Do you have jaw pain or stiffness that occurs at the hinges of your mouth? Do you feel a popping or a clicking sound when you try to open your mouth wide? You may be suffering from TMD. Also known as a temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ, TMD can cause an increase in pain and discomfort as time goes on.

Spot the Warning Signs of TMD

TMJ can be caused by a variety of factors. Depending on the cause, there are a number of treatment options available through our trusted cosmetic dentist near you in Anaheim. The TMJ treatment offered by our dental specialists is designed to relieve the pain and discomfort while we get to the root cause of your pain. Today, we’re going to look at the symptoms of TMD, its causes, and possible treatments so you can spot the warning signs of TMD and schedule an appointment right away.

What Causes TMD?

TMJ can be caused by many different factors. TMJ and TMD can be caused by physical trauma to the jaw or teeth due to an accident, which can cause physical pain as well as other serious effects. TMD can also be caused by an abnormal alignment of the teeth. This may have been present since birth but only recognized later in life as adult teeth begin to develop.

TMJ is most commonly caused by grinding teeth on a regular basis. Grinding and clenching in conjunction with poor posture is the one-way ticket for TMJ symptoms. Stress and anxiety are the main reasons for teeth grinding, so make sure to check in with yourself and make sure you are able to communicate your nerves and emotions in a way that is not physically damaging.

Spot the Common Symptoms of TMD

TMJ can be a frustrating condition. Patients may experience a variety of symptoms, including:

Did you know that the TMD is the most commonly used joint in the body, making it susceptible to pain? TMD is common, but it can still be difficult to find treatment.

Available TMD Treatments

There are several treatment options available if you’ve been diagnosed with temporomandibular disorder. Our experts offer comprehensive treatment that looks beyond your jaw to solve more holistic issues. It is important to take this approach because jaw pain is often linked to other physical and mental health problems. Isolating the jaw will not solve it, but treatments can reduce symptoms of discomfort and pain.

Most common TMD solutions include at-home habits changes and over-the-counter medicines. Ibuprofen and Tylenol are recommended in conjunction with hot and cold compresses to the jaw. This will reduce the pain, tightness, and discomfort around the jaw. Since stress and anxiety are often closely related to TMD, it is therefore important to concentrate on relaxation and behavioral techniques that can help reduce symptoms.

Get TMD Treatment Now

The longer you leave your jaw pain untreated, the worse it can get. There are many different TMJ treatments available neear you in our Anaheim office, including the use of a nightguard or other over-the-counter medications. Those with stress-related jaw issues might want to explore therapy and other stress relief techniques that can reduce the likelihood of growing TMD pain.

Surgery is a last-resort option for the most severe cases of TMD. There is no one-stop solution to solve this issue, as different treatments work best for different patients. Your dentist can examine your jaw in detail and build a personal care plan based on your biggest needs. Get in touch with us now to learn more about TMD treatment!

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