
Do Dental Crowns Get Cavities?

Protective ceramic crowns are the best option for weakening, cracked, or discolored teeth. They can be customized to fit the natural tooth’s form and color. They typically look better than any other type of dental crowns and are more resistant to staining. These caps protect the tooth against future decay or damage and support weaker tooth structures.

Do Dental Crowns Get Cavities?

This begs the question, “Do dental crowns get cavities?” Once you have placed a protective shell over your real tooth, is the tooth underneath still susceptible to infection and decay? There are a few important pieces of information you should know about when you pursue dental crowns in Anaheim. Our dental experts highlight all the important information below!

Evidence of Cavities in Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can be made from porcelain, porcelain fused with metal, or gold. A dental crown is a durable covering that protects vulnerable teeth from infection and breakage. Many patients seeking crowns or other forms of tooth restoration are still unsure if cavities can still be developed after the crown is installed.

What is the answer? The answer is: This is usually caused by poor hygiene, such as improper brushing and flossing. Plaque and bacteria can form even more easily if these conditions are not addressed. Cavities can also be caused by crowns. This is usually due to plaque formation around the crown and tooth’s gum line.

Preventing Cavities Under Your Crown

You can work to prevent cavities from forming in your mouth even when you’re wearing a crown. It is a good idea to continue a good daily oral health regimen, especially since you can’t see the natural tooth living under the crown. Keeping your dental health up to date is what is always most important. Follow these quick tips for keeping your crowns clean and preventing a dental health issue down the line:

Always Brush After Eating

Cleanse a ceramic crown properly with a toothbrush and toothpaste after each meal to prevent cavities around and underneath it. Tooth decay can still cause damage to the natural tooth. Ensure you floss at least once a day to ensure bacteria doesn’t reach the crown.

Remove Sources of Bacteria

A crown can not get decay but the root of the tooth is susceptible to bacteria. Tooth decay can be caused by bacteria becoming colonies in the mouth if it isn’t cleaned properly or frequently enough. Plaque forms when acid in the mouth digests carbohydrates, leftover food debris, and forms a thin film.

This acid can eat through the enamel and cause small cavities. You can prevent cavities by removing bacteria from the food source. The only way to prevent cavities is to clean your mouth after each meal and eat calcium-rich, high-protein foods.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Patients will still require regular dental visits even if they have a crown. A dentist will recommend that patients have regular X-rays. If there is any decay, it can be quickly diagnosed and treated to minimize damage. Many times, it is possible to fill small cracks beneath ceramic crowns without putting any strain on the crown.

Cavities prevention is a daily process that requires care and attention. However, it doesn’t have to be something you do alone. Your dentist has the tools (X-rays and dental imaging) to detect minor issues early. Regular check-ups can be a great way of fighting tooth decay. Crowns and other tooth restorations like veneers or dental bridges are excellent ways to add strength, functionality, and beauty to your teeth when they are properly maintained.

Get the Best Care for Your Dental Crowns Today

My Dentist Anaheim is your best spot for all types of cosmetic dentistry near Orange County. From crowns and bridges to cavity control, it is important that you visit your cosmetic dentist for an approved procedure ASAP. The longer you wait to assess your dental issues, the harder it will be to invest in dental health for your future. Contact us now for a personal consultation!