Dental implants are a permanent solution to your missing or broken teeth, giving you a brand-new set of dentures that become an extension of your natural smile. Anyone who has gone through major dental damage or has multiple missing teeth is a likely candidate for dental implants. Not only do they last a lifetime, they are also guaranteed to give good results as the most successful restorative dentistry procedure in the world. Below, we have the top 5 ways to pay for dental implants.

Top 5 Ways to Pay for Dental Implants

Paying for your dental implants may not be as straightforward of a process, however. Depending on your budget, your insurance plan, and your immediate dental care needs, there are a few different ways for you to afford this treatment. Below, we will list the top 5 ways to pay for dental implants in Anaheim.

Dental Insurance

Every dental insurance plan is different, so it can be difficult to determine early on whether or not your policy will cover implants. The first step is to schedule a consultation with an oral surgeon who will conduct a thorough exam to diagnose your biggest dental problems. Your insurance may decide to cover some, all, or none of your treatment.

Apply for a Dental Grant

Dental grants are not commonly known, but they are emerging on the scene as an increasingly accessible option for patients in need of special funds. Dental grants can be given away to patients who meet different sets of requirements to become eligible. You might be able to find the best dental grants near you online, or you can get in touch with our Aneheim experts to see what grant options might be available to you.

Use Personal Savings

Saving money is usually a lot easier said than done, but if you have been fortunate enough to save up some extra money in an account, now is the perfect time to use it. Savings are typically reserved for medical procedures, emergencies, and any major life need. Dental implant surgery is an intensive procedure that involves the permanent application of new teeth, so it is important that you have the right budget set aside for it.

Start a Payment Plan

Some dentist’s offices will offer payment plans to help break up large sums into smaller monthly payments. Whether or not you have dental insurance, you may be able to qualify for a payment plan after speaking with your dental provider. Not every dental practice offers financing options, so it is important to do your research before you commit to your dental implants treatment.

Get a Loan

If you are struggling financially, it is not recommended for you to take out a personal or a home equity loan to pay for your dental implants. However, if your credit and lender allow for it, then taking out a loan for this major dental procedure is not a bad idea. You can speak with your bank, with a private lender, or with a third-party loan company about your options for funding a dental procedure. Your local dental team may also be able to help you out.

Your Dental Implants Procedure is Worth It!

No matter your budget or the urgency of your needs, it is important to find a way to cover your dental implants treatment. The longer you go without taking care of your teeth, the worse your oral health will get; this, in turn, will lead to more expensive procedures. You can ask about our array of payment options when you visit our dentist for a personal consultation. If you are struggling with missing or broken teeth, you should not hesitate to address your needs. Dental implants can get you on the fast track to good overall health, extending both the quality and the length of your life.

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