Dental bonds and dental veneers are two of the most popular methods in dentistry to improve one’s smile. The two methods have the potential to add vivacity and sheen to sets of teeth that may have experienced damage or decay. So, can you replace dental bonding with veneers?

Of the two, dental veneers are the more costly and the more permanent. Some patients find themselves curious if they’re able to replace dental bonds with dental veneers. The good news is that this process is quite possible, and that dentists perform it quite frequently.

Can You Replace Dental Bonding with Veneers?

If you’re interested in whether or not this might be an option for you, take a look at this overview that describes this process.

What Are Dental Bonds?

In a dental bonding procedure, a dentist fixes teeth and restores structure to places that may have recently sustained damage using composite resin.

To return the patient’s teeth to their original shape, the dentist molds the composite resin to fit the patient’s teeth. The dentist uses a curing light to solidify the newly created shape after it has been established.

Dental bonding is an appealing alternative for individuals afraid of more involved procedures because it is a reasonably easy operation that is frequently finished in a single session. Dental bonding works well in conjunction with veneers and whitening procedures, among other dental makeover procedures intended to enhance a patient’s appearance.

What Are Veneers?

A dental veneer is one type of dental fixture. The natural teeth are covered by these veneers, which are often composed of porcelain, to enhance their appearance. Dental veneers can benefit a person’s teeth in the following ways:

Preventing teeth from cracking and chipping, improving the color of teeth, masking discolorations, raising confidence, and generally fortifying teeth. Your veneers should last up to ten years if they are placed and maintained correctly.

All things considered, many patients can benefit from the aesthetic advantages that premium veneers offer. These veneers may chip and break.

Veneers vs. Dental Bonds

There are several important differences between dental veneers and dental bonds. In general, dental veneers are considered a more economical but less permanent solution to improving one’s smile.

Dental bonds are a wonderful material for small to medium fillings or for temporarily reshaping the front teeth. These types of bonds are used frequently to improve small imperfections or spaces between the teeth after braces.

Veneers are more stain-resistant and are less likely to break. Porcelain varies in strength but is almost as strong as one’s natural teeth. Given this, these fixtures tend to last for much longer periods of time. Overall, it’s much easier to create lifelike replicas of natural-looking teeth with porcelain veneer.

Replacing Dental Bonds with Dental Veneers

Because veneers are more permanent and more natural-looking than bonds, it is requested fairly often that the latter be replaced by the former. Prior to installing any of the new veneers, the dentist will need to replace the old bonds. This is due to the fact that old dental bonds do not make a sturdy base for the installation of dental veneers.

Once the old bonds are replaced, then your dentist can begin the process of installing your veneers. Overall, this is considered a quick and easy installation process that can be completed in a fairly short amount of time.

How Often Should You Replace Dental Bonding

Under normal circumstances, dental bonding normally lasts from between 7-10 years. Much of this depends on how well you care for these fixtures. Typically, dental bonds will lose their original polish after approximately five years.

At seven years, they have a tendency to acquire stains and chips at their edges. By the 10-year mark, there tends to be heavy leakage under the plastic. This tends to ultimately cause the bonds to fail. In general, you should plan to replace your veneers after about 7 to 10 years.

The Benefits of Replacing Dental Bonds With Veneers

There are several different benefits to replacing dental bonding. The following are ones that are commonly reported:

The Best Dentist in Anaheim

My Dentist Anaheim is one of the premiere dentists in Southern California for those seeking to have dental bonding in Anaheim. If you would like to discuss the plausibility of having veneers installed, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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