One of the first things you will do when visiting a new dentist is get a series of dental X-rays done. X-rays are an important tool for dentists as they show images of your bones beyond the skin, helping them diagnose issues and identify problems that are not visible to the naked eye. Below we cover a few signs you need dental X-rays.

Signs You Need Dental X-Rays

Your cosmetic dentist in Anaheim will want you to get X-rays before a full examination in order to fully understand your scope of care. Today, we are going to talk about the process of taking X-rays, the safety of X-rays, and some of the biggest signs you need dental X-rays during your next appointment.

You Need Early Detection

While many technologies have come a long way, X-rays are still widely used by dentists across the globe because they are the best at taking full images of the skull. There is nothing dentists trust more when it comes to discovering possible dental problems and stopping them in their tracks. By preventing issues early, you are avoiding a future of poor health and intensive treatments.

You Won’t Receive Too Much Radiation

The biggest concern that patients have had about dental X-rays over the years is, of course, surrounding their safety. X-rays use radiation to capture the type of image that they can capture, which means patients are temporarily exposed to minuscule amounts of radiation while the pictures are being taken.

However, we can confidently tell you that you have absolutely nothing to worry about. In addition to following the American Dental Association guidelines on X-Rays and Radiographs, which suggest the bare minimum amount of radiation be used, we also provide patients with protective gear to add another layer of resistance. Collars, aprons, and headpieces are available and encouraged for use. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you will not be eligible to get a dental X-ray.

You Need the Entire Picture of Your Dental Health

Your dentist can diagnose plenty of issues just by looking into your mouth, but there are many underlying conditions that may not be visible from the outside looking in. A dental X-ray can reveal the innermost parts of your mouth, helping our experts identify whether preventative actions need to be taken. X-rays are an important part of the dental health process for anyone interested in seeing the full picture of their health.

Choose Different Types of X-Rays

Did you know that there are a few different classifications of X-rays that you’ll find in the dentist’s office? Some of our state-of-the-art machines include a panoramic X-ray machine that circles around your head, snapping pictures as it rotates. That way, you can get a comprehensive look at your skull without having to sit for multiple pictures.

Radiographs are another form of dental X-ray that may be necessary for anyone dealing with small issues. Radiographs highlight the smallest and most well-hidden corners of your mouth, broadening your dentist’s ability to analyze your overall health.

Sign Up For X-Rays and a New Screening Today

If you haven’t been to the dentist in quite some time, you are likely going to need to get X-rays in order to stay updated on your oral care needs. Despite general worries and fears, X-rays are an incredibly safe method of capturing your skull so your dentist can properly understand your health.

You can learn more about the process of dental X-rays and find out what type of X-ray you need the most when you contact us today. Let us know that you are interested in getting dental X-rays in Anaheim for the first time and we will connect you with one of our experts ASAP.

If you are anything like the average adult with a busy schedule and hectic life, you are probably finding it difficult to remember your routine teeth cleaning obligations. In an ideal world, people should visit their dentists at least twice per year for a checkup, some X-rays, and a deep clean. These cleanings are also a perfect opportunity to see whether or not there are any underlying dental issues that should be taken care of before they get too big. Below we look at dangers of skipping routine teeth cleaning.

Dangers of Skipping Routine Teeth Cleaning

Needless to say, the dangers of skipping routine teeth cleaning are too many to count. That is why your local dentist in Anaheim is going to lay out the dangers of skipping routine teeth cleaning to help you prioritize your own well-being for a future of happy smiles.

Developing Plaque and Tartar

Every time you eat some food or drink a beverage, you are letting foreign bacteria build up on your teeth and gums. While you can wash this away with water and a thorough brushing of your teeth, some bits of bacteria tend to stay behind. The longer they linger, the bigger they become as they grow into dangerous plaque and tartar. This can weaken the structure of your tooth and make for the easy spread of decay.

