Dental bonds and dental veneers are two of the most popular methods in dentistry to improve one’s smile. The two methods have the potential to add vivacity and sheen to sets of teeth that may have experienced damage or decay. So, can you replace dental bonding with veneers?

Of the two, dental veneers are the more costly and the more permanent. Some patients find themselves curious if they’re able to replace dental bonds with dental veneers. The good news is that this process is quite possible, and that dentists perform it quite frequently.

Can You Replace Dental Bonding with Veneers?

If you’re interested in whether or not this might be an option for you, take a look at this overview that describes this process.

What Are Dental Bonds?

In a dental bonding procedure, a dentist fixes teeth and restores structure to places that may have recently sustained damage using composite resin.

To return the patient’s teeth to their original shape, the dentist molds the composite resin to fit the patient’s teeth. The dentist uses a curing light to solidify the newly created shape after it has been established.

Dental bonding is an appealing alternative for individuals afraid of more involved procedures because it is a reasonably easy operation that is frequently finished in a single session. Dental bonding works well in conjunction with veneers and whitening procedures, among other dental makeover procedures intended to enhance a patient’s appearance.

What Are Veneers?

A dental veneer is one type of dental fixture. The natural teeth are covered by these veneers, which are often composed of porcelain, to enhance their appearance. Dental veneers can benefit a person’s teeth in the following ways:

Preventing teeth from cracking and chipping, improving the color of teeth, masking discolorations, raising confidence, and generally fortifying teeth. Your veneers should last up to ten years if they are placed and maintained correctly.

All things considered, many patients can benefit from the aesthetic advantages that premium veneers offer. These veneers may chip and break.

Veneers vs. Dental Bonds

There are several important differences between dental veneers and dental bonds. In general, dental veneers are considered a more economical but less permanent solution to improving one’s smile.

Dental bonds are a wonderful material for small to medium fillings or for temporarily reshaping the front teeth. These types of bonds are used frequently to improve small imperfections or spaces between the teeth after braces.

Veneers are more stain-resistant and are less likely to break. Porcelain varies in strength but is almost as strong as one’s natural teeth. Given this, these fixtures tend to last for much longer periods of time. Overall, it’s much easier to create lifelike replicas of natural-looking teeth with porcelain veneer.

Replacing Dental Bonds with Dental Veneers

Because veneers are more permanent and more natural-looking than bonds, it is requested fairly often that the latter be replaced by the former. Prior to installing any of the new veneers, the dentist will need to replace the old bonds. This is due to the fact that old dental bonds do not make a sturdy base for the installation of dental veneers.

Once the old bonds are replaced, then your dentist can begin the process of installing your veneers. Overall, this is considered a quick and easy installation process that can be completed in a fairly short amount of time.

How Often Should You Replace Dental Bonding

Under normal circumstances, dental bonding normally lasts from between 7-10 years. Much of this depends on how well you care for these fixtures. Typically, dental bonds will lose their original polish after approximately five years.

At seven years, they have a tendency to acquire stains and chips at their edges. By the 10-year mark, there tends to be heavy leakage under the plastic. This tends to ultimately cause the bonds to fail. In general, you should plan to replace your veneers after about 7 to 10 years.

The Benefits of Replacing Dental Bonds With Veneers

There are several different benefits to replacing dental bonding. The following are ones that are commonly reported:

The Best Dentist in Anaheim

My Dentist Anaheim is one of the premiere dentists in Southern California for those seeking to have dental bonding in Anaheim. If you would like to discuss the plausibility of having veneers installed, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Dental bonding can be a simple procedure that can solve many dental problems. Dental bonding is primarily about protecting the tooth, although it can also be used to protect the enamel against the elements. Also, dental bonding uses an extra layer of composite resin to protect the enamel from extreme temperatures, thus eliminating severe sensitivity. The composite resin will bond to the enamel, protecting it from any potential discomfort or harm. Let’s see how dental bonding helps sensitive teeth.

How Dental Bonding Helps Sensitive Teeth

Our dentist in Anaheim can offer a variety of solutions as a cosmetic dentist such as bonding, veneers, and crowns. Depending on the level of sensitivity that you are experiencing, dental bonding may be the best solution to save the overall integrity of your health while keeping you as comfortable as possible. Still, keep reading to learn more about how dental bonding helps sensitive teeth by strengthening them from the outside.

