What is Teeth Whitening?

Having pearly white teeth is the bedrock of a beautiful smile. This is why our Anaheim dentist offers amazing teeth whitening treatments. Dr. Patel has been transforming smiles for many years with this procedure.

So if you’ve been unhappy with your smile, we can help! Our tooth whitening treatments will make you look and feel amazing.

How Did My Teeth Get Stained & Changed Color?

Many reasons can explain why your teeth are no longer white. The most common culprits are stain-causing drinks. Such as sodas, teas, coffee, and wines. Other stain-causing agents can be tobacco use and certain medications.

Image of Cleaner smile whitening strips

Types Of Whitening Treatments

Teeth whitening falls into two categories: professional in-office and over the counter home treatment kits. The difference between the two is potency. For in-office whitening, your dentist uses more powerful whitening agents. These agents will whiten your teeth up to several shades on the same visit. For over the counter kits, there’s less potency. Resulting in more treatment applications needed for similar results.

Does Tooth Whitening Cause Sensitivity?

It’s possible to feel extra tooth sensitivity after a whitening treatment. This sensitivity is transient though. Any extra sensitivity felt in your teeth will go away after one or two days. So there’s no permanent sensitivity to your teeth with whitening treatments.

Am I A Candidate For Whitening?

Many factors go into who’s a great candidate for treatment. Ideal patients to get whitening are healthy patients with healthy gums. Also patients with no restored teeth that have fillings.

There are also many factors that would disqualify someone from receiving whitening. These include:

  • Being under the age of 16
  • Pregnancy Issues
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Allergies to peroxide or bleaching agents
  • Gum diseases that are causing worn enamels, cavities, or exposed roots.
  • Having tooth restorations such as fillings or crowns.

How Long Does My Teeth Stay White After Treatment?

Lasting effects of tooth whitening varies. You can typically expect the whitening to last anywhere from a few months to a couple of years. Your personal results can differ depending on your daily dental hygiene habits. For example, how much coffee or red wine you’re drinking? Or how often are you brushing and coming in for your dental cleanings?

Is Whitening Safe?

Getting tooth whitening is one of the safest dental procedures. Many studies have shown the safety of whitening treatments.

Will Tooth Whitening Affect My Fillings, Veneers, Or Crowns?

Having tooth whitening done won’t have much if any effect on your teeth restorations. To be certain, always consult with your cosmetic dentist on your unique situation.

Does Insurance Cover The Procedure?

Dental insurances typically don’t cover whitening procedures. Since it’s considered a cosmetic treatment.

Dr. Patel understands that each patient is unique. That everyone needs personalized dental care. Which is why your Anaheim Dentist and his team will develop a custom treatment plan for you. A plan that will fit into any family’s budget. To find out more about our teeth whitening treatments call us today. We’re committed to giving you a bright beautiful smile. We look forward to transforming not only your smile but confidence as well.

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