Daily oral hygiene habits are essential for preventing the spread of decay in your mouth. Without taking care of your teeth, you run the risk of letting bacteria turn into harmful plaque and tartar, leading to eventual disease and infection. When this happens, one of the only ways to save your teeth is to get a root canal procedure. Patients of all ages and walks of life might be viable for a root canal treatment if they are at risk of losing their teeth to disease. But what is the most common age for a root canal?

What Is the Most Common Age for a Root Canal?

Below, your Anaheim dentists will answer a big question: What is the most common age for a root canal? Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a root canal and sign up for a personalized treatment as soon as today.

Typical Root Canal Treatment Age

If a patient is in need of a root canal, they can likely receive one regardless of their age. Anyone can become susceptible to a tooth infection, although temporary baby teeth may be treated differently than an adult’s mouth. For that reason, the typical age of root canal patients can be anywhere from 12 to 70.

Daily oral hygiene, diet, and exercise routines will also play a huge role in determining how likely it is that you will develop tooth decay. By visiting your trusted dentist regularly, as well as investing in treatments when you need them, you can keep serious infections at bay. But even if you maintain your oral health, you may still struggle with a specific infection that still warrants a root canal procedure if you want to save your tooth.

Tooth Infection Symptoms

It is a good idea to get in touch with your dentist at the first sign of infection and decay. But what do those symptoms feel like on a daily basis? Contact our pros if you feel one or more of the following conditions:

The longer you go without tending to your negative symptoms, the more you risk developing a serious infection. In many cases, a root canal or tooth extraction will need to be performed in order to preserve your health.

Why You Might Need a Root Canal

A toothache may just be a toothache, but it is important to reach out to your dentists when you experience one just to make sure that it isn’t significant of a larger problem. If your dentist does recommend a root canal for you, you can familiarize yourself with the procedure before you visit the office for your appointment.

Many people fear that root canals are painful and excruciating experiences. Root canals are actually very manageable, and the dentist provides topical anesthesia so you do not feel any pain during the procedure. While you are in the chair, the dentist will make a small hole in the bottom of your tooth to scoop out the nerve pulp. When the nerve pulp gets infected, it must be removed to prevent infection from spreading to your bloodstream. This deadens your tooth, but it saves it from having to be completely pulled out of your mouth. If you do not move forward with a root canal, the only possible option may be extraction.

Prevent Future Decay with a Root Canal Today

No matter your symptoms, you can rely on your trusted comprehensive dentist in Anaheim to provide the perfect treatment to suit your needs. Sign up with us tody or give us a call to learn more about your root canal options. We look forward to treating your smile!

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