in Orange County.

What are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges consist of crowns that are placed on your teeth and attached to each other with a cement-like substance. They are often recommended to those who have major gaps between their teeth and want to prevent oral health maladies that can come from issues such as tooth gaps and malocclusion.

When is a Dental Bridge Necessary?

You may need a dental bridge if you:

During the dental bridges process, your dentist will take a mold of your mouth to create custom-made bridges and crowns. They will then be attached to your teeth and the gaps will be filled in. There are many different types of bridges available depending on how many teeth you are looking to replace.

Dental Bridges Can Replace Any Number of Teeth

While dental bridges have been used to replace single teeth before, they are most commonly used to replace two or more teeth. Those who are experiencing 1 – 4 missing teeth might be perfect candidates for dental bridges depending on the state of the surrounding area, such as gums and neighboring teeth. The procedure is typically completed in one or two office visits and promises a short recovery time.

Patients with many missing teeth might be better suited for dental implants. Speak with your dentist about the possibility of getting implants or using partial dentures in order to avoid having to rely on structural support from surrounding teeth. We also offer hybrid solutions such as an implant-supported bridge, which is similar to a fixed bridge that is held in place by dental implants.

Why Get Bridges?

Why would you want to opt for bridges instead of dental implants or dentures? Since there are different types of bridges that often offer quicker and more affordable support than other cosmetic dentistry procedures, bridges continue to be a popular choice.

You may also want to invest in bridges so you can take advantage of the following benefits:

You can check out some of our innovative dental bridge treatments when you get in touch with our friendly team of experts who are happy to create a treatment plan based on your needs.

Where Can I Get Dental Bridges?

If you are looking for top-notch dental bridges in Orange County, look no further than My Anaheim Dentist. We offer a wide range of types and variations of dental bridges that we will tailor to your preferences. Whether you have one or multiple missing teeth, there is a perfect solution out there to help you feel better instantly. Stop dealing with pain, discomfort, and low self-esteem that can come from missing teeth. Fill in those gaps the right way today!

Life is full of surprises, and it is normal for people to have dental health problems every now and again. Tooth loss is more serious, though, as some causes of tooth loss occur over time or through a preventable accident. A lack of good dental hygiene can cause severe tooth loss in more severe cases. Let’s look at some common causes of tooth loss.

Common Causes of Tooth Loss

Your trusted dentist in Anaheim puts your health and well-being first. If you or someone you care about is experiencing tooth loss, we can help you identify the root cause and offer real solutions that support a long life of dental health. We offer comprehensive dental exams and a list of treatment options to prevent any medical problems that may result from missing teeth. Take a look at the most common causes of tooth loss to determine if you need treatment for your teeth right away.

1: Physical Trauma

Sometimes, we sustain injuries too close to our mouths. It is possible for teeth to be knocked out of place or damaged beyond repair, whether it’s from contact sports or an unexpected car accident. There are many options to treat traumas caused by accidents or physical injuries.

Implants, Bridges, & Crowns

To replace a missing tooth, dental implants should be considered. Implants will give you natural-looking, strong teeth that will allow you to enjoy your daily activities without any pain or irritation.
You can also use our bridges and crowns services if you don’t need implants. This is a great way to fill a gap or protect a portion of a lost tooth. It also gives you the chance to improve your aesthetic smile without having to go under the knife.

2: Cavities

Nearly everyone has had at least one cavity during their lifetime. According to a study on The Today Show, 91% of adult Americans have experienced at least one cavity. Cavities can be treated immediately, so they aren’t a major problem.

However, cavities are far more threatening to your oral health if left untreated. Tooth loss can be caused by untreated cavities and spreading infection. Your chances of developing a cavity can be reduced by brushing your teeth more often and eating healthier foods.

3: Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease or gum disease, is the leading cause of tooth loss and decay. In fact, periodontal disease is the most common cause of missing teeth among adults, responsible for more than 70% of all gum disease cases.

Gum disease begins as gingivitis. This is a treatable, but still dangerous condition. It can progress to periodontal disease if it is not treated. This could cause you to experience pain and discomfort for a lifetime. Gum treatment is a step to treat your smile and prevent periodontal disease. Each patient’s situation will be different.