What is Dental Bonding?

If you are looking for a quick way to repair chips, cracks, or other damage to your smile, then you will likely be satisfied with dental bonding. This is recommended for minor cracks or chips. Still, dental bonding is one the most painless and simple procedures available. To bond the resin to your tooth, your dentist will use a tooth-colored resin and a special light. This procedure is non-invasive and painless. This allows for fast restorations that do not affect the natural beauty and health of your smile.

How Dental Bonding Strengthens Your Teeth

Bonding can be completed in just one visit. Crowns and veneers can take longer to prepare, so it may be necessary to return for a second visit, depending on how many teeth you want to treat. Multiple teeth can be bonded in one visit. These are just some of the many reasons patients return to us time and time again for the best non-invasive cosmetic treatments.

Dental bonding has many other benefits, aside from its durability:

Dental bonding can replace other cosmetic procedures such as crowns, veneers, and amalgam fillings. Still, to maximize your results, these additional procedures can be combined with dental bonding.

The Best Treatments for Broken and Sensitive Teeth

There are many options available depending on how severe your tooth sensitivity is. You may be able to save your tooth with smaller fractures or cracks, but more significant breaks will require you to have a root canal or extraction.

Dental bonding can be used to treat small cracks or chips. Also, this involves applying a strong adhesive on the affected area. The glue is then dried using a dental light. Thankfully, this ensures that dental bonding is completely painless throughout the duration of the procedure.

In more severe cases of decay or infection, root canals are required to mend larger fractures or broken teeth. This is a procedure that kills the nerve and removes infected areas. This procedure can save your natural tooth. Tooth extractions can be performed for unsalvageable teeth as a last resort. An extraction may be necessary for severe injuries that could lead to permanent tooth loss.

Get the Best Dental Treatments Today!

My Dentist Anaheim offers the best in preventive and treatment dentistry. You should contact your dentist immediately if you notice a dental injury. Even the smallest tooth cracks can cause serious problems for your oral health. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our cosmetic treatments such as crowns and dental bonding in Anaheim, which are designed to protect your sensitive teeth while adding extra support for your overall dental health. You can start improving your smile with a quick and painless in-office procedure like dental bonding today!

Are you a sports athlete who has had a contact injury? Did you slip and fall in an accident and hurt your mouth? If so, you have probably experienced a chipped, cracked, or broken tooth. Depending on the nature of the injury, this breakage may or may not cause pain. This causes patients to wonder whether it is cause for emergency at all. So, do I need to fix a broken tooth?

Do I Need to Fix a Broken Tooth?

Those who may be asking themselves, “Do I need to fix a broken tooth?” should know that it is always important to seek dental care for an injury. Whether or not you feel symptoms of pain, here is what the experts at My Dentist Anaheim want you to know about the importance of fixing broken teeth ASAP.

Causes of Broken Teeth

Teeth are sensitive parts of the body, and they can break or chip for a number of reasons. Some of the biggest causes of broken and cracked teeth include:
  • Consistent grinding and gnashing of the teeth
  • Physical blow to the mouth after sports injury or car accidents
  • Quick and extreme changes in temperature in the mouth
  • Aging and weakening immune system
  • Improper fillings
Some dental injuries may seem mild, especially if they cause no pain or discomfort. But even a slight crack can lead to more serious dental issues if left untreated.

Dangers of Broken Teeth

A split or fracture in the tooth might not seem like a big deal. Cracks are common, and most people who experience dental injuries have no trouble eating and speaking normally. However, your untreated tooth could still pose a lot of risks to the body.


Parts of your teeth that have chipped or cracked have most likely exposed part of the inner layers of your teeth, making them more susceptible to infection. Bacteria from food and other outside particles can get into the roots of your teeth, spreading decay throughout the rest of your mouth.


You run the risk of spreading your injury to other parts of your mouth. A tooth with a jagged edge that has chipped off is a hazard to the rest of your mouth, as you can cut your lip or gums on that rough edge. This can be fixed up with restorative dentistry treatments dental bonding or a porcelain veneer.