Getting Heart Disease

Did you know that your oral health is closely linked to heart health? This means that if you were to develop some of the more advanced stages of gum disease, such as gingivitis or even periodontitis, you risk infection spreading through your bloodstream. This can cause problems with your heart, lungs, and many other places throughout the body. Annual checkups with your dentist can help you stay on the lookout for these dangerous symptoms and reverse them before they become too severe.

Dealing with Tooth Decay

Probably the most common ailment that can come from avoiding regular cleanings and checkups is tooth decay. Tooth decay starts out small, and can come from something as insignificant as a grain of sugar. This decay can develop a cavity, which may need to get filled by a professional. Decay that is left untreated may get worse, leading to more intensive treatments such as a root canal or even extraction.

It is important to visit the dentist regularly and get checked out for signs of decay. Bad infections can spread through the tooth until it reaches its core, hitting the nerves and pulp. This is part of the tooth that is connected to the rest of your body through your bloodstream, making way for serious infections.

Losing Teeth

Tooth loss is another risk that only grows the longer you avoid seeing your dentist for a regular tooth cleaning. Decay, damage, infection, plaque, or general injury can cause your teeth to get loose and even fall out. This is one of the worst-case scenarios in the eyes of a dentist as missing teeth must be treated right away. Patients can invest in a number of treatments which include crowns and bridges, or the more permanent dental implants which offer patients a way to immediately boost their dental health.

Sign Up for Your Oral Health Appointment Today

If you haven’t been to the dentist in more than six months, it is definitely time for your dental teeth cleaning in Anaheim. We are always accepting patients who are interested in improving their oral health and preventing the spread of dangerous dental decay. You can avoid some of the worst oral health conditions altogether by investing in daily hygiene, improving your habits, and signing up for your bi-annual teeth cleaning appointments once every six months. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Do you have jaw pain or stiffness that occurs at the hinges of your mouth? Do you feel a popping or a clicking sound when you try to open your mouth wide? You may be suffering from TMD. Also known as a temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ, TMD can cause an increase in pain and discomfort as time goes on.

Spot the Warning Signs of TMD

TMJ can be caused by a variety of factors. Depending on the cause, there are a number of treatment options available through our trusted cosmetic dentist near you in Anaheim. The TMJ treatment offered by our dental specialists is designed to relieve the pain and discomfort while we get to the root cause of your pain. Today, we’re going to look at the symptoms of TMD, its causes, and possible treatments so you can spot the warning signs of TMD and schedule an appointment right away.

What Causes TMD?

TMJ can be caused by many different factors. TMJ and TMD can be caused by physical trauma to the jaw or teeth due to an accident, which can cause physical pain as well as other serious effects. TMD can also be caused by an abnormal alignment of the teeth. This may have been present since birth but only recognized later in life as adult teeth begin to develop.

TMJ is most commonly caused by grinding teeth on a regular basis. Grinding and clenching in conjunction with poor posture is the one-way ticket for TMJ symptoms. Stress and anxiety are the main reasons for teeth grinding, so make sure to check in with yourself and make sure you are able to communicate your nerves and emotions in a way that is not physically damaging.

Spot the Common Symptoms of TMD

TMJ can be a frustrating condition. Patients may experience a variety of symptoms, including:

Did you know that the TMD is the most commonly used joint in the body, making it susceptible to pain? TMD is common, but it can still be difficult to find treatment.

Available TMD Treatments

There are several treatment options available if you’ve been diagnosed with temporomandibular disorder. Our experts offer comprehensive treatment that looks beyond your jaw to solve more holistic issues. It is important to take this approach because jaw pain is often linked to other physical and mental health problems. Isolating the jaw will not solve it, but treatments can reduce symptoms of discomfort and pain.

Most common TMD solutions include at-home habits changes and over-the-counter medicines. Ibuprofen and Tylenol are recommended in conjunction with hot and cold compresses to the jaw. This will reduce the pain, tightness, and discomfort around the jaw. Since stress and anxiety are often closely related to TMD, it is therefore important to concentrate on relaxation and behavioral techniques that can help reduce symptoms.