4: Outside Risk Factors

Are you a heavy smoker? Are you suffering from arthritis? And are you suffering from hypertension? These factors can all increase the risk of tooth loss and decay. Other than gum disease, poor nutrition and diabetes can also lead to tooth loss. Talk to your dentist about the best and most efficient solutions for you if you are having trouble getting your health on the right track by yourself.

Get Preventive Treatments to Avoid Missing Teeth!

There are several things you can do to keep your teeth from falling out. Our dentist in Anaheim can offer many treatment options for those who are suffering from tooth loss, whether it’s due to gum disease, decay, or other causes. The most popular and effective treatment for multiple missing teeth typically consists of dental implants in Anaheim, and is sometimes assisted by crowns and bridges as well.

Get in touch with us if you have any questions about your smile or are concerned about your oral health. We look forward to helping you prioritize healthy teeth, gums, and smiles!

Dental implants are the most popular restorative dentistry procedure in the world for a lot of reasons, offering a boon of benefits to dental and physical health. They are also a highly successful procedure with results that patients are almost always satisfied by. But still, there is a lot that can go wrong when patients are ill-informed.

Mistakes to Avoid When Getting Dental Implants

There are so many advantages of dental implants that our dentist in Anaheim is excited to tell you about. But you must also know which mistakes to avoid when getting dental implants for the first time. This could help you avoid future dental issues that could cost a fortune down the line.

Using an Inexperienced Dentist

A dentist with sufficient experience and training should perform the dental implant procedure. Your dentist will recommend an initial consultation in order to determine if the treatment is right for you. Before making any decisions, they should review your medical records and assess your biocompatibility. These should be observed. If they are not, consult another dentist. Apex Dental guarantees that your dentist is qualified and experienced enough to complete the procedure.

Not Engaging in Good Aftercare

Your dentist will give you a list of suggestions after placing dental implants. Proper oral hygiene is important, just like real teeth. Failure to follow this will increase the likelihood of problems with the implant recovery process. You should make sure not to wash your mouth too vigorously while you recover, and don’t engage in activities that are unhealthy for your body. If you are bleeding after 48 hours or if you are dealing with other complications, get in touch with your dentist right away.

Investing with a False Dentist

It is easy to find false claims online in today’s digital age. These tricks are often a trap for gullible people. Dental implants of high quality are an investment. If you see a lower price, be careful. It could be from an inexperienced dentist, or someone using inferior materials. Avoid serious complications by not cutting corners when it comes to your health.

Failing to Mention New Problems to Your Dentist

You can expect some discomfort and pain after your implant procedure. You may also experience bleeding and swelling in the first few hours following your surgery. These issues will usually resolve within a few days. Don’t wait to see a dentist if you are still experiencing pain or bleeding. For additional guidance, it is important that you contact our dental team immediately.

Sometimes, minor issues can be overlooked. For example, a sinus infection could affect the implants. Other cases, like an allergic reaction to metals in implants, can be more serious. It doesn’t matter what your symptoms are. It’s worth asking our team to take a look.

Not Investing in Recovery

We know that patients are busy and can’t take time off work or other obligations. Although you might be anxious to return to your normal activities, it is important to follow our advice, especially when it comes back to your active lifestyle. Trauma and injury are serious risks. Your sutures can be damaged within the first few days after your procedure.

Get the Best Dental Implants in Anaheim Today

Your dental implants are designed to be successful as long as you have a good dentist with experience in crafting high-quality implants to last a lifetime. If you are looking to learn more about your restorative dentistry options or you want to avoid long-term mistakes with dental implants in Anaheim today. Our long-term care team is here to answer any of your questions and get you set up for a lifetime of dental health.

It can be difficult to adjust to dentures. You may find that your eating habits, smile, and sleeping patterns are different from what you used to. Dentures can be an advanced treatment option that will allow you to eat and function independently the way you want. It can take some time to get used to the sensation. Let’s look at some tips for living with dentures.

Tips for Living with Dentures

At the office of your local dentist in Anaheim, we want you to feel as comfortable as possible with your new dentures. In no time, your dentures will feel just like natural teeth. There are many ways to eat that can help you live comfortably. Check out these tips for living with dentures to help you make this transition easier.

Do Not Eat Too Much!