Best Treatments for a Broken Tooth

Depending on the nature and severity of your broken tooth, a variety of treatment solutions are available. Smaller fractures and cracks may allow you to save your tooth, while bigger breaks might require you to invest in a root canal or tooth extraction. Small cracks and chips can be treated with dental bonding, which applies a strong adhesive to the affected area. A dental light dries the adhesive for a pain-free repair procedure. Larger fractures and broken teeth may require a root canal, which is a treatment that deadens your nerve and scrapes away the infected areas. You can salvage your natural tooth with this procedure. As a last resort, tooth extractions are available for teeth that are unsalvageable. Severe injuries may result in permanent tooth loss, and an extraction is necessary to get rid of the dead tooth before it can spread infection to the rest of your mouth.

Invest in the Best Dental Treatments Today!

At My Dentist Anaheim, we offer the very best in dental treatment and prevention. At the first sign of a dental injury, you should visit your local specialist and set up an appointment for a proper diagnosis. Without treatment, even the mildest of tooth cracks can lead to some serious oral health issues. Learn more about our treatments for root canal and dental bonding in Anaheim by getting in touch with our experts today. Don’t wait to invest in your oral health!
Accidents happen. Injuries can occur as a result of contact sports, falling down the stairs, or tripping over a rock. Sometimes, teeth can be damaged as a result of these injuries. You’ll be left asking how to fix a chipped tooth. But you’ll have the answer. If you or your loved one has chipped a tooth after an accident, it is crucial to seek professional dental services immediately. While a little chip or crack may not seem like a huge deal, it can cause irreversible damage to the nerves and the rest of the mouth over time. At My Dentist Anaheim, we provide dental bonding services to help repair a chipped tooth. This procedure is quick, easy, and painless, and can help restore your tooth to its proper function. But there is more than one way to fix a chipped tooth, and several other factors to consider before a treatment decision can be made. Below, you’ll find some information about the associated risks of chipping a tooth, as well as the costs of repair and types of repair available.

What Causes a Tooth to Chip?

Despite the fact that we use our teeth for eating, they are still sensitive and fragile parts of our bodies. Tooth enamel is a hard mineral casing that protects our teeth from damage, but it can wear down over time. This leads to an increased risk of chipping your tooth. You can chip your tooth by simply eating hard candy, biting on a hard piece of plastic, or falling and suffering from an injury to the mouth. According to research performed by Crest, tooth grinding also contributes to the possibility of a broken or chipped tooth. When you notice that you have chipped a tooth, the first thing you should do is get in touch with your trusted dentist in Anaheim for an appointment.

What to Do When You Chip a Tooth

If you notice a break or crack in your teeth, you need to schedule an appointment right away. In the meantime, if you are experiencing pain, it is okay to take some over-the-counter painkillers while you wait for your emergency repair services. It is also helpful to know the type of chipped tooth. The different types of chips and breaks you can experience include:
  • Vertical Break: The most common type of crack, starting at the root and moving up your tooth. You may be in pain if you are suffering from a vertical break.
  • Split Tooth: Some teeth have more than one set of roots, so a break can cause the tooth to split into two.
  • Decay Break: If you are dealing with damage or decay in the teeth, there can be so much buildup of decay that it causes the teeth to crack.
  • Front Tooth Chip: Your front teeth are prone to chipping and cracking more than others due to their location.
Depending on the severity and placement of the chip in your tooth, there are several different treatment options available.

Treating a Chipped Tooth

We find that most of our patients benefit from our dental bonding procedure. During this procedure, a dental bonding resin is applied to the affected area and dried with a heating tool. It is completely painless and non-invasive; it and adds composite material over the crack to repair the structure of your tooth. Think of it as fixing a crack in a wall or your kitchen sink. Just apply some dental plaster! In some cases, the break or chip is too severe to apply dental bonding. When this happens, tooth extraction is necessary. Your dentist will numb your mouth and then extract your tooth. Afterward, you may choose to have a dental implant, crown, or bridge to close the gap between your missing tooth.

Get the Best Dental Services ASAP

When you suffer from an injury, it’s important to seek medical help right away. Dealing with tooth injuries is no different. Especially when it comes to needing to fix a chipped tooth. Whether you have a small crack or a big chip in your tooth, you need to invest in a treatment that will stop the spread of pain and decay. At My Dentist Anaheim, we are available to help those in need of our urgent services. For more information about dental bonding, or if you are concerned about a dental injury, please contact us online. You can also give us a call at (714) 677-8575 to speak with a representative about scheduling your next appointment.
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