
What to Do If You Break Your Implants

Dental implants are one of the most popular and successful restorative dentistry procedures on the planet. When you invest in dental implants, you are committing to a permanent solution that can restore full health and functionality to your mouth. These devices are built to last a lifetime, but you should know what to do if you break your implants in case an accident occurs.

What to Do If You Break Your Implants

Visit your dentist in Anaheim at the first sign that something is wrong with your implants. Below, you can take a look at some of the biggest reasons why implants might break and what steps you should take to remedy the situation ASAP.

How Do Implants Break?

If dental implants are built to last, then how can they break in the first place? There are actually a few factors that can hurt or inhibit your dental devices. They include:
  • Too much pressure applied to the implants before they are fully bonded with your jaw bone
  • Wear and tear due to chewing and biting hard foods
  • The screw or abutment breaks
  • Physical injury or damage can crack parts of the tooth
If one of these things has happened to you, don’t panic! There are some simple ways to restore your dental implants and fix any injuries that may have occurred.

How Are Dental Implants Fixed?

You can fix your dental implants in a few different ways, but it is imperative that you visit your local dentist ASAP. The sooner you can get in with your dental professional, the better chances you have of fixing or replacing your implants.

In some cases, you may need a bone graft before you can get a new dental implant. This requires taking some bone from another part of your body and grafting it to your jaw to provide more stability and support. The reliability of your implants depends on the strength of your jaw bone.

If it is only the screw portion of the implants that are broken, that part can be easily replaced. This method may not require a bone graft or a complete replacement, but your dentist can still address the area of concern.

The Best Treatment for Broken Implants? – Avoid Injury and Accidents!

Dental implants are hugely successful and can help you live a better quality of life. You should be able to use your implants like you would your natural teeth, but that just means you must take care of them like natural teeth as well. This means being careful when grinding or applying too much pressure to them.

When you take good care of your dental implants, you are assuring a long life of good oral health. As long as you keep your implants maintained as well as your natural teeth, you should not have to worry about breaks or cracks. Dental implants are permanent fixtures that are not meant to break or be replaced. So it is only under extreme circumstances that you might deal with some breakage.

Invest in Dental Implants Today

At My Anaheim Dentist, we can offer you more information about our safe and effective dental implants in Anaheim. Do you have one or more missing teeth or need an extraction? Then you can consider implants as a replacement for your natural teeth. This highly successful procedure will result in permanent tooth replacements. When done right, they keep you feeling comfortable and happy for the rest of your life, as long as you maintain a proper daily oral hygiene routine.

Schedule a consultation with our dental professional today or make an appointment with our team to learn more about your oral health options!