It is best to take it slow. It’s easy to get distracted by your favorite foods and want to eat them all, no matter how hard or tough they may be. Remember that your dentures will need to be adjusted to you as well. When your dentures are still being shaped, don’t bite with the front of the mouth. This could cause an imbalance in this sensitive period.

Brush and Floss Regularly

Although you may never regain the feeling of eating with natural teeth, it is possible to recreate some of those feelings. Dentures are a good option, as they allow you to chew and move with your mouth. They will soon be as natural as your body, and as integral as any other part of it.

You should spend more time and effort to maintain healthy dental hygiene. It can make a big difference to keep your mouth clean by brushing, flossing, rinsing, and cleaning it daily. Make sure to clean your dentures after you take them out at bedtime. This is a great opportunity to brush your tongue and gums.

Learn What Dentures Can Do to Your Teeth

Our dentist wants you to be aware that certain foods, objects, chemicals, and substances can cause damage to dentures. This is even if your dentures have been worn for many years. You will become more comfortable with them and be able to eat almost anything. However, it won’t always be good for your dentures.

Avoid foods that are still sticky or chewy. You could end up with dentures that are damaged and need to be repaired.

Know What to Avoid

There are some things that you should avoid when you first start dentures. As you get used to your dentures, your confidence will grow and you’ll be able to eat more variety.

Avoid hot and chewy foods at first. Chewing gum is also a bad idea. This can cause severe damage to your dentures. Finally, avoid eating food that contains sharp bones or sharp objects until you have mastered denture care.

Beware Broken and Loose Dentures

The new dental appliances should feel natural as you adjust to them. Your dentures may feel loose or distorted if this happens. Your loose dentures could even fall off if not properly fitted. This is usually not your fault. It remains up to the dentist to make sure your teeth had proper installation and fit well.

Try not to readjust or mess with dentures that are coming loose. This could lead to costly and possibly painful repairs that can delay your oral healthcare needs. For affordable solutions, visit your dentist ASAP.

Get Your Dentures Today!

Although dentures can be difficult to adjust to, they will provide many benefits for your dental health over the years. Are you having problems with your dentures, new or old? Learn about advanced solutions and treatments for long-term dentures in Anaheim when you visit our friendly experts today. To schedule your personal care consultation, call now!

Dental implants are one of the most invasive restorative dentistry procedures that can help you bring back a major amount of functionality to your mouth. While dental implants are built to last, there is a lot you can do to keep them clean and ensure they don’t run into any complications in the future.

How to Keep Dental Implants Clean

A dental implants specialist can do this life-changing procedure, and the majority of the healing is done in a short period of time. However, there are a couple of dental implants aftercare tips that you need to know before you can fully recover. Beyond that, you should continue to learn how to keep dental implants clean by treating them like they are your natural teeth. Our dentist in Orange County has made this short guide that you can read before fully investing in dental implants.

After the Surgery

After the day of surgery, as dental implants require an operation, you may feel some pain and swelling. It is a normal part of dental implants aftercare to feel bruising, and you’ll want to invest in ice packs and gauze to ease your pain until full recovery. Make sure not to disturb the surgical site, and don’t eat food in that area until you are fully healed.
If you feel any pain or discomfort after the implants procedure, your doctor can prescribe some painkillers to help you relieve some of your symptoms.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

Keep your mouth as clean as possible during the recovery process. Our dentists know that it may take a while to recover fully from the dental implants surgery. And a full brushing may not be possible. However, take care to rinse out your mouth as thoroughly as you can, using hot water and salt or a mild mouthwash. This should be done a few times a day until you can brush again.

Mind Your Diet

You will be in pain for a while, and most areas of your mouth may be too sensitive to eat hard or textured foods. An important part of dental implants aftercare is knowing what can and can’t go into your mouth. Think of nourishing comfort foods that aren’t too hot or too cold.

Use a Specific Healthcare Routine

Dental implants should be cleaned every day, but not just any type of brush or toothpaste will do. Here are some steps to properly clean your new teeth:

Do you need further help cleaning your implants every day? Then get in touch with your dentist to see if there is anything specific you should do.

What About Dentures?

Removable dentures require an extensive cleaning routine as well. They should be soaked in a specific cleaner overnight and brushed daily. They are not firmly implanted in your teeth like dental implants. Still they require as much care and management as your natural teeth would.

