Dental bridges are a nifty feature in modern dentistry that can replace single or multiple missing teeth in a patient. These fixtures have the potential to return a patient’s smile and appearance to normal after some type of damage has been done that impacts their appearance. Below, we look at how long do dental bridges last.

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

If you’re interested in receiving this type of dental work, then you’re likely interested in knowing just how long these bridges are prone to lasting. The good news is that if they’re well taken care of, these dental appendages have the potential to last for between 5 and 15 years if taken care of well.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is an artificial replacement for one or multiple teeth. These bridges imitate the appearance of a row of natural teeth. For this reason, they’re best suited to replacing either a single tooth or a row of consecutive teeth in the mouth.

The name dental bridge comes from the idea that these fixtures “bridge the gap” in one’s smile. These bridges are highly customizable, and it’s quite easy for a dentist to make a set that matches the general shape and shades of a patient’s natural teeth.

Dental bridges are composed of two different main components. These include:

Depending on the specifics of how many teeth you need to replace and the general shape of your mouth, your own dental bridge will contain a unique combination of these two elements.

The Types of Dental Bridges

Depending on your exact goals for your end results, your dentist will recommend one of the four primary types of dental bridges. These are as following:

Traditional dental bridge:

A traditional dental bridge is the most common type of dental bridge. It generally consists of dental crowns on both ends of the bridge with artificial teeth placed in between. The bridge is bonded through the crowns to your natural teeth on either side of the gap. The pontics fill the space between.

Maryland dental bridge:

A Maryland bridge utilizes metal wings rather than crowns to secure your bridge. A dentist then bonds the wings to the back of your mouth to secure your bridge. This type of dental bridge is mostly used to replace a patient’s front teeth.

Cantilever dental bridge:

This type of bridge is very similar to a traditional bridge. However, there’s only a crown on one end of this type of bridge, rather than on both ends. Dentists typically employ this type of bridge only when a patient has natural teeth on one side of the gap. Cantilever bridges aren’t quite as strong as traditional bridges.

Implant-supported bridge:

This type of dental bridge is also similar to a traditional dental bridge. However, in this type of bridge, the installation rests atop dental implants rather than natural teeth. Dental implants are small posts that are designed to replace missing teeth roots. Prior to attaching a bridge to dental implants, the latter must fully integrate with the architecture of the mouth through a process called integration. This can take quite a long time, with many cases taking up to 3 to 6 months to resolve.

There are several factors that can help determine which of the above bridges your dentist will choose for you. Some of these factors include the following:

Recovering from Dental Bridge Installation

Taking care of your dental bridge in order to maximize its lifespan is relatively simple. There are a number of practices you can enact in order to try and extend the lifespan of these bridges. Some of these include:

Following these steps should put you in a good position to preserve the lifespan of your dental bridges for the maximum amount of time possible.

The Dentist Anaheim Trusts

My dentist in Anaheim is well-regarded as one of the best places in Southern California to receive high-quality dental work. If you’re interested in receiving an inspection with relation to your eligibility for dental bridge work, contact us today in order to receive a consultation and start looking your best today.

If you are missing one or more teeth, your dentist might present several viable options to you. One of the most common and popular treatments, dental bridges, acts as a restorative treatment to help you gain full functionality back in your mouth. So how many teeth can dental bridges replace?

How Many Teeth Can Dental Bridges Replace?

But how many teeth can dental bridges replace? Are they viable options for just one missing tooth? Can they be attached to implants? Dental bridges might be the perfect solution if you want to replace a row of teeth, but might not be suitable for just one single replacement. Keep reading to learn more about the treatment options available to you at your local office of cosmetic dentistry in Orange County.

What are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges consist of crowns that are placed on your teeth and attached to each other with a cement-like substance. They are often recommended to those who have major gaps between their teeth and want to prevent oral health maladies that can come from issues such as tooth gaps and malocclusion.

When is a Dental Bridge Necessary?

You may need a dental bridge if you:

During the dental bridges process, your dentist will take a mold of your mouth to create custom-made bridges and crowns. They will then be attached to your teeth and the gaps will be filled in. There are many different types of bridges available depending on how many teeth you are looking to replace.

Dental Bridges Can Replace Any Number of Teeth

While dental bridges have been used to replace single teeth before, they are most commonly used to replace two or more teeth. Those who are experiencing 1 – 4 missing teeth might be perfect candidates for dental bridges depending on the state of the surrounding area, such as gums and neighboring teeth. The procedure is typically completed in one or two office visits and promises a short recovery time.