Get TMD Treatment Now

The longer you leave your jaw pain untreated, the worse it can get. There are many different TMJ treatments available neear you in our Anaheim office, including the use of a nightguard or other over-the-counter medications. Those with stress-related jaw issues might want to explore therapy and other stress relief techniques that can reduce the likelihood of growing TMD pain.

Surgery is a last-resort option for the most severe cases of TMD. There is no one-stop solution to solve this issue, as different treatments work best for different patients. Your dentist can examine your jaw in detail and build a personal care plan based on your biggest needs. Get in touch with us now to learn more about TMD treatment!

Is oral anxiety and stress common when you are afraid to take care of your teeth? Dental anxiety is most common in patients who avoid seeing their dentists. Their minds are likely swimming with questions such as, “Is dental sedation safe?”, and “How strong is dental sedation? Will it put me to sleep?” Dental anxiety can lead to patients becoming so anxious that they neglect their oral hygiene.

How Strong is Dental Sedation?

You need to be familiar with sedation and the different types available at the dentist. Also, you should know how to make your next dental visit comfortable and enjoyable by using these new options. Today, your trusted oral health experts will explain everything there is to know about sedation at the dentist.

What Exactly is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the process of administering a calming medication to the body to provide partial or complete anesthesia during a procedure. Patients who are afraid of going to the dentist can choose from a variety of sedation dentistry options, from mild and localized sedation to full anesthesia that puts them to sleep throughout the duration of the treatment.

The dentist can be made a scary place for people due to fear, personal experience or inane fear. You may be a candidate for sedation dentistry if you feel like this. We will discuss more details below.

Managing Dental Anxiety Before Your Visit

You can use stress management techniques to calm yourself in the days before your appointment. You can relax at your home with assisted breathing or deep meditation and let go of all your worries. Once you arrive at the dental office, your professional can suggest and recommend a variety of sedation dentistry options. A few dentists can prescribe medication to help you with anxiety and fear.

Who is a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry can be very beneficial for people who:

Sedation dentistry can be a great way to reduce anxiety in people who have a severe fear of the dentist for whatever reason. Patients who have difficulty with pain or are unable to endure lengthy procedures can benefit from sedation dentistry.

How Strong is Dental Sedation? Is it Painful?

Depending on the type of sedation you choose, you may feel its effects immediately or you might completely fall asleep. Sedation is meant to numb the treatment area and calm your nerves so you do not feel any pain.

Speaking of which, the procedure is quite painless. Patients will feel relaxed and good throughout the procedure. Many patients report feeling like they are asleep. There are many types of sedation dentistry, including IV sedation and laughing gas. These can greatly relax the body. The best thing about sedation dentistry is that it’s painless and you can be partially or completely unconscious during your visit to the dentist. In fact, laughing gas can make a patient feel relaxed and loopy. Anesthesia can be used for patients to fall asleep or remain calm during a dental procedure.

Sedation Dentistry Safety Guaranteed

This is the most important question our patients ask, and one we are happy to answer. Although the procedure is safe, our sedation dentist will need to examine your medical history and check for potential complications before administering the sedation method. You can be sure that all patients will feel safe and comfortable, regardless of whether you opt for full or temporary anesthesia.

Treat Anxiety and Support Good Oral Health Today

It doesn’t matter whether you have had negative experiences with dentists in the past, or are afraid of needles. Even though going to the dentist can be frightening enough on its own, those with anxiety might need additional help to feel calm and relaxed. Your trusted dentist for kids and adults is the perfect person to look for when weighing multiple sedation options. For those who require comfort and security when visiting the dentist, we offer a variety of treatments to meet your needs. Reach out to our dentists today to learn more about the best type and dosage of sedation dentistry. We will gladly set up an appointment ASAP!