Call Us About Dental Implants Today!

At My Dentist Anaheim, our dental implants specialist wants to make sure you have the most successful restorative dentistry procedure possible. While the surgery itself has incredibly high rates of success, it requires a lifetime of care in order to last. You can learn more about the advantages of dental implants in Anaheim when you get in touch with our dental specialists today. Don’t wait until your implants break or need replacing. We can create a customized treatment plan to help you get your dental health back on the right track.

Anyone who has had dental crowns before might be wondering if they are built to last forever. Have you ever had a crown fall out due to unexpected damage or injury? Do you have new dental issues that are keeping you from being able to properly bite or chew your food? If so, you may need new or replacement dental crowns. So do dental crowns need replacing?

Do Dental Crowns Need Replacing?

With the right kind of care and good oral hygiene, your dental crowns can last many years without needing a replacement. See what your local cosmetic dentist in Anaheim can do for you when you have a dental crown in need of replacing.

How Long Should Dental Crowns Last?

Your dental crowns are built to last many years. Especially when properly installed and you maintain daily oral hygiene. Depending on the materials they’re made of, dental crowns can last almost two decades before they begin to fall apart. Natural wear and tear happen to crowns just as they happen to your natural teeth. But keeping your mouth healthy can prolong the life of your crowns even further.

Signs of Dental Crown Damage

It can sometimes be difficult to tell when your dental crown is on its way out. Aside from the obvious signs of your crown breaking and falling apart, there are more subtle ways for dentists to tell whether your crown needs replacing:

It is hard to notice certain signs of dental crown damage. Still, it proves important to give yourself a visual and physical check-in to ensure that you do not show any of the above signs. If you are, it is important to get your dental crowns replaced as quickly as possible. Get in touch with your dentist in Anaheim for the next steps.

The Best Way to Replace Your Dental Crowns

Whether your crown is badly damaged or just a little cracked, it really should be replaced either way. When you visit My Dentist Anaheim for a scheduled appointment, or dental experts can help you find the best option for replacing broken or damaged crowns.

Crown replacement is more than possible. And the dentist will need to make new molds of your mouth to ensure that the crown fits you perfectly. As a large cap placed on the top of your tooth, the dental crown can even out your bite and protect your tooth from harm.

Dental Crown Alternatives

In some cases, it might be better for you to invest in a different type of restorative dentistry procedure. Depending on how much of your natural tooth can be saved, you may be a good candidate for onlays or inlays. These devices work similarly to crowns but cover less of the tooth’s surface area. Resin and composite materials can work to better protect your teeth in as little as two office visits.

Find the Best Restorative Dentistry Solutions Today

At My Dentist Anaheim, we are committed to helping patients receive the best of knowledge and care. It’s important to stay informed about the way your dental crowns work and monitor them for signs that they may need replacing.

Looking for the best restorative dentistry options in your area? Learn more about dental crowns in Anaheim when you sign up for a personal consultation with our friendly dental staff today. Don’t let wear and tear take the best parts of your tooth away: get proper protection to keep your teeth healthy and clean for many years to come!

Dental implants are one of the most popular and successful restorative dentistry procedures on the planet. When you invest in dental implants, you are committing to a permanent solution that can restore full health and functionality to your mouth. These devices are built to last a lifetime, but you should know what to do if you break your implants in case an accident occurs.

What to Do If You Break Your Implants

Visit your dentist in Anaheim at the first sign that something is wrong with your implants. Below, you can take a look at some of the biggest reasons why implants might break and what steps you should take to remedy the situation ASAP.

How Do Implants Break?

If dental implants are built to last, then how can they break in the first place? There are actually a few factors that can hurt or inhibit your dental devices. They include:

If one of these things has happened to you, don’t panic! There are some simple ways to restore your dental implants and fix any injuries that may have occurred.

How Are Dental Implants Fixed?

You can fix your dental implants in a few different ways, but it is imperative that you visit your local dentist ASAP. The sooner you can get in with your dental professional, the better chances you have of fixing or replacing your implants.

In some cases, you may need a bone graft before you can get a new dental implant. This requires taking some bone from another part of your body and grafting it to your jaw to provide more stability and support. The reliability of your implants depends on the strength of your jaw bone.

