What Exactly is the Tooth’s Pulp?
But what exactly is the tooth’s pulp? What makes it such an essential part of your overall dental health? Your local dentist in Anaheim knows that this is one of the biggest questions that patients like you may have when getting a root canal treatment. Keep reading to find our answers below.
Where is the Pulp and What Does it Do?
The pulp is located under two outer layers of the tooth: the enamel, which is the hard white outer layer that you see, and dentin, which is the main part of the tooth used to chew and crunch. Protected by these shielding layers is the pulp, a mushy substance that is the only living part of the tooth.
The pulp contains the most important part of the teeth which include the blood vessels, veins, nerves, and connective tissues. Essentially, everything that is responsible for the tooth’s function and feeling can be found inside the pulp. In addition, the pulp creates new dentin over time that keeps your teeth hard and provides much-needed nutrients to the entirety of the tooth.
Dental Health Risks
- Inflammation or infection
- Pulpitis (a result of tooth decay)
- Increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods
- Dental abscesses
- Swollen lymph nodes
What starts out as a small cavity can turn into a very serious tooth infection. If this infection gets deep into the tooth and reaches all the way to the pulp, it can spell out some serious health issues for the rest of your body. As soon as the infection reaches nerves and blood, it can be carried throughout the rest of your system.
Symptoms of Tooth Pulp Infection
- Pus
- Swelling in the mouth, lips, and cheeks
- Fever
- Bad breath that won’t go away
- Intense tooth pain
- Pain when eating sweet foods
Prevent Tooth Pulp Problems
Find the Best Treatment for Tooth Pulp Infections Today
Whether you are in the early stages of an infection or you are dealing with intense pain, it’s important to get in touch with your local Anaheim dentists right away. The best treatment for a tooth pulp infection is an innovative root canal treatment in Anaheim. During the procedure, the dentist will “deaden” the tooth by removing the pulp from inside. Your tooth will be saved, and it can no longer carry an infection.
Learn more when you get in touch with our dental experts today. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in any way, let us know ASAP. Invest in the best methods to heal your tooth’s pulp before it’s too late!