Tooth decay is caused by harmful bacteria that remain on your teeth after you have eaten certain foods or substances. Cavities are pockets of decay in your teeth that can lead to holes or other problems. You can either remove decay and replace it with a filling, or save your tooth with a root canal. Advanced tooth decay can lead to the loss of the entire tooth. Let’s see some tips for preparing for your tooth extraction.

Tips for Preparing for Your Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are usually only necessary in extreme cases of severe infection or decay. Your teeth might be irreparably damaged due to injury or illness. Your dentist in Orange County may recommend a tooth extraction when there is no other choice. Our experts in Anaheim offer top-notch treatment for patients suffering from advanced pain or decay. Below are some of our best tips for preparing for your tooth extraction so you know exactly what to expect. Continue reading to find out how to prepare for this procedure, which will lead to improved dental health and well-being as soon as you visit us for treatment.

Step 1: The Consultation

Talking to your dentist face-to-face can give you a better understanding of your dental health. This will allow you to understand why you are in need of an extraction, and how it will work. Ask your dentist any questions you may have about the procedure, pain levels, and recovery. This will allow you to prepare for the day.

Step 2: Planning the Procedure Date

You should expect some discomfort and pain after your tooth extraction. You may need to arrange for someone to take you home. Someone will be needed to drive you home and assist you with your recovery.

Step 3: Establish Anesthesia

Did you know there are several types of tooth removal anesthesia that your dentist might recommend? Anesthesia is used to numb the area and forceps are used to remove the tooth. This removes the tooth from its root and eliminates any infection or injury.

You will be provided with tools and resources after the procedure. To avoid bleeding complications, you will need to use gauze and take medication for at most one week.

Step 4: Know What to Do (And Not to Do) the Night Before

You will need to be careful about your health and diet in the days before the procedure. Drinking and smoking can make it more difficult for your body to heal. Your extraction may not be successful if you smoke or have blood vessels that are infected. Still, before you have a tooth extracted, discuss your lifestyle with your dentist so they know the best recommendations to make.

Step 5: Identify When Extraction is Necessary for the Future

Maybe you don’t know that your tooth needs extraction. You can communicate more effectively with your dentist if you familiarize yourself with the symptoms and signs of severe injury and infection. Still, this will help you avoid having to have your tooth extracted. Tooth pain, loosening teeth, and a severe infection that has spread beyond one tooth are some of the most obvious signs.

Get Top-Notch Tooth Extractions in Anaheim Today

We are happy to share with you the many benefits of high-quality tooth removal, from expanded dental health to preventing the spread of decay. We have the right tools and services to help you, whether you’re experiencing severe symptoms or more serious forms of tooth pain. Get in touch with us today to learn more about whether or not your dental health warrants tooth extractions in Anaheim. A personal dental team will be dedicated to your long-term care, helping you make all of the best dental health decisions now and in the future.

It wasn’t that long ago that fixing a cavity meant going home with a bit of metal gleaming in your teeth. Gold, silver, and even tin alloys were all common materials for fillings. Eventually porcelain became available and then, in the 1990s, composite fillings that could be dyed to match the color of the recipient’s tooth. These seem like an obvious improvement, but they pose an important question: do tooth-colored fillings look natural?

Do Tooth-Colored Fillings Look Natural?

It Depends on the Tinting

From a distance it may seem that most teeth are the same color, unless they belong to someone fond of tooth whitening procedures. But the truth is that every person’s smile is its own unique shade that tells a story. Coffee, tea, and soft drinks can all stain tooth enamel as can certain habits like smoking.

A natural composite feeling depends entirely on whoever mixes tint into the base composite material. Without experience and attention to detail, the color mix will come out wrong. Luckily there is a dentist in Anaheim that ensures proper attention is paid to such details. And we’re proud to offer composite fillings because their benefits don’t stop at the superficial.