Patients with many missing teeth might be better suited for dental implants. Speak with your dentist about the possibility of getting implants or using partial dentures in order to avoid having to rely on structural support from surrounding teeth. We also offer hybrid solutions such as an implant-supported bridge, which is similar to a fixed bridge that is held in place by dental implants.

Why Get Bridges?

Why would you want to opt for bridges instead of dental implants or dentures? Since there are different types of bridges that often offer quicker and more affordable support than other cosmetic dentistry procedures, bridges continue to be a popular choice.

You may also want to invest in bridges so you can take advantage of the following benefits:

You can check out some of our innovative dental bridge treatments when you get in touch with our friendly team of experts who are happy to create a treatment plan based on your needs.

Where Can I Get Dental Bridges?

If you are looking for top-notch dental bridges in Orange County, look no further than My Anaheim Dentist. We offer a wide range of types and variations of dental bridges that we will tailor to your preferences. Whether you have one or multiple missing teeth, there is a perfect solution out there to help you feel better instantly. Stop dealing with pain, discomfort, and low self-esteem that can come from missing teeth. Fill in those gaps the right way today!

Missing or misaligned teeth don’t just look bad, they also open the floodgates for infection in your mouth. Quality replacement options from your trusted cosmetic dentistry in Orange County are key to a beautiful, healthy smile that will last you through your years. Your dentist will help you determine the difference between dental implants vs bridges: what’s best for you?

Dental Implants vs Bridges: What’s Best for You?

The appearance and functionality of your smile can be affected by losing teeth. This can also affect your self-confidence. These problems are often addressed by dental professionals using dental implants and bridges as the two most popular treatment options today. We will be discussing the differences between these two restorative treatments to help you decide which one is best.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most popular dental procedure. They provide a permanent solution for missing teeth. Your Beverly Hills specialist will place artificial teeth in your jawbone. They will make your mouth look and feel natural.

After the healing period, it will be difficult to distinguish between real teeth and those that are part of your dental implants. These implants can receive treatment the same way as regular teeth. You can brush and floss them as you would regular teeth. Keep in touch with your specialist dentist if you have any questions.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge procedure might prove beneficial if you have multiple missing teeth. There are many types of dental bridges available, depending on how large your gap is and how many missing teeth you have.

Implant-supported dental bridges are permanent procedures in which your dentist will attach false teeth to your mouth and secure them by attaching the ends to your existing teeth. These implants must be attached to the roots of your teeth to ensure they remain in place. Another popular type of implant is the tooth-supported bridge, which is an implant that is placed on top of your existing teeth. This procedure doesn’t require that the bridges be attached to the roots of your teeth.

Are Dental Bridges Worth the Cost?

Dental bridges replace your missing teeth and restore your ability to properly chew and speak. Your remaining teeth are not affected by shifting, which can lead to bite problems. A dental bridge can also reduce the chance of bone loss and maintain your facial structure. In most cases, you will find that dental bridges are worth the cost, and they may even be covered by your insurance provider, depending on how badly you need this procedure done.

What is Restorative Dentistry Treatment Like?

A dental bridge is a shorter procedure than the dental implant process. This involves creating a functional and structural link between an artificial implant’s surface and the living bone in your body. It can be more difficult, however, as it requires permanent modification of the surrounding teeth to support the bridge. Implants require surgery and may also necessitate more than one visit to your dentist’s office. However, the results are permanent and you don’t have to worry about any follow-up appointments over time.

What’s Better: Bridges or Implants?

Bridges are more durable than dental implants when compared to dental bridges. A bridge or an implant will last longer. Implants provide greater protection, lasting a lifetime. Bridges are a long-lasting option too, as they have a life expectancy of about 10 years. Both options are good for your jaw health, helping to maintain bone strength and shape. This positively impacts your face’s appearance and oral health as you age. Implants are more natural than bridges and mimic the feel and function of real teeth. It is up to you and your dentist to determine which option is best.

Get Excellent Restorative Dentistry Services Today

If you are looking for more information about dental implants or dental bridges in Anaheim, get in touch with our knowledgeable staff today. We’ll offer you information about your treatment options and help you set up a personal consultation with our dentist. Reach out to us at any time to learn more!

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