One of the first things you will do when visiting a new dentist is get a series of dental X-rays done. X-rays are an important tool for dentists as they show images of your bones beyond the skin, helping them diagnose issues and identify problems that are not visible to the naked eye. Below we cover a few signs you need dental X-rays.

Signs You Need Dental X-Rays

Your cosmetic dentist in Anaheim will want you to get X-rays before a full examination in order to fully understand your scope of care. Today, we are going to talk about the process of taking X-rays, the safety of X-rays, and some of the biggest signs you need dental X-rays during your next appointment.

You Need Early Detection

While many technologies have come a long way, X-rays are still widely used by dentists across the globe because they are the best at taking full images of the skull. There is nothing dentists trust more when it comes to discovering possible dental problems and stopping them in their tracks. By preventing issues early, you are avoiding a future of poor health and intensive treatments.

You Won’t Receive Too Much Radiation

The biggest concern that patients have had about dental X-rays over the years is, of course, surrounding their safety. X-rays use radiation to capture the type of image that they can capture, which means patients are temporarily exposed to minuscule amounts of radiation while the pictures are being taken.

However, we can confidently tell you that you have absolutely nothing to worry about. In addition to following the American Dental Association guidelines on X-Rays and Radiographs, which suggest the bare minimum amount of radiation be used, we also provide patients with protective gear to add another layer of resistance. Collars, aprons, and headpieces are available and encouraged for use. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you will not be eligible to get a dental X-ray.

You Need the Entire Picture of Your Dental Health

Your dentist can diagnose plenty of issues just by looking into your mouth, but there are many underlying conditions that may not be visible from the outside looking in. A dental X-ray can reveal the innermost parts of your mouth, helping our experts identify whether preventative actions need to be taken. X-rays are an important part of the dental health process for anyone interested in seeing the full picture of their health.

Choose Different Types of X-Rays

Did you know that there are a few different classifications of X-rays that you’ll find in the dentist’s office? Some of our state-of-the-art machines include a panoramic X-ray machine that circles around your head, snapping pictures as it rotates. That way, you can get a comprehensive look at your skull without having to sit for multiple pictures.

Radiographs are another form of dental X-ray that may be necessary for anyone dealing with small issues. Radiographs highlight the smallest and most well-hidden corners of your mouth, broadening your dentist’s ability to analyze your overall health.

Sign Up For X-Rays and a New Screening Today

If you haven’t been to the dentist in quite some time, you are likely going to need to get X-rays in order to stay updated on your oral care needs. Despite general worries and fears, X-rays are an incredibly safe method of capturing your skull so your dentist can properly understand your health.

You can learn more about the process of dental X-rays and find out what type of X-ray you need the most when you contact us today. Let us know that you are interested in getting dental X-rays in Anaheim for the first time and we will connect you with one of our experts ASAP.

Nearly 100% of Americans will have at least one cavity before reaching adulthood. This common sign of infection can be removed and treated as quickly as it appears, as long as patients seek professional dental care right away. But how are your local experts so good at locating cavities right away? How do dentists find cavities in the first place?

How Do Dentists Find Cavities?

From x-rays to full tooth inspections, our helpers at My Anaheim Dentist know how to quickly locate and get rid of cavities in the mouth. Keep reading to learn more about cavities, how they are identified, and how they are treated.

Cavities, Explained

What exactly are cavities and how do they form in the first place? There is a reason cavities are so common. They can start to form as a result of bacterial buildup that comes from the food and drinks you consume. Food particles from sugar and other substances create bacteria that can sit on the surface of the teeth and turn into plaque. This is a hard, sticky substance that wears away at the enamel in your mouth and makes it easier for an infection to form.

When this infection spreads, it starts to kill off parts of your teeth. These dead parts of your teeth will show dark brown and black spots that only grow bigger if left untreated. This is why it is so important to visit your dentist, as you may not even realize that you have a growing cavity in your mouth.

How to Identify Cavities

When you schedule your regular dental visit with your local professional, how can you trust that they will be able to quickly find and eliminate your cavities? Thankfully, there are many tools and techniques available to professionals that can help the cavity removal process be as efficient and pain-free as possible.


One of the first things your dentist will have you do upon your visit is to sit while experts take some dental x-rays of your mouth. X-ray technology takes a snapshot of your teeth in a way that lets the dentist see both the inside and outside of your tooth. Putting your teeth under fluorescent light can help dentists identify dark spots and blotches that may be growing on certain parts of your teeth.

Dental Probe

Though not as effective as x-rays, dental probes can also be used to identify external cavities. These tools have a mirror on the end so your dentist can view your tooth at all angles. Most cavities are easy to spot no matter what kind of tool the dentist uses.

Laser Detection

Your dentist may use an advanced device known as a laser cavity detection device to identify smaller cavities. Some can form on the inside of the tooth, making it hard to spot right away. This new technology can scan your teeth and identify cavities in a matter of seconds.

Finding the Symptoms of Cavities

In order for you – and your dentist – to identify the signs and symptoms of cavities, it’s important to understand the warning signs of cavity symptoms before they become too severe. You may have a cavity if you are feeling the following:

If your tooth has been bothering you a lot, it’s possible that you are dealing with a cavity. Get in touch with our dental experts in Anaheim today for a quick and effective treatment solution.

Get Rid of Cavities Today!

Cavities are some of the most common dental health issues, and because of that, our dental experts have perfected the best methods for quickly identifying and filling those cavities. Get in touch with our pros at the office of My Anaheim Dentist to learn more about cavities and how you can stop them from growing.

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