Composite Fillings Are Also More Durable

Tooth-colored fillings are otherwise known as composite fillings because they are a combination of small ceramic and plastic particles. This mixture prevents them from expanding and contracting, unlike metal fillings. Over time metal fillings can actually contribute to cracked teeth as they repeatedly expand and contract in reaction to the food you eat. But your composite fillings stay the same, offering further protection for your teeth.

Composite Fillings are More Versatile

Metal fillings are usually limited to filling cavities. But composite fillings have a wider range of applications, all of which can be addressed at once if necessary. Composite fillings can fill cavities, mend cracks and chips, and even reshape malformed or decayed teeth. Covering multiple procedures at once means you make the most of your time when you schedule an appointment for dental fillings in Anaheim.

Composite Fillings Preserve More of Your Original Tooth

Traditional metal fillings cannot be applied until the damaged edges of the patient’s natural tooth have been trimmed and shaped. Composite fillings don’t require the same level of preparation, leaving more of the patient’s original tooth intact while repairing the damaged area.

Composite Fillings Are Easy to Personalize

Unlike metal fillings, composite fillings are applied in layers. Each layer must fully dry before the next layer is applied, giving the dental team plenty of time to correct any placement issues and personalize the fit of the filling. This may result in a longer application process but it’s well worth it at the end when the patient walks away with a perfectly fitted tooth repair.

Composite Fillings Last for More Than a Decade

Few people – if any – actually enjoy getting a filling. That’s why it’s important for filling materials to last. Composite fillings more than deliver with a lifespan of ten to twelve years, depending on the quality of care given to the surrounding tooth. If the tooth decays from fresh bacteria, the filling won’t last as long. But with proper dental hygiene, it may be more than a decade before a composite filling needs to be replaced.

There Are No Known Allergies to Composite Fillings

Amalgam metal fillings can trigger allergic reactions in some people. They can also contain trace amounts of mercury which may lead to exposure complications. Composite fillings, on the other hand, contain no known allergens or toxins. They will not set off the kind of reactions sometimes seen with metal fillings.

If you want natural-looking fillings or need another tooth repair that you think composite fillings may effectively treat, call us today.

No matter if you’re a child or an adult, you will feel what it is like to have a cavity. Most likely, you will get a filling when you go to the dentist. You will have to face the terrifying sound of the drill and get a Novacaine shot to numb one part of your mouth. After this unpleasant experience, you will feel no pain and your teeth will return to normal. Now, how long do fillings last?

How Long Do Fillings Last?

Fillings sometimes need to be replaced. This makes patients wonder, how long do fillings last? Although they can last for a while, eventually you will need to replace them depending on their materials.

Some fillings can last longer depending on their size and type. Your trusted dentist in Anaheim can help you decide what type of fillings are best for you and when you should have them replaced.

What Fillings Are Made Of

The longevity of your fillings will depend on the type. Patients report that smaller fillings can last many years. However, some fillings last decades. Here is a breakdown of different types of fillings:

Silver fillings can be used for up to 15 years without the need for replacement.
Although they are not the most popular choice, gold fillings last for the longest time and can be used for up to 15-30 years.
Composite fillings are the most popular, but they last only 5-7 years.

These numbers are not representative of everyone’s experience with fillings. Your filling’s lifespan can be affected by many other factors, such as illness or injury.

Why and When to Replace a Filling

Many patients don’t realize that their fillings are coming out. You may not realize it is happening until later, or when you are injured or traumatized. Here are some common reasons to replace your fillings:

Composite fillings are preferred by most people, though silver amalgam fillings may still be an option in certain locations. Composite fillings may not last as long but they are easy to replace.

Which Type of Filling is Best for Me?

You might not find fillings that last a lifetime if you’re looking for long-lasting, durable fillings. Silver and composite resin fillings can be affordable and last a lifetime. You can have fillings that last for up to 10 years with any luck.

Although gold fillings may not be pure gold, they look golden because of the combination of metals used in their making. They are durable, but they are no longer used by most dental offices. Our dentists can provide you with a specific type of filling upon request.

