Dentures can give patients a new lease on the life of their teeth, as these dental fixtures can imitate the look and perform the functions of a natural set of teeth. This has made them one of the mainstays for your dentist since their inception. Below, we cover the denture diet.

The Denture Diet: 5 Foods to Avoid with Dentures

However, there are some foods to avoid if you want to keep your dentures in top shape, especially when you first receive these fixtures. These foods have the potential to interfere with the health of your dentures.

If you’ve recently had dentures installed or are just thinking about receiving this type of treatment, take a look at this guide to the kinds of foods to avoid in order to keep yours healthy.

What Are Dentures?

A complete set of artificial teeth that feel and look like genuine teeth is called a denture. A complete set of teeth is usually replaced with dentures. One may want to have all of their teeth replaced for a variety of reasons, such as illness, tooth decay, or pregnancy-related issues. Dentures come in a variety of forms to suit the requirements of various people as well as their dental health.

Dentures are durable and long-lasting when properly cared for. These days, dentures can be easily mistaken for real teeth by many due to their sophisticated appearance. To become used to wearing dentures without compromising them by eating the wrong foods, take a look at this list of substances to avoid. This will ensure that you’re able to keep your dentures for longer.

1. Steak

Steak has the potential to be very chewy and tough. This can spell trouble for your dentures, which have the potential to be damaged or even dislodged by excessive chewing. If you do choose to eat red meat, consider cutting your steak into chewy and bite-sized pieces in order to lessen the impact that this tough material has on your teeth.

2. Popcorn

Popcorn is another type of food that it pays to dodge if you have a new set of dentures. Part of this is due to the fact that the kernels of the popcorn have a tendency to dislodge and get trapped in one’s teeth. If a kernel gets trapped underneath your dentures, it has the potential to create extreme irritation in your mouth. Avoiding this food can prevent this problem.

3. Drinks that stain your teeth

There are a number of drinks that are quite popular that, unfortunately, have the potential to stain one’s teeth and dentures. Dentures are unfortunately not immune to staining even though they’re prosthetic. New dentures are, unfortunately, even more prone to this. In addition, caffeinated drinks have a tendency to cause dehydration. This can cause further problems due to the fact that saliva is a natural lubrication that prevents friction between your new dentures and your gums.

4. Nuts

Try to hold off on eating too many nuts for the first few months of wearing dentures. Nuts are hard foods that have the potential to cause damage to one’s dentures if they’re over eaten. In addition, dentists recommend that denture patients attempt to chew with both sides of the mouth. Most people have a tendency to subconsciously chew nuts in the back of their mouth, which can create an imbalance in their dentures.

5. Sticky Candy

Sticky candies are another type of food that can wreak havoc both on one’s natural teeth and on their dentures. Some examples of the types of candies to avoid include caramel, brittle, gummies, toffee and the like. Dentures are actually even more vulnerable to having these substances stick to them than one’s natural teeth. On the upside, dentures do not corrode from the effects of sugar like natural teeth do. Following this, you can replace sticky candies with candy that doesn’t tend to stick to one’s teeth.

Denture Friendly Foods

There are many types of foods that are considered denture-friendly. Especially in the initial stages of getting used to your new dentures, eating things like soft cereals, broths, vegetables, juice, and yogurt are good choices. On the sweeter side, chocolate, ice cream, and fruit offer patients many opportunities to satisfy their sweet tooth without damaging their dentures.

The Best Dentist in Anaheim

My Dentist Anaheim is here for whatever your needs might be with regards to keeping your dentures healthy. If you’re interested in having a conversation about an upcoming denture installation, contact our dentists in Anaheim today to schedule an appointment.

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