If it is only the screw portion of the implants that are broken, that part can be easily replaced. This method may not require a bone graft or a complete replacement, but your dentist can still address the area of concern.

The Best Treatment for Broken Implants? – Avoid Injury and Accidents!

Dental implants are hugely successful and can help you live a better quality of life. You should be able to use your implants like you would your natural teeth, but that just means you must take care of them like natural teeth as well. This means being careful when grinding or applying too much pressure to them.

When you take good care of your dental implants, you are assuring a long life of good oral health. As long as you keep your implants maintained as well as your natural teeth, you should not have to worry about breaks or cracks. Dental implants are permanent fixtures that are not meant to break or be replaced. So it is only under extreme circumstances that you might deal with some breakage.

Invest in Dental Implants Today

At My Anaheim Dentist, we can offer you more information about our safe and effective dental implants in Anaheim. Do you have one or more missing teeth or need an extraction? Then you can consider implants as a replacement for your natural teeth. This highly successful procedure will result in permanent tooth replacements. When done right, they keep you feeling comfortable and happy for the rest of your life, as long as you maintain a proper daily oral hygiene routine.

Schedule a consultation with our dental professional today or make an appointment with our team to learn more about your oral health options!

Are you a sports athlete who has had a contact injury? Did you slip and fall in an accident and hurt your mouth? If so, you have probably experienced a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth. Depending on the nature of the injury, this breakage may or may not cause pain. This causes patients to wonder whether it is cause for emergency at all. So, do I need to fix a broken tooth?

Do I Need to Fix a Broken Tooth?

Those who may be asking themselves, “Do I need to fix a broken tooth?” should know that it is always important to seek dental care for an injury. Whether or not you feel symptoms of pain, here is what the experts at My Dentist Anaheim want you to know about the importance of fixing broken teeth ASAP.

Causes of Broken Teeth

Teeth are sensitive parts of the body, and they can break or chip for a number of reasons. Some of the biggest causes of broken and cracked teeth include:
  • Consistent grinding and gnashing of the teeth
  • Physical blow to the mouth after sports injury or car accidents
  • Quick and extreme changes in temperature in the mouth
  • Aging and weakening immune system
  • Improper fillings
Some dental injuries may seem mild, especially if they cause no pain or discomfort. But even a slight crack can lead to more serious dental issues if left untreated.

Dangers of Broken Teeth

A split or fracture in the tooth might not seem like a big deal. Cracks are common, and most people who experience dental injuries have no trouble eating and speaking normally. However, your untreated tooth could still pose a lot of risks to the body.


Parts of your teeth that have chipped or cracked have most likely exposed part of the inner layers of your teeth, making them more susceptible to infection. Bacteria from food and other outside particles can get into the roots of your teeth, spreading decay throughout the rest of your mouth.


You run the risk of spreading your injury to other parts of your mouth. A tooth with a jagged edge that has chipped off is a hazard to the rest of your mouth, as you can cut your lip or gums on that rough edge. This can be fixed up with restorative dentistry treatments dental bonding or a porcelain veneer.

Best Treatments for a Broken Tooth

Depending on the nature and severity of your broken tooth, a variety of treatment solutions are available. Smaller fractures and cracks may allow you to save your tooth, while bigger breaks might require you to invest in a root canal or tooth extraction. Small cracks and chips can be treated with dental bonding, which applies a strong adhesive to the affected area. A dental light dries the adhesive for a pain-free repair procedure. Larger fractures and broken teeth may require a root canal, which is a treatment that deadens your nerve and scrapes away the infected areas. You can salvage your natural tooth with this procedure. As a last resort, tooth extractions are available for teeth that are unsalvageable. Severe injuries may result in permanent tooth loss, and an extraction is necessary to get rid of the dead tooth before it can spread infection to the rest of your mouth.

Invest in the Best Dental Treatments Today!

At My Dentist Anaheim, we offer the very best in dental treatment and prevention. At the first sign of a dental injury, you should visit your local specialist and set up an appointment for a proper diagnosis. Without treatment, even the mildest of tooth cracks can lead to some serious oral health issues. Learn more about our treatments for root canal and dental bonding in Anaheim by getting in touch with our experts today. Don’t wait to invest in your oral health!
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