Get Your Old Fillings Replaced with New Healthy Options!

How many years have passed since you last had a cavity filled? You might need a new filling if you have not visited your dentist in years. You are more likely to develop cavities if you lose your fillings. This can cause damage to your gums and teeth.

We offer many types of dental fillings in Anaheim that offer a long life of support and protection against further decay. To schedule an appointment, call our office immediately. We provide high-quality, affordable dental fillings that will help you prioritize your oral health without stress. Get in touch with us today to learn more!

Are you prone to anxiety, especially when it comes to the dentist? You are not alone; dental anxiety is not an uncommon trait amongst patients. Those who have a fear of the dentist may find it hard to commit to scheduled appointments, which could result in the neglect of some very important oral health needs. Let’s look at how sedation dentistry is safe.

How Sedation Dentistry is Safe

Are oral stress and anxiety typical when the fear keeps you from taking care of your oral health? Our expert dental professionals at My Dentist Anaheim can help you understand dental anxiety and how sedation dentistry is safe as a viable way to combat that anxiety. We can help make professional visits a more regular and comfy routine.

What and Who is Sedation Dentistry For?

In general, sedation dentistry is very helpful for those who have:

Whether due to inane fear or personal experience, the dentist can be turned into a place that people fear visiting. If you feel this applies to you, then you may be a likely candidate for sedation dentistry.

Is Sedation Dentistry Painful?

Sedation dentistry is not painful. Most patients will feel good and relaxed during the procedure, reporting that it feels like being asleep the whole time. There are several different types of sedation dentistry available, from IV sedation to “laughing gas” which greatly relaxes the body. Sedation dentistry is never painful and can either make you partially or fully unconscious during your dental experience.

Are There Lasting Effects of Sedation Dentistry?

Typically, you will feel fine after the procedure is complete, and the effects can wear off quickly. Our Anaheim dentists still recommend that you have a family member drive you home, although you should be feeling good in no time. The worst side effects of sedation dentistry include slow reflexes and a temporary feeling of being sick.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

This is the most important question that our patients have, and it is one that we are happy to answer. This process is very safe, although our sedation dentist will want to have a look at your medical history and test you for any potential complications before employing the sedation technique. Whether you choose full anesthesia or a temporary relaxing gas, you can rest assured that the technique is safe and comfortable for all patients involved.

Can Dental Anxiety Be Managed at Home?

In the few days leading up to your appointment, you can practice stress and anxiety management techniques to help yourself stay calm. From assisted breathing to deep meditation, you can relax at home and get in the mindset to eliminate your fears. Your professional oral expert can recommend and offer a number of sedation dentistry options to utilize once you come into the office. Some dental practitioners can also prescribe medication to offer you a remedy for anxiety or fear.

Invest in the Very Best Sedation Dentistry Techniques During Your Next Visit!

Your regional dental professional in Anaheim understands how scary going to the dentist can be. Whether you have a lot of bad experiences or you are worried about a huge upcoming treatment, you can speak with our experts today about sedation dentistry in Anaheim to see what works best for you. Our goal is to give you a comfortable and positive experience that will help you feel a lot better about tending to your biggest oral health eneds. Call us ASAP to set up a personal consultation!

Nearly 100% of Americans will have at least one cavity before reaching adulthood. This common sign of infection can be removed and treated as quickly as it appears, as long as patients seek professional dental care right away. But how are your local experts so good at locating cavities right away? How do dentists find cavities in the first place?

How Do Dentists Find Cavities?

From x-rays to full tooth inspections, our helpers at My Anaheim Dentist know how to quickly locate and get rid of cavities in the mouth. Keep reading to learn more about cavities, how they are identified, and how they are treated.

