If going to the dentist causes you anxiety, you are not alone. Many people report feeling unsettled when they know their appointment is approaching. However, modern dental techniques not only make visits virtually painless but also allow dentists to ease patients’ anxieties. We do this through sedation dentistry.

For some, the fear of going to the dentist can prevent them from receiving necessary treatment. With sedation dentistry, this is no longer an issue.

Our goal at My Anaheim Dentist is to provide patients with a comfortable experience from start to finish. Dental care is vital to your overall health. But, it doesn’t need to be a stressful experience.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

The use of sedation in dentistry has revolutionized the way patients view dental visits. Patients who once were afraid or anxious about even the most routine dental procedures now visit the dentist with confidence.

Sedation is typically administered to healthy individuals who need help relaxing or managing treatment anxiety. Reasons for needing sedation may include lengthy procedure times, dental phobias, or fear caused by negative experiences in the past.

We understand that anxiety can be deep-seated. That’s why we are available to answer any questions you have about how sedation dentistry works. Below we’ve put together some information about sedation dentistry. Contact us for more information, and we’ll gladly help.

Image of doctors checking patients teeth

Different Types of Sedation Dentistry

Did you know that there are several different types of sedation dentistry? You can opt for sedation administered in one of the following ways:

Oral Sedation

A pharmacological agent is administered before treatment to alleviate anxiety and help patients relax. A common method is to take Halcion, a sedative that makes you drowsy but still awake. For some, it might even be enough for you to drift off to sleep.

The dentist administers the pill about an hour before your treatment. Once it takes effect and you are comfortable, they can begin.

After the procedure, you will need someone to drive you home.

Inhalation Sedation

Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide offers a euphoric feeling that makes dental treatments more pleasant. You inhale the gas through a special mask. Once it takes effect, you are still conscious but much more relaxed.

The amount received can vary, so that your unique needs can be met. And, the gas wears off quickly. That means after your visit, you should be able to drive yourself home.

IV Sedation

This is a deep sedation reserved for patients who want little or no memory of their dental visits. It is fast-acting and efficient for alleviating anxiety.  After your visit, you’ll need a driver to get you home, though.

General Anesthesia

This is usually reserved for surgical procedures. However, if dental visits cause you extreme anxiety, speak with Dr. Patel. If he deems it appropriate, you may receive general anesthesia for your treatment. It is a full sedation, and you will be completely out during your visit. Of course, you’ll also need a driver to take you home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Choose Sedation Dentistry?

Only you and your dentist can determine if sedation is right for you. Because sedation covers a spectrum of treatments, you will need to consult with your dentist to discuss whether light, moderate, or deep sedation best meets your needs. Your eligibility for sedation will depend on your age, health, and any other medications you may be taking.

We will work with you to provide the most comfortable experience possible. Going to the dentist is all about improving your smile, and we really take that to heart.

What to Expect from Sedation Dentistry?

That depends on the type of sedation you undergo. Oral sedation is relatively simple and involves taking a prescribed medication about an hour before your procedure. You’ll feel more relaxed, yet completely aware of your surroundings during treatment.

If you choose nitrous oxide, you’ll be instructed to inhale the gas at the beginning of your appointment. Additional nitrous can be administered throughout your procedure to keep you in a state of euphoria. After your treatment, you’ll be given oxygen to help ‘snap’ you out of your sedated state.

If IV sedation or general anesthesia are right for you, you’ll be instructed to avoid foods and beverages the night before your treatment. A sedative will be administered to you intravenously before your procedure, causing you to fall into a deep sleep.

A dental anesthesiologist will monitor you throughout the procedure and adjust the dosage as needed.

Are there any precautions I need to take after being sedated?

Depending on the type of sedation you undergo, a licensed driver may need to drive you home from your dental appointment. If you undergo IV sedation, you may need to be supervised for several hours following the procedure.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Don’t let anxiety or fear keep you from receiving the dental treatment you need. Our goal is to provide a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere where we can keep your teeth healthy.

Schedule an appointment today and ask about our options for sedation dentistry. Dr. Patel will listen to your personal needs and develop a dental plan that meets them with your comfort in mind. For anyone who needs a dentist in Anaheim, we are here to help.

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