Dentures offer millions of people around the world a way to regain full oral functionality after suffering for years. Being fitted with the right dentures means being given a second chance to improve your dental health. Dentures don’t just look good, but they also feel good. They restore the ability to eat, smile, speak, and laugh naturally. Below we look at what causes denture pain.

What Causes Denture Pain – And How to Relieve It

While over 20 million Americans currently wear dentures, it’s essential to know how to care for them properly to ensure their longevity. Some patients struggle with long-term discomfort and pain that won’t go away no matter how long they’ve had their dental devices. Unfortunately, improper care or ill-fitting dentures can lead to unexpected inconveniences. Today, your Anaheim dentist is going to get to the bottom of what causes denture pain – and how to relieve it with the right set of personalized dentures.

Why Do My Dentures Hurt Me?

Ideally, well-fitted dentures should not cause pain. They should provide a snug, comfortable fit that feels like a gentle suction on the gums. If your dentures continue to feel uncomfortable after several weeks of adjustment, it may indicate an issue that is most easily solved at your trusted dentist’s office.

Bent Dentures

Unfortunately, one of the more common issues that can happen with partial dentures is that they can bend or warp. Whether they got bent out of shape after a fall or an injury, attempting to reshape them on your own is not recommended. Instead, get in touch with your dentist and let them know that you need a denture readjustment ASAP.

Chips and Cracks

Another issue to watch for is damage. Just like natural teeth, dentures can chip or crack, making them uncomfortable to wear. If you notice cracks or chips, contact your dentist promptly. Jagged edges can cause irritation and may lead to more significant repair needs over time. In other words, the pain will just keep getting worse if you don’t let your dentist know how you are feeling.

Relieving Denture Pain and Discomfort

Adjusting to dentures can feel strange initially, but your mouth will adapt over time. Your remaining teeth, gums, and bone structures will conform to this new shape in your mouth, and eventually, it will feel so normal that you may not notice it. But to achieve this level of comfort, you need to take proper care of every part of your mouth. Here are some tips to ensure your dentures remain comfortable:

Dentures may change in your mouth over time due to a combination of factors including lifestyle habits and risks. If your dentures become loose, uncomfortable, or damaged, get in touch with a denture specialist who can make the necessary adjustments right away.

Get the Best Dentures in Anaheim Today!

At My Dentist Anaheim, we offer durable dentures that can restore your smile and oral health. Our dentures are made to look and feel like natural teeth after a short adjustment period. Whether you’ve lost a few teeth or require a full set of dentures, our restorative dentistry specialists can create a customized treatment plan to suit your needs.

Don’t let denture discomfort diminish your quality of life! Contact us today to explore the benefits of our top-notch denture treatments in Anaheim. Whether you’re considering dentures, implants, or another restorative dentistry option, we’ve got the ticket to your dental freedom when you give us a call.

Dentures are a popular option for restorative dentistry. They allow you to regain the normal function of your mouth using removable teeth that can be cleaned and set aside when you don’t need them. A set of partial or complete dentures can be beneficial for those with missing or removed teeth due to age. They allow you to live your life to its fullest and protect against future dental damage. Let’s see how dentures improve health and appearance.

How Dentures Improve Health and Appearance

There are a variety of methods that show how dentures improve health and appearance, which is one of the many reasons why dentures are one of the most popular treatments for cosmetic dentistry in Orange County. Dentures have many benefits that can greatly improve the function and appearance of your mouth. Let’s take a look at a few of them below.

Dentures are Custom-Made

Dentures are more than just a container that fits everyone. Restorative dentistry makes sure that every pair of dentures you receive is custom-made to fit your teeth. They will feel great in your mouth and be comfortable.

Easy to Take Care Of, Easy to Clean

Dentures need to be kept moist in order to keep their shape and fit well in your mouth. Your saliva naturally moistens the dentures as though they were real teeth. They still require moisture when they are taken out. You will be shown by your dentist how to soak dentures overnight. To ensure that your dentures last a long time, it is important to follow the correct storage instructions.

Dentures Prevent You From Unnecessary Dental Visits

The right set of dentures will help you avoid having to visit the dentist as often as possible. It can be frustrating to have to make appointments for emergency dentistry when you have problems with your mouth or pain. Functional procedures can be offered by dentists while providing long-term solutions for your mouth that keep you away from unnecessary pain or discomfort.

Dentures Can Be Brushed and Flossed

Dentures must be cleaned daily. They must be cleaned daily in the same way you brush your natural teeth after eating. Plaque and food can accumulate on denture material. Still, this can cause damage to the whole device, leading to costly repairs.

Brush your dentures with a soft brush and a denture cleaning product every day to keep them in top shape.

Dentures Give You More Freedom

Dentures give you the ability to use your mouth as normal. Still, if you’ve ever had to deal with missing, broken, or decayed teeth, you know how frustrating and difficult it can be to not be able to use a portion of your mouth for eating or chewing. You will feel like new with dentures. These prosthetic teeth can be used to restore your smile and replace missing teeth.

Visit Your Dental Experts for Customized Denture Treatments Today!

You should consult your dentist about your oral health. Missing teeth can lead to gum disease, cavities, and other health issues. To find out if your dentures are suitable for you, you can make an appointment with Dr. Tarun Patel at My Dentist Anaheim. It’s important that you can eat, chew, smile, and breathe like you used to, and you shouldn’t be held back from these things by pain and discomfort.

Our custom dentures in Anaheim can be fitted perfectly to your mouth, offering you a second chance at stellar oral health. You’re more likely to develop serious dental problems if it is too late to get dental care, so acting fast is important. To prevent future dental problems and maintain your healthy teeth, get transformative dentistry by contacting our expert care team now!

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