Cavities, Explained

What exactly are cavities and how do they form in the first place? There is a reason cavities are so common. They can start to form as a result of bacterial buildup that comes from the food and drinks you consume. Food particles from sugar and other substances create bacteria that can sit on the surface of the teeth and turn into plaque. This is a hard, sticky substance that wears away at the enamel in your mouth and makes it easier for an infection to form.

When this infection spreads, it starts to kill off parts of your teeth. These dead parts of your teeth will show dark brown and black spots that only grow bigger if left untreated. This is why it is so important to visit your dentist, as you may not even realize that you have a growing cavity in your mouth.

How to Identify Cavities

When you schedule your regular dental visit with your local professional, how can you trust that they will be able to quickly find and eliminate your cavities? Thankfully, there are many tools and techniques available to professionals that can help the cavity removal process be as efficient and pain-free as possible.


One of the first things your dentist will have you do upon your visit is to sit while experts take some dental x-rays of your mouth. X-ray technology takes a snapshot of your teeth in a way that lets the dentist see both the inside and outside of your tooth. Putting your teeth under fluorescent light can help dentists identify dark spots and blotches that may be growing on certain parts of your teeth.

Dental Probe

Though not as effective as x-rays, dental probes can also be used to identify external cavities. These tools have a mirror on the end so your dentist can view your tooth at all angles. Most cavities are easy to spot no matter what kind of tool the dentist uses.

Laser Detection

Your dentist may use an advanced device known as a laser cavity detection device to identify smaller cavities. Some can form on the inside of the tooth, making it hard to spot right away. This new technology can scan your teeth and identify cavities in a matter of seconds.

Finding the Symptoms of Cavities

In order for you – and your dentist – to identify the signs and symptoms of cavities, it’s important to understand the warning signs of cavity symptoms before they become too severe. You may have a cavity if you are feeling the following:

If your tooth has been bothering you a lot, it’s possible that you are dealing with a cavity. Get in touch with our dental experts in Anaheim today for a quick and effective treatment solution.

Get Rid of Cavities Today!

Cavities are some of the most common dental health issues, and because of that, our dental experts have perfected the best methods for quickly identifying and filling those cavities. Get in touch with our pros at the office of My Anaheim Dentist to learn more about cavities and how you can stop them from growing.

Are you terrified at the thought of going to the dentist? If so, then you are like 15% of all people who visit the dentist. Being afraid of the dentist can keep you from scheduling much-needed appointments for your oral health. Instead of letting fear stop you from ever seeing the dentist, learn how to navigate coping with dental anxiety instead.

Coping with Dental Anxiety

Your friendly dentist in Anaheim can help you find the best coping methods and strategies to keep you feeling comfortable during your dental visits. The dentist’s office is a place where you can do what’s best for your teeth and mouth, and there is nothing to be afraid of. Try out some of these tips to reduce your fears!

Bring Friendly Support

You can always bring a loved one with you to the dentist during your next appointment. There is no reason to go through something that scares you alone. Bring someone whose presence can help you feel safe, supported, and grounded. They can also help distract you in case a shift of focus helps to ease your fears.

Ask Lots of Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask your dentist and all dental staff any questions you might have about your visit. The more answers you get, the more comfortable you will feel about being there. Sometimes, not knowing the outcome of treatment is the scariest part of the dental process.

Know the Symptoms

What exactly is dental anxiety? How can you learn to understand, cope with, and avoid dental anxiety symptoms? Everyone gets a little uncomfortable at the dentist, but some people have more serious fears than others. Symptoms of dental anxiety can include:

Understanding the symptoms can also make it easier for you to get treatment. Don’t worry about speaking to your dentist about dental anxiety; we understand and we are here to help you!

Try Sedation Dentistry

If you are too afraid of being entirely awake during your dental procedure, you might be a good candidate for Anaheim sedation dentistry. This is for patients with deep-seated fears of the dentist, and there are a few different options available.

Oral and inhalation sedation allow you to ingest something that will make you feel sleepy, if not entirely unconscious, throughout the duration of your dental procedure. You can also invest in IV sedation which will allow you to be unconscious for the procedure, or general anesthesia for more severe treatment needs.

Take Breaks

It is always okay to let your dentist know when you need a break. If you are in the middle of the procedure and you are starting to feel overwhelmed, you can raise your hand or use another signal to let the dentist know that you need a break before they proceed.

Take a Deep Breath

Invest in nerve-calming exercises that you can do at any time and in any place. Breathing exercises can ground you and help your body establish a calm state. You can also bring relaxing music or peaceful sounds with you to the dentist’s office to help you maintain good peace of mind even when facing your fears.

Find Safe and Supportive Dentistry Options Today

At My Dentist Anaheim, we understand that some people have a huge fear of going to the dentist. We offer many ways of respecting your fears and your boundaries through sedation dentistry options. Bring a friend with you and chat with us about different sedation treatments available to you. You don’t have to go through this scary process alone; by practicing some coping tips, you will be able to find comfort in taking care of your oral health. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Tooth decay is caused by a buildup of bacteria on the teeth. When left untreated, the decay goes deeper into your tooth, forming a cavity. The sooner you can visit your local restorative dentist Anaheim experts, the better chance you will have at avoiding an infection. But based on the decay you already have, you may need a variety of treatment options. But is an inlay different from a filling?

Is an Inlay Different from a Filling?

Two popular restorative treatment options include a dental filling and an inlay. But is an inlay different from a filling when it comes to dealing with tooth decay? You may want to invest in a filling when dealing with regular-sized cavities and save the inlays for larger tooth damage. Let’s take a look at the difference between these two important treatments and which one will work best for you.


A dental inlay is typically used on back teeth that have sustained deep cavities from advanced dental decay. If a regular-sized filling is not strong enough to completely fill the cavity and seal up the tooth, an inlay will be used. However, it is important to note that inlays are only possible if there is enough of the tooth left that is still undamaged. In the event of a damaged tooth, other restorative or reconstructive dentistry procedures may be required.


Fillings also fill the cavity created by tooth decay, but they are only necessary for small or medium-sized cavities. Treatments involving fillings are typically quick and pain-free and are among the most common dental procedures in both adults and children. A dental filling can also be used to repair other parts of the teeth that may have been damaged, cracked, or broken due to tooth decay. The filling is also adjusted so you can maintain a natural bite. Another option you have with fillings is the ability to choose your material: silver, gold, porcelain, or composite resin.

Inlay Vs. Fillings: What’s the Real Difference?

It may seem that these two treatments are very similar to each other – and they are! But some of the biggest differences between inlays and fillings include how each filling is applied and how much of the tooth gets healed. For a small and quick fix, you can get a dental filling in-office in a single visit. Inlays require some prep time, as your dentist must first take an impression of your tooth and send away for a specially-made dental inlay. Then you need to come back a second time to have the inlay applied over your tooth. While this seems like a more involved practice, it is a much better way to heal big cavities than simply relying on a quick dental filling process.

Am I a Candidate for Inlays or Fillings?

To determine whether your tooth decay merits a quick filling or an inlay, it is important to visit your local dentist for an examination. While almost anyone can get a filling, a good candidate for dental inlays must:
  • Have enough bone structure in and around the tooth to support the inlay
  • Have more damage in the teeth than a typical cavity
  • Practice good oral hygiene practices every day
You also must be someone in good general health. It is important to visit your dentist regularly so you can stay on top of your oral health. Neither inlays nor fillings are procedures that cause much pain, although there is some pressure reported. Shortly after the procedure, you will be able to use your tooth again like normal.

Get Rid of Tooth Decay Today!

The longer you wait to have your cavities filled, the more your tooth can decay. Act now and schedule an appointment for the best fillings and inlays Anaheim has to offer. Speak with our friendly team of dental experts about your dental needs and create a custom plan of care that works for you. We hope to see you and your healthy smile soon!
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